Sunday, April 29, 2018


Lar of Galen...I repeatedly warned people about this when Obamacare was being debated.  Not only did the legislation create 64 new agencies -- all of which will pass contradictory regulations with the power of law that will skyrocket medical costs and build an impenetrable forest of red tape (except for the elite, who will still get special treatment) -- but the state can arbitrarily hand out death sentences.  If a private insurance company says "No", you can find ways to pay for it yourself.  If the government says "No", that's it. You and any doctor willing to help anyway can be fined and imprisoned for violating their edict.  How can the government tell you can't go somewhere else to get treatment? Because it's the law!! The government controls your children's education and medical care.  Next: who gets to eat today.











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