Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Are we really connected? or in control?

Ed from Michigan...


I'm sharing my experience with you and I believe this may benefit you if you have or planning to have children / Family.

We are blessed with three healthy Teen Boys: Joseph, John and Joshua
A while ago; every night we used to sit around the table and everyone reads a chapter of the bible, have a discussion on what we read; then everyone take the chance to pray, give thanks and lay his/her requests; then conclude with the LORD's prayer, hug each other and go to bed.

Since; our boys got their personal phone/device. I noticed the following changes:
- Kids are no longer interested in sitting together as a family to read the bible or have a family conversation.
- Kids are in their own rooms; hooked to their screens; they do not even feel hungry or ask for food.
- Kids stay after midnight on their screens and they lake a sleep. They are sleepy during the daytime and affected their school performance.
- They hardly converse together.
- Even when we are in the car going to Church or on a trip; all kids are attached to their devices playing or listening to music (as parents; we do not know what type of music).
- Even when we are in church during the liturgy; most of the kids are on their devices (and not really praying).
- No longer interested in physical exercise or outdoors activities. Or science projects (no time for learning new skills)
- We became isolated and disconnected from each other and even from our God.
- It's so sad when I look around and see parents driving and their kids in a different world (who knows where!)
- I'm not sure if our kids will remember us as parents when they grow up? Or what memories or values they will carry on to the next generation?

Many times; I took these devices away and even disconnected the internet; so they may control or correct such behaviors. But once I retuned them back; everything goes back to their normal.
This week; I took the three devices away and I believe I'm not planning to return them back. I noticed lots of changes in communications, interest in school homework...and positive behaviors.

I love technology but not on an account of a Healthy Family's or community, society...etc.

Thanks for your time reading this message and Please pray for us.

Food stamp nation: 45 million for 51 months

SNAP program's beneficiaries exceed Canada's population

New data released by the Department of Agriculture Oct. 9 shows the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, with enrollment exceeding 45 million for 51 straight months. The population of Canada: 34,834,841.
“Between 2007 and 2011, new eligibility rules by themselves added 3.4 million people to SNAP enrollment and naturally tended to increase SNAP spending. At the same time, SNAP began to pay more generous benefits to people who enrolled,” Casey Mulligan, an economics professor at the University of Chicago, told the Washington Free Beacon on Thursday.
The growing SNAP population is a far cry from the 2.8 million enrolled when the USDA began tracking such programs in 1969, the website reported.
The average SNAP-approved household received $256.62 in July 2015. USDA estimated a total cost to U.S. taxpayers of $5.8 billion for the month.

The new formulas would have increased SNAP spending more than 25 percent even without any new enrollment,” Mulligan added. “Combined, the spending impact of enrollment and benefit rules is remarkable.”
The Free Beacon reported SNAP’s enrollment first exceeding 45 million in May 2011. It reached a high of 47,790,000 in December 2012.
Lar of Galen: I have a better solution: When people come for their food stamps, lead them to a sound-proof room, shoot them in the head, then chuck their bodies out the back door into a huge hole.  When the hole gets full, cover it up and dig another hole behind another building with a sound-proof room.  Best have them prepared ahead of time.  I’m sick and tired of people passing socialism off as “charity”.  There is no provision in the Constitution for the federal government to provide food, medical care, housing, cars, cell phones, etc. The feds have very few legitimate powers, yet they keep taking on more and more power and taking more and more of our freedoms while billing us for the whole mess.
Doug Casey: I always look on the bright side, and the bright side of low oil prices is that most of the countries that produce oil are just horrible places. Low oil prices will help to bankrupt the governments of these places, and that will, hopefully, set the stage for things to get better.
Look at the countries that produce a lot of oil: Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Nigeria…they're all just horrible. It’s no accident. Easy wealth, owned by the state, is a formula for disaster.
Hopefully the oil price will bring on the collapse of the Saudi regime, one of the U.S.'s longtime puppets. It's amazing how the U.S. has gone around and destroyed all kinds of regimes – most of which, frankly, were abusive and corrupt and needed killing - but the Saudis are one of the worst of them. Hopefully low oil prices and their ridiculous spending habits will bring down that terminally corrupt theocracy. Among others…
Another good thing about cheap oil is it should show anybody that's got half a brain that Russia and Putin are non-entities. They've got a decent military, but all they can do is export oil. It's like a primitive, third-world country with a first-world military. Well, kind of a first-world military.
So low oil prices are a very good thing. I don't know how long they’ll stay low. But they're going lower for the time being. Production is stable to up, but consumption is headed down with a slowing economy.
And I'm all for oil going even lower. I hope it goes down to $10 a barrel.

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