Sunday, May 31, 2015


20 Questions You’re Not Supposed To Ask In America Today

John Hawkins | May 30, 2015

1) If Islam is really a religion of peace, as opposed to a particularly violent religion, then why do so many people and organizations across the world refuse to show Muhammad cartoons out of fear that they'll be murdered by devout Muslims for doing it?
2) If illegal immigrants are supposed to help our economy, then why weren’t they helping the economies of the poor nations they fled?
3) Given that Hillary Clinton’s nearly accomplishment-free political career has been based on riding the coattails of a serial adulterer who has humiliated and cheated on her over and over, isn’t Hillary Clinton a terrible role model for young women?
4) If Barack Obama can directly contradict the laws on the books by refusing to deport millions of illegal aliens because of “prosecutorial discretion,” couldn’t a Republican President use the same precedent and refuse to prosecute people who don’t pay a capital gains tax or who violate EPA rules?
5) Wouldn’t it be just as stupid to send teenage Boy Scouts into the woods alone with gay men as it would to send teenage Girl Scouts into the woods alone with heterosexual men?
6) If Nazis (National Socialist German Workers' Party) were supposed to be Right Wing, then why did they proclaim themselves to be enemies of capitalism, implement socialist policies and call themselves socialists?
7) Why should we take the threat of climate change seriously enough to cut back our lifestyles when even Al Gore, the foremost promoter of global warming hysteria, lives in a mansion, flies on private jets and rides around in SUVs?
8) What’s the difference between say, the KKK and the NAACP, LA Raza, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam other than the color of their skin, the skin color of the people they hate and their level of societal acceptance?
9) If we’re not willing to ask middle class Americans to at least pay in taxes what services provided to them from the government cost, then isn’t it time to start paring back the services the government offers until we get to a level of government that everyone but the poor is willing and able to pay for?
10) If transsexuals are just mentally ill and need treatment, not trapped in the wrong body, then isn’t encouraging them to mutilate themselves via surgery instead of getting psychological treatment extremely harmful to them?
11) If ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) has nothing to do with Islam, then why does it have "Islamic" in its name?
12) Since women are now 33% more likely to earn college degrees than men, is it time to radically shift our education system in the name of equality so as to better educate men?
13) If cites like Detroit and Baltimore have been run by liberals for decades, then aren’t Democrats fully responsible for the problems those cities have?
14) Isn’t it racist to argue that black Americans are so uniquely stupid and incompetent that they can’t even manage to get a government ID to vote?
15) If a man works more hours than a woman, takes off less time to be with his children and does more unpleasant, difficult jobs, shouldn’t he make more money than she does?
16) Isn’t a media personality -- with a platform that gets him out to large numbers of people -- who falsely accuses someone of racism doing much more damage to society and promoting more hatred than some hick or frat boy who hates black people because of the color of their skin?
17) If Barack Obama can make large changes to Obamacare without the approval of Congress, then couldn’t a Republican President use the same precedent to gut Obamacare regardless of what Congress has to say about it?
18) If gay marriage is a violation of the "equal protection" clause of the Constitution, how did that "right" lie undiscovered since 1868, a span of almost 150 years?
19) If gun-free zones are effective and border fences are ineffective, why is the border of the White House surrounded by a huge fence guarded by lots of Secret Service agents with guns?
20) If black Americans commit 49.3% of all murders and account for 51.5% of all violent crime among juveniles, yet there are almost two white Americans killed by the police for every black American (2,151 vs. 1130 over 12 years), then aren’t black Americans actually less likely to be killed by police than you’d expect given the crime statistics?

Friday, May 22, 2015


Lar of Galen...I heard Governor Abbot say on the radio today that he wasn’t trying to accuse the Feds of anything, “but part of my job is to answer citizens’ questions, and citizens around Bastrop are asking a lot of questions.” I do not believe this is the beginning of martial law/gun confiscation, but it might be practice for that day. There is no way a small unit can fan out from Bastrop and take over the whole of Texas. It would probably take the entire US military to try that. In a way, I wish this were “it”, that this administration would show its hand now. Failure of a blatant move now would guarantee big Demoncrat losses in November 2016. But personally, I do not believe the Constitution can be restored without rebooting the minds of liberals/socialist/Marxists/demoncrats/communists/progressives/Satanists (aka TCBs) with lead. Three generations (at least) have been so totally brainwashed and this evil so ingrained in our government and society, that I think we will ultimately have to apply Thomas Jefferson’s logic (The tree of Liberty must periodically be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants).

Lar of Galen...Beyond the whole “standards” issue – why do liberals want to turn women into killers?  What do they think the military is all about, much less special forces like the Rangers?   Of course, I already know the answer: It’s all about erasing the difference in the genders.  The same people who claim to worship nature are always fighting against God’s natural designs.  Satan wants to distort and destroy everything God made, substituting his perverse counterfeits so he can say “I am like the Most High.” And he has so many useful idiots doing his bidding without their even realizing it.  And I will never forgive them for taking the black beret away from the Rangers and giving it to every single cook, accountant, driver, supply clerk, etc. that joins the Army.  And to think rats ate mine, along with my original combat boots, while in storage.

Lar of Galen...Friday I caught the tail end of Rush’s comments about an article written by somebody else (Thomas Sowell, maybe?).  The best quote: “You cannot exempt any segment of society - regardless of color - from all responsibility, and expect them to grow up to be civilized people.”  Rush put it another way: “You can’t treat someone like livestock – feeding them, clothing them with no effort on their part – and expect them to somehow emerge as responsible human beings.”  Rush related how many trillions of dollars we’ve spent on “The War On Poverty”, with the result that more people are living in poverty than ever before. He stated that in the first 100 years after slavery, the black family was strong, and we didn’t have the anger and upheaval we have today. Everything changed with Lyndon Johnson and “The Great Society”.  After 50 years of liberal “kindness”, 73% of blacks are born out of wedlock, prison is a common experience for black men, EVER having to work is rare,  more live in poverty than ever – yet have cable TV and the latest cell phone, thanks to all the welfare programs. Then we wonder why we have such a high crime rate and riots in the black communities.

Jung Un   

  Kim Jung Un had NO military experience whatsoever before Daddy made him a four-star general.   This snot-nosed twerp had never accomplished anything in his life that would even come close to military leadership.   He hadn't even so much as led a Cub Scout troop, coached a sports team, or commanded a military platoon.   So he is made the "Beloved Leader" Of North Korea.   Terrific!   Oh crap!

  I'm sorry.   I just remembered that we did the same thing.   We took an arrogant phony community organizer, who had never worn a uniform, and made him Commander-in-Chief.   A guy, who had never had a real job, worked on a budget, or led anything more than an ACORN demonstration, and we made him "Beloved Leader" of the United States   TWICE!!! 

Rudy of New Jersey...Maybe the boy scout leader (President) needs a shaft in the ass so he can understand what the true meaning of homosexual really is all about! It is not a state of mind but a behavior that is socially abnormal. It is found in nature in animals, but those animals are soon killed off by the “normal behavior” animals. Not so in the human race where liberals try to make everything “normal” so we can live in peace. Did you notice all the peace in the world? Has it worked yet?

Thursday, May 21, 2015

How To Explain The Baltimore Riots In One Sentence…

It is a good thing this has pictures along with the libs could understand it. 

How To Explain The Baltimore Riots In One Sentence…

Courtesy of Sooper Mexican:
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Screen Shot 2015-05-08 at 10.21.47 PM
Nickarama | May 8, 2015 10:51 pm

Friday, May 1, 2015

Ask Not What You Can Do For Your Country, Ask What Your Country Can Give You For Free

Lar Of Galen Reparations: What about reparations for what my ancestors suffered?  They ALL got a raw deal.  Read the history of Ireland if you want to know how nasty the English can be.  The Irish language (Gaelic) almost became extinct between 1850 and 1890 because Irish is very difficult to speak when you’re dead.  The population of Ireland dropped from 9 million to 6 million during this time period because a third of the people either died or moved to America. And the English still occupy 1/4 of Ireland after almost 800 years. 
     Now, look at a map of Europe and find Bohemia.  Times up!  Bohemia was on the crossroads of every army in Europe and changed hands so often they could open a “Ten Flags” amusement park.  Do I even need mention the Choctaw and Cherokee?  Not such a square deal for them.  And lastly, I have an English surname because of my French ancestors.  They were Huguenots – Protestants.  And that was not a healthy thing in Catholic France.
     But you know why God let all of these people suffer?  So I could be born in Texas.  I’ve got my reparations, thank you very much!!!

More From Lar...TWO MORE reasons this is one of my favorite TV shows of all time (NCIS): Two weeks ago on NCIS, the case centered on a Petty Officer being murdered with a handgun involved in “Fast And Furious”.  Last week, a Marine Captain is tortured and killed in his home by terrorists who are trying to locate an Afghani who defected to the US from Al Qaida. When Gibbs’ team finds the man, the State Department demands they turn him over to the terrorists in exchange for a Marine who was captured in Afghanistan (no, he wasn’t an AWOL puke who wants to shut down Gitmo). Of course, Gibbs finds a way to save them both.  I’m not building high expectations, but when Hollywood starts slamming The Commie-Muslim-in-Chief, it kinda gives me a little hope, even if it is a show for old-fogies.

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