Thursday, July 11, 2019


LAR OF GALEN...Each state automatically receives 2 Senators, but the number of Represent-atives depends on the population.  The total number of reps is set, but they are divided up according to how many citizens are in each district. The Census was instituted to determine these numbers. How can I say that the census is about citizens and not everyone living in an area?
     Prior to the Civil War, Democrats tried to have their slaves counted as part of the population.  This would have given higher numbers of representatives to the South, despite the fact that slaves don't vote, and their needs would not be considered by the people sent to Congress in their name.  Furthermore, it would have eliminated any chance of ever passing anti-slavery legislation.  Unbe-lievably, Congress actually compromised and placed in the Constitution a provision that each slave would count as 3/5ths of a person.
      The Democrats haven't changed.  They adamantly oppose allowing the Census to ask about citizenship.  They want to give equal representation to people who are not citizens of this country as citizens have.  And if they are successful in giving them the "right" to vote, especially if they are granted citizenship as a reward for having occupied our country for a certain length of time, they will receive a greater voice in determining our government than legal citizens. This is incredibly insidious form of foreign collusion.  And by the way ... 

Image may contain: text that says 'Did you know: Barack Obama was the first President in 190 years to not Include a citizenship question in his census Now activist judges are fighting to keep it off the Census permanently This is all a part of the Democrat plan to radically reshape America They must be stopped'
Lar Of Galen...Remember little Elian Gonzales, whose mother drowned when they left their loyal-Commie father behind to flee Cuba to live a better life with family members in Florida?  Remember how Bill Clinton sent armed Nazis -- I mean, "ICE agents" -- to retrieve little Elian from his uncle's house so he could return to Cuba and become a ward of the state?  Remember how the liberals went on and on about "the rights of the father" to justify this cruel separation of a poor immigrant child from loving family members?  Whatever happened to "The Rights of The Father"??
    Remember the "Equal Protection" clause of the 14th Amendment? Remember how the SCOTUS used this to order states to accept same-sex "marriage"?  I mean, after all, sexual perversion is the same as and equal to what God ordained, right?? Well, if all genders have the same rights, why is that only a woman has a right to choose whether or not to kill their child?
    Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro recently championed the right of a trans female to have access to free abortion services under a government-provided health care plan as a matter of reproductive justice.  So, if a man who had his pork and beans converted into a honey hole -- and zero chance of ever getting pregnant -- has the right to demand an abortion, and all genders have equal rights under the law, shouldn't an intact male have a "right to choose" regarding the pregnancy they fathered?
    I would mention the rights of the baby, but we know now that a fetus isn't a person, and therefore has no rights.  But an animal does, because they are equal to people.  Anyway, I think this should be brought up during the next Democratic Party presidential debate.





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