Thursday, December 10, 2015


From:Libs suck

Borrow all we can. Throw it at foreign countries to waste. Cry and complain while we tax anyone who has a job within an inch of their last nickel. Use taxpayer money to bring in more hoards of unwashed, uneducated, ungrateful invaders. Wonder why the American Dream is fricking dead?


CBO: Obamacare Will Cost US Economy Equivalent of Two Million Jobs

Guy Benson | Dec 09, 2015

Please enjoy the latest installment of the "it's working" chronicles. Sorry, American workers (via The Hill):

ObamaCare will force a reduction in American work hours the equivalent of 2 million jobs over the next decade, Congress’s nonpartisan scorekeeper said Monday. The total workforce will shrink by just under 1 percent as a result of changes in worker participation because of the new coverage expansions, mandates and changes in tax rates, according to a 22-page report released by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). “Some people would choose to work fewer hours; others would leave the labor force entirely or remain unemployed for longer than they otherwise would,” the agency said in its latest analysis of the now five-year-old law.

This assessment largely confirms the bombshell February 2014 analysis from the nonpartisan entity, which also projected that Democrats' $2 trillion healthcare scheme would slow economic growth and slow job creation. Take it away, 2011 Nancy Pelosi:

"Four million jobs will be created by the legislation when it is fully in effect."

In 2010, she said Obamacare would create 400,000 new jobs "almost immediately." Last year, the law's defenders were reduced to arguing that the reduction in worker hours was a positive development, offering Americans more time to spend with their families, and freeing them from "job lock." CBO's findings determined that Obamacare disincentivizes work, shifting the burden of subsidizing health coverage for people who choose to work less or leave the workforce altogether onto the backs of middle class taxpayers. Democrats' frantic "liberation from job lock" spin worked out...about as well as one might have expected. Obamacare's cheerleaders have been wrong about virtually everything: Their law was not a job creator. Their law has not bent the national health spending "cost curve" down. Their law has not even approached lowering rates across the board. Their law has not made healthcare more affordable. Their law has not secured access to care. Their law has not reduced emergency room visits, or decreased uncompensated care. Their law did not guarantee that satisfied consumers could keep their preferred doctors and plans. And their law has not attracted nearly as many enrollees as they expected, largely due to lack of affordability. Their law has not signed up as many young and healthy consumer as they'd anticipated, raising new fears of an adverse selection spiral. And their law has not become popular post-implementation. Meanwhile, the string of high-profile failures among Obamacare co-ops is inflicting more chaos onto an already-strained system:

Health care providers could get stuck with unpaid bills in a half dozen states where co-op plans have collapsed. That's because there's no financial backstop in those states if the failed nonprofit startups backed by Obamacare loans run out of money before paying off all of their medical claims. That messy scenario is already playing out in New York, where the state's co-op shut down at the end of November after its financial situation proved direr than originally known. The Greater New York Hospital Association estimates the co-op, Health Republic Insurance of New York, owes its members at least $165 million. And the Medical Society of the State of New York found that of more than 900 doctors surveyed, 64 percent reported being owed money by the co-op plan. For most insurers, a state's guaranty fund - bankrolled by the industry - will cover unpaid medical claims if they become insolvent. But in some states, like New York, that fund doesn't support plans that are licensed as health maintenance organizations, which is typically how the co-ops were set up. The other five states where providers could end up with unpaid bills if the failed co-ops run out of money: Kentucky, Louisiana, Nevada, Oregon and Utah...Just over half of the 23 co-ops seeded with $2.4 billion in loans have collapsed, with most set to cease operations at the end of this year. That's left roughly 600,000 individuals scrambling to find new coverage.

On Capitol Hill this week, Republican lawmakers are demanding answers about how the government spent hundreds of millions of dollars on state-level Obamacare exchanges that ultimately collapsed, and have since been abandoned. Here's Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) grilling acting CMS administrator Andy Slavitt about whether or not he agrees with the nonpartisan Government Accountability Office's (GAO) recently-announced verdict that zero of the remaining state-level exchanges are "fully operational," after five years and $1.45 billion in IT spending, courtesy of taxpayers:

Senate Republicans used a budget maneuver called reconciliation to vote to repeal vast swaths of Obamacare last week, approving a bill that would gut the law. Once it passes the House, President Obama is expected to veto the legislation in order to protect his unpopular, harmful law. Hillary Clinton, who invented Obamacare, asserted last week that the law is working.

The two big news items today are that the San Bernardino killers were “radicalized” before they even met, and Donald Trump is disqualified from being President because he has vowed to violate the Constitution by barring immigrants on the basis of their religion.  First, I am greatly bemused by this term “radicalized”.  It makes it sound like some sweet innocent follower of the Religion of Piss Peace was just walking down the street minding their own business when a nasty ol’ Muslim Borg jumped out of an alley and injected them with nanomites that turned them into a heartless Islamofascist monster against their will.  [Anyone not understanding my Borg reference, stop what you’re doing and immediately download/stream/on-demand/or whatever you do STAR TREK: First ContactHave you ever heard of someone being “Nazi-ized” or “communized”?  No, they filled their own hearts with darkness, accepting propaganda and lies as truth because they wanted to.
    Then there’s the really big news.  We are told that Trump’s idea violates the 1st Amendment.  First off:  The Constitution of the United States only applies to citizens of the United States.  We know that BO, despite being a “Constitutional scholar” is ignorant of (or ignoring) this fact, being as his “Justice” Department kept saying we were violating the Guantanamo detainees’ Constitutional rights.  But what’s your excuse?  Stop listening to the state-controlled media and activate your brain, please!   Secondly: The 1st Amendment guarantees citizens their right to practice their religion.  But it stops at letting someone harm others in the name of their religion.  Many religions call for human sacrifices, but that’s not allowed.  And Mormons had to give up polygamy (supposedly). So why would you import people who’s religion tells them they can lie to and cheat anyone who doesn’t believe exactly as they do, and ultimately demands that the faithful dominate the whole world – killing, taxing, and/or enslaving all “infidels”? 
    Bill O’Reilly made my first point in a debate with two legal-eagle babes on his show last night.  They countered that the US is a signee on multiple treaties that prohibit us from discriminating against would-be immigrants on the basis of race, religion, sexual-confusion, etc. So, I am supposed to believe that the United Stateshas to accept anyone who wants to come here?  That can’t be, because earlier this year BO blocked Christian refugees fleeing this very same persecution. And as local radio host Michael Berry pointed out, just last year we blocked people from certain countries from even entering the US because of the Ebola threat. We sure as heck didn’t import them with the promise of welfare, health care, free phones, etc.   Of course, that was different, because Ebola is a dangerous disease that can kill people, and .... uh .. you know, health threat, uh ...... OH MY GOSH!! LOOK OVER THERE!! IT’S GLOBAL WARMING!!!  O’Reilly did me one better, quipping that if Trump is elected he would void any annoying treaties by Executive Order. Where would Trump get the idea he could get away with such a thing?
PS: Remember, If You See Something – Say Something.  Just don’t accuse a Moslem of building bombs or planning acts of violence or you will face a massive suit        and be criminally persecuted by the “Justice” Department
More Lar of Galen...A mother called because her poor little baby angel said a jailer beat him up. She said that her angel was very respectful, and would never have caused any trouble. The jailer in question was a 40-years old, 5’7” and about 175 pounds. The angel turd was 23, 6’2”, about 195. Both were black, so mom couldn’t claim racism. The reason junior got in trouble was that he was throwing a fit after getting a 30-year conviction for Murder.

Lar of Galen...Report: 66% Of GOP Support Ban On Muslim Immigrants…I bet a lot of Democrats and “independents” are for it too, if they have the guts to be honest.
Personally, I think we should suspend ALL immigration until we get rid of all the illegals and potential terrorists.  I’d like to say “until we also end welfare, end the Income Tax, and balance the budget.” But, that would basically mean forever.
Refugees welcomed by Saudi 0, Kuwait 0, Qatar 0, Emirates 0, Bahrain 0
Hawaii Dean...
"Our freedom is bound up with the freedom of others, regardless of what they look like or where they come from or what their last name is or what faith they practice." —Barack Obama
That's HIS wishful thinking.
Well, had this nation banned muslims a long time ago many thousands of Americans would still be alive....and we would not be wallowing through 8 years of ruination by a deceitful, treasonous, incompetent Marxist clown named Barack.
Our [OUR] Bill of Rights is guaranteed to USA citizens....not to the Chinese...not illegal aliens on our property...not to people here on visas...not to ME 'refugees'...and certainly not to an organization whose only writings and verbalizations promise that they will kill USA citizens every chance they get.
That said, allow me to refresh your memory:
"I will stand with the muslims should the political winds blow in an ugly direction." Obama
So ban muslim immigrants....and keep a close eye on the ones already here.

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