Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Luke 11:21 - Jesus said, “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed.”

Luke 22:36 – ... “whoever has no sword is to sell his coat and buy one”.
Book of Lar 1:1 – Always Remember  the Three Ps: Be Polite, Be Professional, Be Prepared to Kill Everyone You Meet.

Book of Lar 1:2 – Kill them all, and let God sort them out.

Lar of Galen...The most likely result will be neither Cruz or Trump getting the magic number, in which case some really bad things could happen at the convention.  If we end up with Kasich, Bush, or some other lame a**hole, I probably will not vote – unless I go third party.  I know this means Hillary could win, but I just can’t pull the lever for another establishment, liberal RINO.  The other night I heard Kasich proudly proclaim that he has passed laws that would stop the automatic elimination of felons from certain jobs, and would not eliminate mothers on welfare “just because they had another baby”. (We need to eliminate welfare altogether, you fool!)  Bill O’Reilly predicted that Ted Cruz will offer Kasich the VP slot before the convention in order to get his delegates. If that happens, I will stop supporting Cruz.  The main thing that separates him from Trump is his Conservative principals, and if he abandons them by taking on Kasich, I will “abandon” him.  I would still vote for him over Hillary, just like I would vote for Trump if he gets it.  But we must return to our founding principals NOW, or this county has no hope. Again, only God can save our country, but if we don’t get onto His side by sticking up for the divine institutions we were founded on (marriage, family, nationalism, free enterprise, individual rights based on individual responsibility) we as a nation are lost (BTW, I think O’Reilly is as full of sh*t as he is full of himself.  But I repeat myself somewhat)
PS: I would also remind everyone that in a lot of states, people can vote in whichever primary they wish – which means Democrats can vote it the Republican primary, skewing the number.  Liberal Republicans will get big numbers in the primary this way, then bomb in the general election (ala’ John McCain).   I guarantee Dems aren’t voting for Cruz.  Neither they or establishment Repukicans want him to get the nomination.
Lar of Galen...Gosh, you mean being in debt is bad?  We are in debt because of welfare and other such programs which are not authorized by the Constitution.  I didn’t authorize any of it, yet me and the rest of us in the middle class will be held responsible for it.  Us and our children, grandchildren, .... probably great grandchildren. And it won’t be enough.  You can’t tax enough to keep up with the spending.
Via Lorra of Pantherville...


America 1956 vs. America 2016

Is America a better place today than it was back in 1956? Of course many Americans living right now couldn’t even imagine a world without cell phones, Facebook or cable television, but was life really so bad back then? 60 years ago, families would actually spend time on their front porches and people would actually have dinner with their neighbors. 60 years ago, cars were still cars, football was still football and it still meant something to be an American. In our country today, it is considered odd to greet someone as they are walking down the street, and if someone tries to be helpful it is usually because they want something from you. But things were very different in the middle of the last century. Men aspired to be gentlemen and women aspired to be ladies, and nobody had ever heard of “bling”, “sexting” or “twerking”. Of course life was far from perfect, but people actually had standards and they tried to live up to them.

So how did it all go so wrong?

Could it be possible that life in America peaked back then and we have been in decline ever since?

Before you answer, I want to share with you a list of comparisons between life in America in 1956 and life in America in 2016…

In 1956, John Wayne, Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe were some of the biggest stars in the entertainment world.
In 2016, our young people look up to “stars” like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga.
In 1956, Americans were watching I Love Lucy and The Ed Sullivan Show on television.
In 2016, the major television networks are offering us trashy shows such as Mistresses and Lucifer.
In 1956, you could buy a first-class stamp for just 3 cents.
In 2016, a first-class stamp will cost you 49 cents.
In 1956, gum chewing and talking in class were some of the major disciplinary problems in our schools.
In 2016, many of our public schools have been equipped with metal detectors because violence has gotten so far out of control.
In 1956, children went outside and played when they got home from school.
In 2016, our parks and our playgrounds are virtually empty and we have the highest childhood obesity rate on the entire planet.
In 1956, if a kid skinned his knee he was patched up and sent back outside to play.
In 2016, if a kid skins his knee he is likely to be shipped off to the emergency room.
In 1956, “introducing solids” to a baby’s diet may have meant shoving a piece of pizza down her throat.
In 2016, we have “attachment parenting” which advocates treating children like babies almost until they reach puberty.
In 1956, seat belts and bicycle helmets were considered to be optional pieces of equipment, and car safety seats were virtually unknown.
In 2016, millions of us are afraid to leave our homes for fear that something might happen to us, and if something does happen we slap lawsuits on one another at the drop of a hat.
In 1956, many Americans regularly left their cars and the front doors of their homes unlocked.
In 2016, many Americans live with steel bars on their windows and gun sales are at all-time record highs.
In 1956, about 5 percent of all babies in America were born to unmarried parents.
In 2016, more than 40 percent of all babies in America will be born to unmarried parents.
In 1956, one income could support an entire middle class family.
In 2016, approximately one-third of all Americans don’t make enough money to even cover the basics even though both parents have entered the workforce in most households.
In 1956, redistribution of wealth was considered to be something that “the communists” did.
In 2016, the federal government systematically redistributes our wealth, and two communists are fighting for the Democratic nomination.
In 1956, there were about 2 million people living in Detroit and it was one of the greatest cities on Earth.
In 2016, there are only about 688,000 people living in Detroit and it has become a joke to the rest of the world.
In 1956, millions of Americans dreamed of moving out to sunny California.
In 2016, millions of Americans are moving out of California and never plan to go back.
In 1956, television networks would not even show husbands and wives in bed together.
In 2016, there is so much demand for pornography that there are more than 4 million adult websites on the Internet, and they get more traffic than Netflix, Amazon and Twitter combined.
In 1956, the American people had a great love for the U.S. Constitution.
In 2016, “constitutionalists” are considered to be potential terrorists by the U.S. government.
In 1956, people from all over the world wanted to come to the United States to pursue “the American Dream”.
In 2016, 48 percent of all U.S. adults under the age of 30 believe that “the American Dream is dead”.
In 1956, the United States loaned more money to the rest of the world than anybody else.

In 2016, the United States owes more money to the rest of the world than anybody else.

And there is one more thing that I would like to share with you before I wrap up this article.

This is what the New York skyline looked like on March 31st, 1956…

And this is the kind of thing that we are seeing displayed on the Empire State Building these days…

For those that don’t know, that is an image of the Hindu goddess of death, time and destruction known as Kali. And next month a reproduction of the 48-foot-tall arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria is going up in Times Square.

So now that you have seen what I have to share, what do you think?

Has America changed for the better, or has it changed for the worse?

The Top 7 Ways Liberals Are Making War on Women

John Hawkins Apr 09, 2016

One of the weirdest accusations that liberals have made in the last few years is that there’s a conservative “war on women.” So apparently, women like Condi Rice, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, Dana Loesch, S.E. Cupp and Nikki Haley are making war on themselves. Who knew?
If anybody is “waging a war on women,” it’s liberals. Of course, in the midst of their war on capitalism, Christianity, the military and the Constitution, it’s understandable that people may not have noticed how hateful liberals have become towards women who don’t share their views, but it’s not hard to see if you’re looking.
1) Disarming women: Unless you happen to be Ronda Rousey or some other female mixed martial arts fighter, a woman is not going to be able to stand up to a man in a fight. The average criminal man can rape, beat or slowly squeeze the life out of the average woman at will in a hand-to-hand fight. On the other hand, no matter how strong the man is, he’s not as dangerous as a trained woman with a gun. That’s why the best friend robbers, rapists and violent thugs have are liberals who want to forcibly disarm law abiding women.
2) Infanticide: More than 25 million female babies have been killed via abortion. That’s more human beings than the Nazis killed during the Holocaust. Liberals have become so cynical about the mounds of human bodies their polices leave in their wake that they almost universally supported Planned Parenthood even after we found out that organization was literally selling the parts of the children they ripped to pieces.
3) They denigrate stay-at-home moms: As a general rule, conservative are fine with a woman staying home and taking care of the kids or having a career. On the other hand, liberals look down on women who choose to stay home and raise their children. They have the same attitude as liberal congressman Kyrsten Sinema who has said,: “These women who act like staying at home, leeching off their husbands or boyfriends, and just cashing the checks is some sort of feminism because they’re choosing to live that life. That’s bull****. I mean, what the f*** are we really talking about here?”
4) They’re pressuring the military to add women to the draft: It’s bad enough that our young men have to sign up for the draft in case there’s a national emergency, but why do liberals want to send 18 year old girls into a potentially violent situation overseas? To prove some kind of dumb point about equality or to spread that false that women are just as good at the sort of violent confrontations that go along with war as men have turned out to be?
5) Liberals are okay with even the vilest behavior towards non-liberal women: If you’re a liberal politician like Bill Clinton or a Hollywood director like Roman Polanski, liberals will even excuse a rape on your behalf. Ted Kennedy was loved by liberals even though he left a woman to drown to death and didn’t bother to get help until she was gone. Just in the last few days, rapper Azealia Bankscalled for Sarah Palin to be gang raped by black men. The price she’ll pay for that amongst liberals is zero because they are perfectly fine with the most disgusting, loathsome, violent and misogynistic threats being aimed at women they don’t like.
6) Their economic policies are horrible for women: As Stephen Moore has noted, Obama’s liberal policies have been disastrous for women.
During Mr. Obama’s six and a half years in office women have suffered steeper declines in take home pay than men have. Women have also experienced sharper declines in employment and a faster rise in poverty. The financial squeeze has been especially severe for single women.
...On Mr. Obama’s watch, 2 million more women have slipped into poverty. Wait a minute. This is supposed to be an economic recovery. The poverty rate among women is now 16.1 percent — the highest level in 20 years
...It’s well known that labor force participation has fallen to its lowest level since 1978. What’s lesser known is that the biggest decline in employment has been among women. The female labor force participation rate is now 56.4 percent, the lowest in more than 25 years.
Of course, the liberal solution to their economic policies that have been so bad for women are even more liberal policies. Try the free market and less government for a change. It helps everybody including, women.
7) They want to force women to share their bathrooms with men: Who in their right mind thinks an 8 year old girl should be using the bathroom next to a grown man who “feels like a woman?” How do you say you care about women when you want to force them to undress next to some guy wearing a sundress? It’s ridiculous and it’s potentially dangerous because it gives perverts and sexual predators a free pass to use the women’s bathroom.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


  • Southern Wolf Via Lorra Of Pantherville
  • All of a sudden...
    'All of a sudden, Islam is now taught in schools. Christianity, prayer, and the bible are banned in schools.
    All of a sudden, we must allow Muslim prayer rugs everywhere and allow for Islamic prayer in schools, airports and businesses.
    All of a sudden, we must stop serving pork in prisons because Muslims don’t eat it.
    All of a sudden, we are inundated with lawsuits from Muslims who are offended by American culture.
    All of a sudden, we must allow Muslim burkas to be worn everywhere even though you have no idea who or what is covered up under them.
    All of a sudden, Muslims are suing employers and refusing to do their jobs if their religious demands under Sharia Law are not accommodated by their employer.
    All of a sudden, the Attorney General of the United States vows to prosecute anyone who engages in “anti-Muslim speech.”
    All of a sudden, Muslim Jihadists who engage in terrorism and openly admit they acted in the name of Islam and ISIS, are emphatically declared they are NOT Islamic by our leaders and/or their actions are determined NOT to be terrorism, but other nebulous terms like ‘workplace violence.”
    All of a sudden, it becomes policy that Secular Middle East dictators who were benign or friendly to the West, must be replaced by radical Islamists and the Muslim Brotherhood.
    All of a sudden, our troops are withdrawn from Iraq and the Middle East, giving rise to ISIS.
    All of a sudden, America has reduced its nuclear stockpiles to 1950 levels, as Obama’s stated goal of a nuke-free America by the time he leaves office continues uninterrupted.
    All of a sudden, a deal with Iran must be made at any cost, with a pathway to nuclear weapons and HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars handed over to fund their programs.
    All of a sudden, America APOLOGIZES to Muslim states and sponsors of terror worldwide for acts of aggression, war and sabotage THEY perpetrate against our soldiers.
    All of a sudden, the American Navy is diminished to 1917 Pre-World War I levels of only 300 ships. The Army is at pre-1940 levels. The Air Force scraps 500 planes and planned to retire the use of the A-10 Thunderbolt close air support fighter. A further draw down of another 40,000 military personnel is in progress.
    All of a sudden, half of our aircraft carriers are recalled for maintenance by Obama, rendering the Atlantic unguarded, with nothing in the Middle East.
    All of a sudden, Obama has to empty Guantanamo Bay of captured Muslim terrorists and let them loose in Jihad-friendly Islamic states. He demands the facility be closed.
    All of a sudden, America will negotiate with terrorists and trade FIVE Taliban commanders for a deserter and Jihad sympathizer.
    All of a sudden, there is no money for American poor, disabled veterans, jobless Americans, hungry Americans, or displaced Americans but there is endless money for Obama’s “Syrian refugee” resettlement programs.
    All of sudden, there is an ammunition shortage in the USA.
    All of a sudden, the most important thing for Obama to do after a mass shooting by two Jihadists, is to disarm American Citizens.
    All of a sudden, the President of the United States cannot attend the Christian Funerals of a Supreme Court Justice and a former First Lady because of previous (unimportant) commitments.
    “By his fruits you will know him.” All of a sudden, I am sick to my stomach.'
Four of the greatest lies of our time:
(In no particular order.)
1.) Global Warming is caused by man.
2.) Islam is the religion of Peace.
3.) Gun Control saves lives.

4.) You can keep your doctor...
“A liberal’s paradise would be a place where everybody has guaranteed employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food, free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only law enforcement has guns. And believe it or not, such a place does indeed already exist. It's called Prison."
Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Maricopa County, Arizona
 Bill Clinton's Military Career; I GUESS AMERICANS ARE DEAF, DUMB AND BLIND 
  Oh! You didn't know he had a military career?
Bill & Hillary got about $12 million for their to-be written memoirs.
Here's some help for them since their memories are getting old.

Bill Clinton registers for the draft on September 08, 1964,
accepting all contractual conditions of registering for the draft.
Selective Service Number is 326 46 228.


Bill Clinton classified 2-S on November 17, 1964.


Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on March 20, 1968.


Bill Clinton ordered to report for induction on July 28, 1969.


Bill Clinton refuses to report and is not inducted into the military.


Bill Clinton reclassified 1-D after enlisting in the United States
Army Reserves on August 07, 1969, under authority
Of COL. E. Holmes.


Clinton signs enlistment papers and takes oath of enlistment.


Bill Clinton fails to report to his duty station at
the University of Arkansas ROTC, September 1969.


Bill Clinton reclassified 1-A on October 30, 1969,
as enlistment with Army Reserves is revoked by
Colonel E. Holmes and Clinton now AWOL and
subject to arrest under Public Law 90-40 (2) (a) -
registrant who has failed to report...
remain liable for induction.


Bill Clinton's birth date lottery number is 311,
drawn December 1, 1969, but anyone who has
already been ordered to report for induction is INELIGIBLE!


Bill Clinton runs for Congress (1974), while a fugitive
from justice under Public Law 90-40.


Bill Clinton runs for Arkansas Attorney General
(1976), while a fugitive from justice.

Bill Clinton receives pardon on January 21, 1977,
from President Carter .


ever to serve as President of the United States .

All these facts come from Freedom of Information requests,
public laws, and various books that have been published,
and have not been refuted by Clinton .


After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, President Clinton
promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished .


After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S.
military personnel,
Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished .


After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia ,
which killed 19 and injured 200  U.S. military personnel,
Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished .


After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in  Africa ,
which killed 224 and injured 5,000,
Clinton promised that those responsible would be hunted down and punished .


After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole,
which killed 17 and injured 39  U.S. sailors,
Clinton promised that those responsible be hunted down and punished .


Maybe if Clinton had kept those promises, an estimated 3,000 people
in New York and Washington , DC , who are now dead
would be alive today .

It is a strange turn of events.
Hillary gets $8 Million for her forthcoming memoir.
Bill gets about $12 Million for his memoir yet to be written.
This from two people who spent 8 years being unable to recall
anything about past events while under oath.

Cdr. Hamilton McWhorter USN (ret)
 April 2, 2016

Primary care physicians becoming extinct partly due to Obamacare

By Rick Moran

An alarming report from the Association of Medical Colleges says America will be short a million doctors by 2025 and that the shortage of primary care physicians makes up a third of that number.

We're already feeling the effects of the shortage today.
Tasked with checkups and referring more complicated health problems to specialists, these doctors have the most consistent contact with a patient. But 65 million people live in what’s “essentially a primary-care desert,” said Phil Miller of the physician search firm Merritt Hawkins.
Without those doctors, our medical system is “putting out forest fires — just treating the patients when they get really sick,” said Dr. Richard Olds, the chief executive officer of the Caribbean medical school St. George’s University, who is attempting to use his institution’s resources to help alleviate the shortage.
Dr. Ramanathan Raju, CEO of public hospital system NYC Health + Hospitals, goes even further, saying the U.S. lacks a basic primary-care system. “I think we really killed primary care in this country,” said Raju. “It needs to be addressed yesterday.”
The primary-care gap is particularly acute in about one-third of states, which have only half or less of their primary-care needs being met. Connecticut is a standout among the group, at about 15%, with Missouri, at 30%; Rhode Island, at 33%; Alaska, with 35%; and North Dakota, at 37%, next on the list, according to government statistics.
“The real problem is we don’t have enough doctors in the right places and in the right specialties,” Olds said, noting that doctors tend to cluster in big cities, and are far more scarce in rural areas and in other small communities as well as certain parts of some big cities.
The report lists several reasons for the fall off in primary care physician numbers, including the "fee for service" payment model:
Reform-minded critics say compensation should instead be based on the period of time a patient is cared for. They argue that this structure would incentivize preventative care and prevent unnecessary (and often costly) medical procedures. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is in the very early stages of considering this global payment model.
Experts say it’s not just that primary-care doctors are paid less; they also typically work longer hours and have to be well-versed in a wide array of medical issues, to refer patients to the appropriate specialists.
Also contributing to the precipitous decline is the Obamacare mandate for doctors to switch to electronic health records (EHR), which is a time-consuming, costly addition to a physician's duties.
As one of them wrote, “My colleagues who have already left practice all say they still love patient care, being a doctor. They just couldn’t stand everything else.” By which he meant “a never-ending attack on the profession from government, insurance companies, and lawyers . . . progressively intrusive and usually unproductive rules and regulations,” topped by an electronic health records (EHR) mandate that produces nothing more than “billing and legal documents” — and degraded medicine.
I hear this everywhere. Virtually every doctor and doctors’ group I speak to cites the same litany, with particular bitterness about the EHR mandate. As another classmate wrote, “The introduction of the electronic medical record into our office has created so much more need for documentation that I can only see about three-quarters of the patients I could before, and has prompted me to seriously consider leaving for the first time.”
As medicine becomes more socialized, fewer physicians are willing to put up with the rules and regulations handed down by bureaucrats who wouldn't know a stethoscope from a tongue depressor.  Also, the huge time commitment to become a physician, as well as the increasing cost of medical school, disincentivizes young people.

Whatever needs to be done to fix this mess has to start soon.  And a good place to begin is to repeal Obamacare's onerous mandates.

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