Thursday, January 29, 2015


The federal government, armed with threats of "disparate impact" suits, forced lenders to relax standards and write bad mortgages to minorities. When they defaulted, the government forced settlements from the same lenders, again based on "disparate impact" theory, for the "predatory lending" that the government forced them to engage in. This was a major cause of the housing bubble and 2008 collapse, and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were complicit. What the media have, for the most part, assiduously avoided is that "mortgage backed securities" only went bad because the underlying loans were no good—not necessarily because they were defective financial instruments. 
Banks do not, in a free market, have any incentive to write bad mortgages. But the Holder Justice Department forced the banks to make bad loans, then settle bogus suits for having done so, then forced responsible taxpayers to bail out both the banks and those who bought houses they clearly couldn't afford. The banks win—they made, then lost money on bad mortgages but got bailed out—but now they're dependent on the government (see: insurance industry under Obamacare). Millions from settlements are diverted to ACORN-like groups to "get out the vote". While blacks lose financially and feel like victims, whipping up racial resentment, the Democratic Party capitalizes, reaping donations from cowed banks while consolidating their political lock on constituents even more dependent on their "largesse".  
This has been the playbook for 60 years (see: Detroit). Republicans ended slavery and passed the Civil Rights Act. Since blacks switched parties, the Democrats have re-enslaved them with social programs that have destroyed the black family and church, economic policies which keep them relatively poor, and rhetoric which re-
enforces a victim mentality.

By Jared DillianJanuary 29, 2015

Socialism Is Like a Nude Beach—Sounds Like a Great Idea Until You Get There

I’ve been following the activities of Syriza for a long time. They started putting up big numbers in the polls in Greece three or four years ago.
Syriza has a message that’s very popular with Greeks: Screw Germany. The word they use to describe what’s happened to Greece during the period of time since the debt crisis is “humiliation.”
To be fair, if you owe a lot of money to someone, it can be tempting to give them the finger. When Greece’s debt was restructured, it was done in such a fashion that none of the debt was really forgiven, but the maturities were extended far out in the future. Since Greece doesn’t grow (for structural, demographic, and cultural reasons), this is known as extend and pretend. Everyone knew, even back then, that the only hope Greece would have to avoid default would be whatever ability they had to refinance.
Greece has been struggling under the yoke of this debt over the last few years, and the Greeks are sick of being serfs. So Europe gets the bird, although deep down, Greece doesn’t really want to drop out of the euro. They get a lot of benefits from being part of the Eurozone, namely purchasing power and low interest rates.
So naturally, having and eating their cake simultaneously is the goal.
But Alexis Tsipras (the head of Syriza) will threaten to not pay to get what he wants, and it will be interesting to see if Germany will call his bluff. The German people have a pretty low opinion of Greece these days, so if it’s politically palatable to eject Greece from the euro, Merkel might do it.
But Tsipras at least has a credible bargaining chip: He says he can deliver higher tax revenues through better enforcement, as Greeks are notorious tax cheats. If he can pull it off, then Greece may not default.
That’s all a very nice story, but I don’t believe it for a second. There will be no increased tax revenue. It’s all talk.
I want to talk a little about Syriza and who they are, because the mainstream press likes to frame them as an “anti-austerity” party. But they are much more than that. In reality, they are just one step away from full communism.
If you don’t believe me, take a look at the Syriza Wikipedia page. SYRIZA, which is an acronym of the Greek words for Coalition of the Radical Left, until recently, wasn’t really a party at all—just a collection of parties cobbled together under the auspices of screwing creditors.
Here’s a list of the parties that coalesced under the umbrella of Syriza:
  • Active Citizens
  • Anticapitalist Political Group
  • Citizens’ Association of Riga
  • Communist Organization of Greece (KOE):
  • Communist Platform of Syriza: Greek section of the International Marxist Tendency
  • Democratic Social Movement (DIKKI)
  • Ecosocialists of Greece
  • Internationalist Workers’ Left (DEA)
  • Movement for the United in Action Left (KEDA)
  • New Fighter
  • Radical Left Group Roza
  • Radicals
  • Red
  • Renewing Communist Ecological Left (AKOA)
  • Synaspismós
  • Union of the Democratic Centre
  • Unitary Movement
  • And a number of independent leftist activists
Sounds like some nice folks you’d have over for dinner and a game of Trivial Pursuit.
In addition to debt forgiveness, Syriza wants a bunch of other stuff, including forgiveness of bank debt for people who are unable to meet their obligations. It’s no coincidence that the Greek stock market was down 13% when the snap election was announced, led by the banks.
In the entire post-World War II period, you’d be hard pressed to find a farther-left national government in Europe than what Greece has now.
In the interest of full disclosure, I think it’s important to point out that I’m a very free-market kind of guy, and if something is bad for markets, I oppose it. I think the Greek Syriza experiment will turn out very badly, and the Greeks will end up with a sharply lower standard of living, however that comes about.
If it comes about by exiting the euro, an immediate consequence will be that they can count on a very weak drachma and high interest rates, possibly followed by high inflation. There will be food and energy shortages. There will be pretty much everything you had in Cuba and Venezuela, just in a less extreme form. Economic misery will abound. And just as a reminder, it is very hard for such places to be governed democratically.
Every once in a while finance gives us these gifts—little controlled experiments where you can watch how two competing economic philosophies play out. East and West Germany. North and South Korea. Even among the 50 US states. As you go around the world, you can see what works and what doesn’t.
Many people think the Scandinavian countries are socialist, but they aren’t—they are very capitalist economies with high levels of redistribution. Sweden was socialist from 1968-1993, but not today. Don’t confuse that with what is going on in Greece. Greece’s economy already is dysfunctional, and it’s going to get worse. We are going to see what happens to this little Marxist archipelago, formerly a member in good standing of the European Economic Community.
But I am getting ahead of myself. As of today, they’re still a member.
The trades here are very easy. It’s hard to have a stock market in a country where property rights barely exist. It’s hard to have bank loans or bonds where debt can be arbitrarily forgiven by the government. The nonexistence of capital markets is bad, contrary to what some folks think.
I don’t usually say things like this, but any Greek stock above zero is a potential short. Politics, like stocks, has a habit of trending—for a very long time.

Friday, January 23, 2015


The ‘black lives matter’ slogan excludes the unborn.

By J. Kenneth Blackwell - - Wednesday, January 21, 2015
"Black lives matter" has become the slogan of anti-police protests across the nation, but the target of the protests is so misplaced that the motives of the so-called civil rights leaders behind the movement must be questioned. Do they really care about black lives? Or are they cynically exploiting isolated incidents, such as the death of Michael Brown, to inflame the black population and advance their own political interests?
Today, on the somber anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision, it's time for black leaders to face up to the real danger threatening black lives in America. It isn't the police. According to an anti-police brutality organization, the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, 313 blacks were killed by "police, security guards and vigilantes" in 2013. It isn't even black criminals, who, as Rudy Giuliani famously pointed out on "Meet the Press," are responsible for 93 percent of violent deaths among blacks. Sources estimate that between 6,000 and 8,000 blacks are murdered each year.
No, the greatest danger to blacks is found precisely where we ought to be safest: in our mothers' wombs. In 2010, the most recent year for which statistics are available, 138,539 black babies were aborted.
Thankfully, abortion is on the decline in America, down 3 percent between 2007 and 2010, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Strikingly, the number of surgical abortion clinics has plummeted, from 2,176 in 1991 to 551 today. Nevertheless, the CDC report that in 2010, a staggering 765,651 abortions were performed in the United States. Black women continue to have the highest abortion rate of any ethnic group, with a gruesome 483 abortions for every 1,000 live births.
The bottom line? I'll say it again: 138,539 black babies, nearly one baby in three, were killed in the womb in 2010. According to the CDC, between 2007 and 2010, innocent black babies were victimized in nearly 36 percent of the abortion deaths in the United States, though blacks represent only 12.8 percent of the population. Some say the abortion capital of America is New York City. According to LifeSiteNews, the city's Department of Health reported that in 2012, more black babies were aborted (31,328) than born (24,758). That's 55.9 percent of black babies killed before birth. Blacks represented 42.4 percent of all abortions.
Legalized abortion is working out exactly as Margaret Sanger intended. Sanger, the founder of the nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, was part of the eugenics movement back in the 1930s. Her goal was to use abortion to cull what she considered inferior races from the human gene pool. According to Sanger, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." She opened her first abortion clinics in inner cities, and it's no accident that even today, "79 percent of Planned Parenthood's abortion facilities are located in black or minority neighborhoods."
We mustn't forget that babies aren't the only victims of abortion. Sadly, more and more of the mothers are suffering and dying as well. Though many people continue to deny it, the link between abortion and breast cancer has been amply documented, and this deadly consequence of abortion is plaguing greater and greater numbers of black women.
Ironically, black women used to suffer from breast cancer less frequently than white women. Not any longer. The Black Women's Health Imperative notes that according to an American Cancer Society report, black women now develop breast cancer almost as frequently as whites, and are more likely to die from the disease. LifeSiteNews also cites an American Cancer Society report that black women under age 40 now are more likely to develop breast cancer than their white counterparts. They can thank Margaret Sanger — and some of today's so-called civil rights leaders.
Sanger relied on black ministers to act as Judas goats leading their sisters to abortion mills. According to LifeSiteNews, Sanger wrote in 1939, "We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Some black leaders are still acting as Judas goats today. LifeSiteNews cites black pro-life activist Ryan Bomberger: "Back in 2005, the NAACP praised the high black abortion rate as compared to the percentage of the population at a NARAL fundraising gala. When more black babies are aborted than are born alive in NYC and the NAACP responds by supporting Gov. [Andrew] Cuomo's radical abortion expansion via the misnamed 'Women's Equality Act,' one can understand how the targeting of minorities continues unabated."
Abortion is the greatest threat to black lives in America today. People who claim to represent the black community while also abetting the black holocaust — abortion — are hypocrites. Any "civil rights leader" who genuinely believes that "black lives matter" should be working to see that every black baby is accorded the very first civil right — the right to life.
J. Kenneth Blackwell is a policy board member of the American Civil Rights Union.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015



Friday, January 9, 2015



Rolph's friend stated: It is hard to believe we are cutting back so much on our national defense & its it air, sea, or land.

Rolph answered: It is not hard to believe when you consider that the President is trying to diminish the power and structure of this country on a global scale. His policies only make sense to someone that sympathizes with Islam and wants to stop the US from making policy that restricts ISIS and the others from spreading radical Islam. At a time when there is growing terrorism, does it make sense to release prisoners from our Cuban base that can return to their native countries and begin to fight for AQ again? This guy has an agenda that reverses American efforts and policies of the last sixty years.

On the home front, he is destroying the American infrastructure as much as possible and does nothing to end unrest in the streets, riots, and social unrest that seem to be racial in nature. He undermines law enforcement by having an Attorney General that investigates only what would stop the erosion process, and cares little about real law enforcement issues. He fights against any infrastructure improvement that makes this country stronger (pipeline) and energy independent in favor of far reaching technology that is vastly unproven as an excuse to defuse any discussion on the pipeline building and how we can make it safe, and uses restored relations with Cuba as a means to defuse attention to real issue that we need to address to protect ourselves against terrorism.

I don't believe all these issues that have come about are coincidence or are unrelated. There seems to be a plan to erode the infrastructure and tear down the American social model from the ground up. I can't remember a President of either party that has tried to disregard the Constitution and laws to do what he wants...... not even Clinton, who is a smart pervert and untrustworthy privateer.
Obama will do a lot of damage to everything we have built up since the end of WWII. We are in deep trouble because people who want a free ride from the Government have been allowed to determine who the sitting President is and what he stands for.  Those voters have been betrayed and will lose everything as well.

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