Saturday, January 23, 2016


Defense Secretary Slips Up, Reveals Obama Admin LED IRAN Straight to Our Sailors

It doesn’t matter if “the 3 a.m. phone call” comes in the middle of the day. Not only will the Obama administration not answer it, but they’ll aid our enemies instead.
First came the fact that President Barack Obama refused to address the arrest of 10 of our sailors by the Iranian military after their boats had mechanical trouble at sea. Then came news that the Obama administration had offered the Iranians an apology for the release of the sailors.
Now comes the disturbing revelation, apparently delivered by Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, that the Obama administration tipped off the Iranians that our soldiers were lost at sea and requested their aid.
The news came from Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, during an interview on TheBlaze’s Dana Loesch shortly after Iran’s arrest of the sailors had come to light.
“I understand that (Secretary of State) John Kerry has indicated, look, when he got word, he and Ash Carter called the Iranians to help take care of our Navy guys, because they had some mechanical problems,” Gohmert said.
I’ll give you a second to pick your jaw off the floor.
“When our Navy ships have problems, we don’t call Iran. We call the rest of the Navy. We can call the Air Force, the Army, the Marines, Coast Guard. We don’t call Iran,” Gohmert said.
He also took a swipe at Kerry’s closeness with Iranian officials, noting how the former Democrat presidential nominee had the son of Iran’s foreign minister as the best man at his daughter’s wedding.
“But I guess, you know, if you have relatives that have weddings that involve the people that are in charge in Iran, well, maybe you feel that comfortable,” Gohmert said. “But you know, Dana, there are secrets on every military ship we have … that has no business being in the hands of the Iranians.”
But, hey — the Obama administration has given the Iranians everything else via the Iran deal, why not give them Navy secrets, as well?
This shows just how derelict the Obama administration was in its duty. Not only did they apologize to the Iranians, they actively delivered our sailors into the clutches of their military.
This rot starts at the top — and if Barack Obama can apologize to Iran, he can also apologize to the American people.

You have probably heard that her emails included several that were tagged “SAP”, which is “Special Access Program”.  This means there is an exclusionary list of who is allowed to see the info, regardless of their security clearance.  In 1987 I participated in a program that was classified Secret – SAP, and I still can’t talk about details. Even those with Top Secret clearance did not have access.  These particular emails of Hillary’s were Top Secret – SAP, because they concerned black ops, names of operatives (Holy Mission Impossible, Batman!), etc.  And they were put on a private server.
BTW, just last night I heard on Fox that her original disclaimer was “I never sent or received any classified emails”.  She then modified it to “I never sent or received any emails marked ‘Classified’”.  This is more disingenuous [in place of an out-and-out lie], because items are either marked “NOT CLASSIFIED”, or by their level of classification -- such as “Confidential”, “Secret”, or “Top Secret – SAP”. NOW she is claiming that sometimes aids forwarded the emails to her, and they often cut off all the info at the top.  Typical Clinton tactic: blame an underling.

And these unnamed underlings have Top Secret – SAP clearance?!?  Yeah, in this administration – it could happen.

Find Out How Much Obamacare Rates Increased in Your State

Premiums under the Affordable Care Act will rise in nearly every state this year, spiking health insurance costs for nearly all Americans, according to a new report.
All states, with the exception of Mississippi, saw the cost of health insurance premiums increase for 2016. And in most states, Americans using Obamacare’s individual marketplace to purchase insurance saw premium costs rise by double digits.
Freedom Partners, a nonprofit organization advocating free markets and limited government, reported that four states—Minnesota, Alaska, Tennessee, and Hawaiiwill be hit with average premium increases of 30 percent or more. Another 17 states will see spikes of at least 20 percent.
Nathan Nascimento, the group’s senior policy adviser, said a “sicker risk pool” coupled with Obamacare’s “onerous and crushing mandates” caused the across-the-board hikes.
“In many states, insurers are finding increased costs and burdensome mandates under the law to be unsustainable, and are exiting the marketplace altogether,” Nascimento told The Daily Signal, adding:
Others are facing a variety of harmful side effects of Obamacare, with young, healthy people opting out of coverage or finding their plans unaffordable and dropping out before the end of the year.
This state-by-state chart summarizes the group’s findings:

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Twelve Things EVERYONE Should Know In Order to Preserve Our Republic

by Sylvia Andrews
We are a republic, and it’s important that we remain one.  Unfortunately, some of the citizens of this country have fallen for all the lies, distortions, and withholding of information by this Socialist, pro-Muslim, anti-Israel, anti-American administration.   Of course, the mainstream media is complicit in assisting in this fundamental “transformation” of America.   We need to remind Americans and those who are guests in this country of many things.   This is the United States of America and if you are fortunate enough to live here and enjoy all that this land has to offer, then abide by the following:
1. Our law is the Constitution of the United States.   No, there will be no sharia or any other foreign law.
2. This country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and we prefer to live that way.   All religions are free to worship as they wish, but do not impose your religion on others.  
3. To the atheists…if you choose to not have a religion and not believe in God, that is your prerogative, but stop imposing your ideas on everyone else.   By the way, how come you never target Muslims, only Christians and Jews?
4. I personally do not agree with the liberal, progressive mindset, but they, of course, are free to express themselves.   However, this doesn’t work both ways.   They want everyone to agree with them and think like them.   If you don’t, then you’re immediately bashed and demonized.   There is no civility or freedom of thought with progressives.
5. Political correctness has to go.   The use of certain words are prohibited in some universities, such as “American”, “opposite sex”, “senior citizen”, and “obese”.   Every time you turn around someone is offended by what you say or don’t say.   Enough!   Freedom of speech must be maintained, and if some are offended, so be it. 
 6. Let’s look at the Muslim situation.   Mr. Obama keeps bringing them here, giving in to their demands and spending millions of taxpayer dollars on them.  Why?   Many  do not assimilate, hate our culture and traditions, demand everything and get offended constantly about anything and everything.   We need to stop importing them and send many back where they came from.   This administration does not import Christians from the Middle East, who are being tortured, raped, sold into slavery and beheaded, daily.   Why doesn’t he bring them here as well?  
7. There are over 35 Muslim terrorist training camps here in this country.   Why aren’t they being shut down?   They pose a tremendous security risk for Americans.  
8. It seems to be fashionable these days, among the left, to hate America.   Well, that’s easily remedied.   Those who hate this country should leave.   We do not need, or want, them here.  
9. Our flag should always be displayed with pride.   If some are offended by this then I suggest that they go somewhere where they will like the flag of that country.  
10. Too many schools, universities and organizations are giving in to ridiculous demands from Muslim and atheist groups.   Stop it!
11. Don’t believe everything you read or see on television.   The mainstream media has forgotten what journalism is supposed to be, and objectivity and fairness are no longer found.   Instead, they have become the lackeys for the White House, Democrat party, Academia, and the looney-lefties in Hollywood.  
12. Teach our children American history, not the five pillars of Islam.  
It’s time to wake up and start using common sense and logic.   It’s time to remember what so many have given so much to preserve our republic.   Do not allow it to disappear.

Monday, January 11, 2016


Lar of Galen...YOU need to read what Rep. Greg Walden of Oregon has to say.  Many of you hate hearing about political issues, but we have reached a breaking point and you need to realize that your freedom and the fate of this nation is in dire jeopardy. Our government wavers between inept to malicious.  People are going to prison for trying to maintain their livelihoods.  I’m not a rancher, but it is clear to me that if the government can do this to them, it’s only a matter of time before they find some reason to turn on you.  Yesterday, Rush related how in 2009 BO explained to a woman – oh so rationally – how Obamacare would not allow her 90-year-old grandmother to have a pacemaker because it would be a waste of resources.  The fact that people think it’s okay for the government to be involved in health care is a perfect example of the term “useful idiots”.  The fact that our government would dictate who may have what treatments is astounding. The situation in Oregon shows how the government takes power it was not granted and uses it to abuse citizens.  If the founding fathers were alive today we’d already be in the middle of a civil war.

I didn’t get to watch BO’s townhall on guns, but I would have gotten sick and fallen into a coma if I had.  What I have learned, though, is that he repeatedly had to admit that the actions he has proposed (ordered) would do nothing to stop any of the violence he says this is aimed at: Not active shooters, not terrorists, not criminals running in the streets. So, why do it if it won’t do any of the good things you say you are doing it far?  Well, they certainly are not a first step towards taking your guns away.  That’s just crazy conspiracy talk from the NRA.  He just wants to make it impossible for you to have guns or ammo thru criminalization, taxation, and liability risks.  SEE??!!??  Huge difference there.  And BTW, BO kept making snide remarks about how the NRA was invited, but didn’t have the courage to show up.  Yes, they were invited – and told they could ask only 1, single question.  Fortunately, the moderator and audience kept holding BO’s feet to the fire.  He did his usual song and dance, but to any thinking, sane person he fell on his face.

For as many guns as the people in the US have, the proportion of gun related crimes is very small. Maybe the reason is because the law abiding people who are gun owners believe that owning a gun or guns is a large responsibility and act accordingly, compared to other countries and it seems compared to Liberals, who for the most part are anarchists at heart and more willing to use a gun in the commission of a crime.

Do you know which country’s name goes in the blanks of this United States presidential speech? Good afternoon. I am pleased that the United States and _______ yesterday reached agreement on the text of a framework document on _______’s nuclear program. … This agreement is good for the United States, good for our allies, and good for the safety of the entire world.

Under the agreement, _______ has agreed to freeze its existing nuclear program and to accept international inspection of all existing facilities. This agreement represents the first step on the road to a nuclear-free _______. It does not rely on trust. Compliance will be certified by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
If your answer was “Iran,” you could not be faulted.
But the statements above are not about Iran, and they weren’t delivered by President Obama. They are words spoken by Bill Clinton in 1994 about a nuclear deal his administration had reached with North Korea.
And this week North Korea detonated what it claims was a hydrogen bomb—a much more dangerous upgrade from the atomic bomb it tested in 2013.


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