Friday, June 21, 2019

"We fight not to enslave, but to set a country free, and to make room upon the earth for honest men to live in." —Thomas Paine (1777)


Larof Galen: You see, it is perfectly moral to abort a non-viable mass of tissues, but immoral to execute a living person for crimes.  And worse yet, it is YOUR fault they became a criminal in the first place.  YOU, with your misguided ideas, forced their mother to give birth to them. Then they grew up unloved, turned to crime, and now you want to kill them. Shame on you!!
    Well, decades before I got into law enforcement I encountered people who were criminals because of want, not need. A child is innocent, criminality is a choice.







LAR OF GALENA...The time for reparations was 1865. You can't blame your worthlessness today on the wrongs done to your ancestors.  Every generation stands on its own. Otherwise, I could tell you about how my Irish, Choctaw, Cherokee, Bohemian, and French Huguenot ancestors suffered so horribly -- meaning I should be given a sh*tload of money by practically everyone with white skin.

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