Friday, October 19, 2018

LAR OF GALEN SAYS...You know that the liberals will throw a hissy fit and claim any SCOTUS decision they don't like is illegitimate now if Kavanaugh is with the majority. But what will they do if he agrees with the them??? Another question is, will Ginsberg last thru Trump's second term? If not, we get to watch the circus on our TVs again.


Lar of Galen...On his radio show today, Rush read an NPR (Nasty Propaganda Radio) story how in their generic Democrat vs Republican poll, the Demons' lead has dropped from 12% to 2%.  Gasp! How could this have happened??!!?  Well, according to Rush, there are two factors.  First, liberals always manipulate the polls from the beginning to create public opinion.  But as they get closer to an election, they have to modify their polls so they don't look like complete frauds if things don't go their way, which is more and more often the case because they live in a frigging bubble in which they actually think they speak for the majority of Americans.
    The second reason is --  it's all Trump's fault.  From the beginning of his political campaign, Trump has used a technique called "pacing".  When first presented/confronted with an issue, he seems to adopt an attitude in keeping with the swamp.  "What do you think about global warming?"  " I think there might be something to that.  We will definitely have to study it".  So, he is on record sounding "reasonable".  THEN, he pulls the rug out from under them by hitting people with reality, causing actual facts to be presented to the public by the very media that is trying to destroy him.
    He did this masterfully with Kavanaugh.  When first asked about the accusations against him, Trump said something like "Gosh, this is horrible and serious.  If true, then Kavanaugh is out of here".  But once all the statements were made, Rush stands before a roaring crowd and destroys Ford's testimony by quoting her. 'How did you get there?' 'I don't know.' 'Where was this house?' 'I don't know.' 'What room did this occur in?' 'I don't know.' 'How did you get home?' 'I don't know'  'I only had one beer'.  She can't remember anything else, but remembers she only had one beer."  Of course, the media and liberal politicians (but I repeat myself) are outraged!  How dare he ridicule this poor woman??!!?
     The thing is, there are millions and millions of people who only know what the liberal media tells them.  And they are being told that Kavanaugh is a drunken serial rapist, and this poor professional woman was traumatized by this horrible event. But in attacking Trump, the media is presenting facts, and that is waking up millions, even women.  They are finding out what a vile smear job has been pulled, and they aren't happy.  Pacing, hmmmm.

LAR OF GALEN SAYS...After Trump was elected, the Democrats became so irate they started dropping their masks.  Now they have even forgotten to put on makeup.  They have fully exposed themselves for who and what they really are.  No informed, decent person could vote for them now.  Unfortunately, there are lots people who are fairly decent, but all they hear is the lamestream liberal media.  But just like the gospel, if they want the truth, they will find it.






He Fights   .    by Evan Sayet  

My Leftist friends (as well as many ardent #Never Trumpers) constantly ask me if I'm not bothered by Donald Trump's lack of decorum.

They ask if I don't think his tweets are "beneath the dignity of the office." Here's my answer: We Right-thinking people have tried dignity. There could not have been a man of more quiet dignity than George W Bush as he suffered the outrageous lies and politically motivated hatreds that undermined his presidency.
We tried propriety: has there been a nicer human being ever than Mitt Romney? And the results were always the same.

This is because, while we were playing by the rules of dignity, collegiality and propriety, the Left has been, for the past 60 years, engaged in a knife fight where the only rules are those of Saul Alinsky and the Chicago mob.

I don't find anything "dignified," "collegial" or "proper" about Barack Hussein Obama's lying about what went down on the streets of Ferguson in order to ramp up racial hatreds because racial hatreds serve the Democratic Party.

I don't see anything "dignified" in lying about the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi and imprisoning an innocent filmmaker to cover his tracks. I don't see anything "statesman-like" in weaponizing the IRS to be used to destroy your political opponents and any dissent. Yes, Obama was "articulate" and "polished" but in no way was he in the least bit "dignified," "collegial" or "proper."

The Left has been engaged in a war against America since the rise of the Children of the '60s. To them, it has been an all-out war where nothing is held sacred and nothing is seen as beyond the pale. It has been a war they've fought with violence, the threat of violence, demagoguery and lies from day one and the violent take-over of the universities till today.

The problem is that, through these years, the Left has been the only side fighting this war. While the Left has been taking a knife to anyone who stands in their way, the Right has continued to act with dignity, collegiality and propriety. With Donald Trump, this all has come to an end. 
 Donald Trump is America 's first wartime president in the Culture War.   

During wartime, things like "dignity" and "collegiality" simply aren't the most essential qualities one looks for in their warriors. Ulysses Grant was a drunk whose behavior in peacetime might well have seen him drummed out of the Army for conduct unbecoming.

Had Abraham Lincoln applied the peacetime rules of propriety and booted Grant, the Democrats might well still be holding their slaves today.  Lincoln rightly recognized that, "I cannot spare this man. He fights..."

General George Patton was a vulgar-talking, son-of-a-bitch. In peacetime, this might have seen him stripped of rank. But, had Franklin Roosevelt applied the normal rules of decorum then, Hitler and the Socialists would be five decades into their thousand-year Reich.

Trump is fighting.  And what's particularly delicious is that, like Patton standing over the battlefield as his tanks obliterated Rommel's, he's shouting, "You magnificent bastard, I read your book!" That is just the icing on the cake, but it's wonderful to see that not only is Trump fighting, he's defeating the Left using their own tactics and that's what they really hate.
That book is Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals a book so essential to the Liberals' war against America that it is and was the playbook for the entire Obama administration andthe subject of Hillary Clinton's senior thesis   . It is a book of such pure evil, that, just as the rest of us would dedicate our book to those we most love or those to whom we are most indebted. 

Trump's tweets may seem rash and unconsidered but, in reality, he is doing exactly what Alinsky suggested his followers do. First, instead of going after "the fake media" and they are so fake that they have literally gotten every single significant story of the past 60 years not just wrong, but diametrically opposed to the truth, from the Tet Offensive to Benghazi, to what really happened on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, Trump isolated CNN. He made it personal.

 just as Alinsky suggests, he employs ridicule which Alinsky described as "the most powerful weapon of all"   ... Most importantly, Trump's tweets have put CNN in an untenable and unwinnable position. ... They need to respond. This leaves them with only two choices. They can either "go high" (as Hillary would disingenuously declare of herself and the fake news would disingenuously report as the truth) and begin to honestly and accurately report the news or they can double-down on their usual tactics and hope to defeat Trump with twice their usual hysteria and demagoguery. The problem for CNN (et al.) with the former is that, if they were to start honestly reporting the news, that would be the end of the Democratic Party they serve.

It is nothing but the incessant use of fake news (read: propaganda) that keeps the Left alive.
   Imagine, for example, if CNN had honestly and accurately reported then-candidate Barack Obama's close ties to foreign terrorists (Rashid Khalidi), domestic terrorists (William Ayers), the mafia (Tony Rezko) or the true evils of his spiritual mentor, Jeremiah Wright's church. Imagine if they had honestly and accurately conveyed the evils of the Obama administration's weaponizing of the IRS to be used against their political opponents or his running of guns to the Mexican cartels or the truth about the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the Obama administration's cover-up.Or the $150 Billion...with a “B” that he GAVE to Iran and got bupkis in return! 

So, to my friends on the Left and the #Never Trumpers as well do I wish we lived in a time when our president could be "collegial" and "dignified" and "proper"? Of course I do. These aren't those times. This is war. And it's a war that the Left has been fighting without opposition for the past 50 years. 

So, say anything you want about this president - I get it - he can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. 
   I don't care. I can’t spare this warrior. He fights for America!  Fight on you magnificent bastard.




LAR OF GALEN...The Demonrats can't win with informed, sane Americans, so they want to import "voters" from 3rd World countries who will support their evil agenda.



  1. There are a few things to address with this post:

    30th picture (the one about taking offense): I don't even understand what it means to be offended. Why would we take offense at any of these things? They're wrong. Who cares what they think? As far as I'm concerned, being offended by anything makes you a weak-minded individual.

    57th picture (George Washington quote): There is actually no evidence that George Washington ever said this. It's like a loose paraphrase of what he said in his Farewell Address, that America was made for a religious and moral people. Nowhere did he ever say anything about needing 'God and the Bible".

    77th picture (Albert Einstein one): This one is just strange. It literally has nothing to do with Albert Einstein but his face is on it. And the little thing at the bottom that says Einstein hated liberals? Einstein was a devout socialist who hated the capitalist system. He was about as big a liberal as you can get. I actually have no idea what the point of this picture is.

    163rd picture (affirmative action one): This cartoon was drawn as a pro-affirmative action cartoon. It's pretty clear that the American at the top of the mountain is looking down on the Kenyan kid trying to climb the mountain with affirmative action as a block for him to start from. Did you just like post this thinking it was making fun of affirmative action? Or do you support it now? Or am I missing something here?

    198th picture (George Soros quote): George Soros never said this. The entire year's worth of Newsweek magazine "cited" for this super accurate and very true and definitely not fake at all quote actually turns up no results for a quote of this kind. So good job fighting that fake news with more fake news. But I think you were saying something about how Democrats make things up. Please, continue.

  2. And finally, a rebuttal of "He Fights" by Evan Sayet, which you posted above:

    This argument makes a couple of valid points, but is fundamentally propped up on strawmen and conflations of terms.

    First, let's address the biggest strawman of the whole argument: that people who don't like Trump's tweets are actually concerned with "dignity" rather than things like "intelligence" and "strategy". With this assumption, the author goes on to make a whole bunch of claims about the valuelessness of dignity and the like. But really, he hasn't done anything to argue against those who have no qualms about dignity, but rather about effectiveness.

    Next, the author uses the word "war" in two senses and pretends that they're the same. The culture war is not the same as the Civil War. His argument is that since Lincoln didn't spare Grant from the Civil War due to his lack of dignity or collegiality, we ought to treat Trump the same way with relation to the culture war. The only problem is, Grant's vulgarity or drunkenness didn't prevent him from achieving the mission of martial conflict: killing the enemy. The mission of the culture war is to change minds not through policy, but through... well, culture. Ronald Reagan was a man who took great stock in the culture war. He, as they say, made conservatism "cool". In this way, the question at hand isn't whether or not Trump is dignified, but whether or not he is toxifying the conservative brand to the effect of losing the culture war. The fact is, young people do not like Donald Trump, by an overwhelming margin. Even young conservatives fundamentally dislike him. I talk to college-age conservatives every day, and I could count on one hand the number of them who like Trump the man. So think about that for a second: young people who are already on the right don't like him. Imagine the amount of young people in the center who don't like him. Policy-minded people on the right love his policies, of course. But a lot of apolitical people in the center don't really absorb current events the way that we might; they probably see more of Trump the man than Trump the policy engine.

  3. Now none of this would really be a problem if Trump hadn't latched himself onto the ideology of "conservatism". If he branded himself accurately and called himself more of a "nationalist populist", perhaps conservatism as a whole, something whose well-being both of us care about, could be undamaged by his toxicity. But, as the President himself said at CPAC 2018, "I think now we've proved that I'm a conservative". Trump is now inextricably linked to conservatism, which means that when Trump is toxic to a younger audience, so is conservatism.

    This leads into my fundamental issue with Trump's tweets: they're a wasted opportunity. The man constantly hits the mainstream media for covering him negatively, but in his pocket he possesses a device that not only lets him bypass the media completely and put a narrative online, but actually forces the media to cover what he wants to talk about. Every time Trump hits back on Twitter against the Dems in a way that makes sense, I'm completely fine with his tweeting. But for every one of those, there's a "horseface" tweet not far behind it. In fact, the "horseface" tweet is the perfect example of how Trump shoots himself in the foot with Twitter. Hot on the heels of the Brett Kavanaugh scandal, a political battle which was a resounding victory in every way for Republicans and dealt with the proper relationship between the two sexes, he puts out this tweet that gives the media a free pass to not cover the Republican victory and instead bash Trump for being hateful towards women, which allows them to continue to paint supporters of the President and of Kavanaugh as rampant sexists. This isn't "oh look at the President. HE FIGHTS!!!! #MAGA MAGA MAGA". It's just plain stupidity. That is the crux of this author's mistake: true conservatives couldn't care less about the dignity of the President, but we sure as hell care about efficacy. And most of the time, Trump's lack of dignity is directly related to a mistake that does nothing to forward his cultural image. The author talks about the culture war and stupidly compares it to the Civil War, but in reality, he's far too willing to win a fleeting culture battle than to hold back a little, attack intelligently, and start to win the war.

    1. JNAG, Are YOU the masked "American Conservative"??


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