Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Lar of Galen...
The National Football League set a record during the month of September: For the first time in 15 years, not a single player was arrested!!!  No drug busts, no bar fights, no wives or girlfriends knocked out in an elevator and dragged unconscious through a hotel lobby, and no kids beaten with tree limbs (as far as we know).  SHAME on President Obama for failing to send a public message of congratulations and appreciation for this sterling example of good citizenship.
FURTHERMORE, sale of items meant to bring awareness to the battle against breast cancer (pink shoe laces, pink ribbon emblems, pink gloves, etc) accounted for almost 8% of all merchandise sales!  And a whopping 0.01% of cash raised by the selling of these items was donated to support cancer research.  Again, a fine example of what America is all about.

The people who want to severely restrict your 2nd Amendment rights (they’dreally like to rescind them altogether) are the same people that claim that having to show a free government-issued picture ID to vote is too restrictive and an attempt to disenfranchise minorities.  They ALSO want to grant citizenship to massive numbers of invaders – a large percentage of whom commit crimes with guns (that had to be obtained illegally since they aren’t citizens – possibly provided by the very same government that wants to take away your guns).  Just saying.

Lar of Galen...

Unfortunately, his invitation to come to the White House after he recovers ..... never happened.   If only he hadn’t served in our evil military, but had torn up an alarm clock and made it look like a bomb . . . .

Heroic Army Veteran Shot Multiple Times After He Charged Oregon Shooter

Screen Shot 2015-10-02 at 10.35.11 AM
Courageous man.
A heroic student charged at the Oregon college shooter and was shot five times as he tried to save his classmates, his family said.
Army veteran Chris Mintz, 30, was taken to hospital following the massacre at Umpqua Community College on Thursday morning.
His cousin Derek Bourgeois told that Mintz faced Chris Harper-Mercer, 26, who killed at least 10 people at the school in Roseburg.
‘I was told he went after the shooter,’ Bourgeois told
‘There was no way he was going to stand around and watch something this horrific happen.’
Bourgeois, who lives in North Carolina, said no vital organs were hit when Mintz was shot multiple times, but he is expected to recover after spending most of Thursday in surgery.
According to his family, both of his legs are broken and he will have to learn to walk again.

October 5, 2015

Hey, President Obama: politicize this

By Ethel C. Fenig

Okay, President Barack Obama (D).  You want to politicize mass shootings, so, agreeable person that I am, I'll help you do just that.

Why is it that Chicago, Illinois, your home town, located in C(r)ook County in the dead broke state of Illinois – all controlled by Democrats, especially the city and the county – has become notorious for the daily drip, drip count of shootings?  Here are some typical recent ones.
Well, okay, you get the idea – as you said, you're tired of the same old, same old again and again.  As for the shooters, well, they too are the same old, same old – or the same young.  They usually look like the sons you might have had, as do most of the victims, or else a lot like Michelle's relatives.  If not, they resemble the illegal immigrants you allow to enter the country.  Very rarely do they resemble your mother's relatives.  

Yeah, the shootings, while not as tragically compelling or newsworthy as the recent ones in Oregon or Chattanooga or other scenes of mass violence that grab the media's attention, have more horrific totals.
"Sensible, commonsense gun laws," you answer as a way of combatting this urban warfare.  

But...but...Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation, so owning a gun legally is difficult.  But – and I'm sure this will come as a shock to the Obama and Robinson legal-beagle dream team, graduates of the best undergraduate and law schools in the country, even though we don't know your grades – the shooters don't care about such niceties as legally obtaining a gun by putting up with such pesky bureaucratic nonsense as background checks, licensing, and classes.  Somehow, somewhere, these teenage shooters – and most of them are the age of your cute daughters – who rarely attend school, manage to get their hands on guns and shoot, shoot, shoot despite the best efforts of law enforcement.  And yes, the latter do try.  Yeah, I'm shocked, too.  

Well, you know that old cliché: when guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.  Now that's common sense about guns.

I have always liked Mike Rowe.  An intelligent, genuine man who stands behind every word he says. 

Media SJW’s and The Blaze take Mike Rowe’s comments out of context and he strikes back.

Mike Rowe
Public Figure · 2,862,044 Likes
 · Yesterday at 12:10pm · 
Off The Wall
Steve Barton writes,
Mike Rowe, you're an arrogant a-hole for saying that we as Americans are cartoonish buffoons for not knowing what a "bomb" looks like. Who puts a clock in a briefcase that his parents would let him take this to school knowing it looked quite a bit like a bomb? I used to like/respect Mike Rowe, but he needs to fade away after insulting us all!
Hi Steve
Seems my comments on The Blaze have ruffled your feathers. Well, you’re not alone. Lot’s of people are surprised that I’d say anything in defense of a kid who intentionally brought a device onto school property that resembled a bomb - including me! I just watched the video and cringed, because my comments as presented do not begin to reflect my actual feelings about what happened in Texas.…/mike-rowe-tells-theblaze-the-fir…/
I assure you, if I thought for a second my “first thoughts” about a serious incident would be used to comprise an entire “story” on The Blaze, I’d have taken a very different approach to my answer. Now, I’m afraid the lack of context has created a false impression. Allow me to clarify.
Prior to the Ahmed question, I’d been talking about the degree to which Americans had become “disconnected” from things like energy, work, food, and a few other fundamental things I typically blather on about. My larger point was that most of these “disconnects” are rooted in a basic misunderstanding of how the world actually works. We're confused about the way jobs are "created." We're no longer impressed by the miracle of affordable electiricty, or indoor plumbing, or the simple fact that 1.5% of the population is feeding 300 million people three times a day. My comments about Ahmed and his timer were intended to amplify my belief that most people are likewise disconnected from the world of high explosives. I was trying, unsuccessfully in this clip, to make the point that bombs have become so ubiquitous - (shoes, underwear, suitcases, etc.) - that few people could be reasonably expected to identify one at a glance.
That was the context of my comments, and as the headline says, it was the “first thing” that stuck me about the incident. It was not the “second thing,” or the “third thing,” or of course - the “Most Important Thing” - which I’ll gladly spell out for you now. Ready? Here it is, with quotes and everything, ready for attribution -
“If you’re going to bring something into a school in this day and age that the average person is likely to identify as a weapon - you should expect to be treated very, very roughly. I don't care if your name's Andrew or Ahmed. It's not going to end well for you.” - Mike Rowe.
Obviously, we can’t expect our teachers to know the difference between weapons that are fake and weapons that a real. Nor can we expect them to know the difference between a genuine threat and an empty one. It would be helpful if the bad guys wore black hats and the good guys wore white hats and all bombs looked like the thing Ahmed brought to school that day. Alas, those days are gone, if they were ever here at all. We can no longer assume that anything is exactly what it appears to be - including articles on the internet.
Anyway Steve, you’re not wrong to wonder why I would say such a hair-brained thing. But if you really care about the truth, I might suggest you dig a little deeper than a random sound-bite posted for no other purpose than ginning up controversy before scooping up your marbles and stomping home. There's only one place on line (or on the air,) where I'm in complete control of what I say and what is actually published or broadcast. And that place is here.
Carry on -

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