Sunday, July 17, 2016


From Lorra of Pantherville...

Outrageous!  It will be a cold day in you know what when these animals tell me when and where I can walk my dog.  How long before the Muslims try this crap here???

UK: Muslims start campaign to ban dogs

Leaflets have been handed out apparently calling for a ban on dogs in public places. Describing them as ‘impure’, campaign group For Public Purity wants them to be barred from ‘public spheres’ out of respect for Muslim families.

Clifton Green is angry that he's had a leaflet pushed through the door asking people not to walk their dogs because the areas has a lot of Muslim families living nearby who don't like dogs.

Clifton Green is angry that he’s had a leaflet pushed through the door asking people not to walk their dogs because the areas has a lot of Muslim families living nearby who don’t like dogs.

Metro UK  The leaflets have been distributed in Manchester in areas where there are large Muslim populations, including Muslims who own dogs.

Clifton Green, a 36-year-old father-of-two from Salford, said his street was leafleted. The family have a puppy. He said: ‘There are mixed messages on Facebook. There are people who are suggesting that this is being done to get a rise out of people but it could be people that are against Muslims – to whip up issues.


‘We were a little bit concerned at first that it was somebody targeting us because we have a dog, but leaflets have been posted to other houses on the street.

‘I am slightly concerned by it. I have got a lot of Muslim friends and people who I work with. It is going down the route of telling people how to live their lives and I do not think anyone should be doing that. I would not impose my beliefs and my view of life on other people.’


Councillor Naeem Hassan said: ‘I think this is somebody trying to divide the community. I do not see any problems at all. I want to say to people to just ignore this.’

The leaflets have been issued by 4publicpurity which describes its goal on its website. It says: ‘In order to help Muslims live their lives according to their beliefs, we demand that dogs be banned from the public sphere.

‘This includes restaurants, common areas and of course public transportation. If dogs are not permitted to be present in public, Muslims could live their lives with a burden lifted from their shoulders and without having to fear being tainted with no fault of their own.’

Clifton Green

For Public Purity has been approached for commentary.

Keeping the purity of the public space enables the Muslims remain untainted and without blemish. As part of this effort, we have chosen to address one of the aspect that can have a detrimental effect on the purity of the public space, with the aspect being the presence of dogs who are considered impure in Islam.
The prophet (PBUH) has said: ‘Angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or pictures’
“لا تدخل الملائكة بيتا فية كلب او صورة”
As citizens of a multicultural nation, those who live in the UK must learn to understand and respect the legacy and lifestyle of the Muslims who live alongside them. Make Muslims feel like they live in a safe and accepting space, welcoming them and respecting their beliefs. Help us make this a reality.


jgalt52 • 10 hours ago
I've never lost one second of sleep lamenting over the contrived notion of white guilt. If going through life following the rules of civil society, not being a criminal, not having multiple babies out of marriage that I couldn't afford and then expecting everyone else to support them and preparing myself to contribute bestows some privilege over the chronically aggrieved recipient class, I've earned it. Only the laughably foolish millennials waste any time marinating in white guilt.

20 Examples of What It Would Look Like if White Privilege Really Existed

1) We’d see frequent discussions on whether bumbling white dads or negative portrayals of southerners on TV and in movies were unfair to white people.
2) The government would be turning down talented black and Hispanic students to allow less qualified white students to get in via Affirmative Action.
3) Minorities would be LEAVING the United States, not making dangerous treks through the desert in the middle of the night to get in.
4) Falsely calling someone a “racist” would be considered to be just as repulsive as being a racist.
5) There wouldn't be an option to press 2 for Spanish.
6) Instead of being almost universally perceived as being a racist jackass, David Duke would be….well, he’d still be almost universally perceived as a racist jackass.
7) There would be serious discussions about whether the NBA discriminates against white Americans.
8) Every year we would celebrate White History Month and on the final day, we would hold a Miss White America pageant on White Entertainment TV.
9) America’s most privileged members, college professors, actors, rock stars, cable TV hosts, newspaper columnists and politicians would be laughed at and called hypocrites if they accused less privileged Americans of having “white privilege” because of the color of their skin.
10) Businesses would use quotas to try to increase the number of white employees they have to an even higher percentage.

11) White kids would get in-state tuition everywhere, while non-white illegal immigrants would have to pay out of state rates everywhere – if they were allowed to go to college at all since they’re here illegally.
12) Rachel Dolezel and Shaun King would be telling everyone they are white.
13) O.J. Simpson would have been convicted of murdering Nicole Brown Simpson.
14) Every time non-white Americans used electricity, the Internet, played basketball or even mentioned the Constitution, they'd be scolded for "appropriating" the culture and accomplishments of white Americans.
15) Every time there was a crime committed against a white person by a minority, every newspaper and cable news show in America would be bending over backwards to paint it as a racially-motivated attack.
16) Every time a commenter on MSNBC started attacking white people, it would immediately be shut down with cries of "Microaggression! Microaggression!"
17) There would be angry protests and people screaming "White lives matter" every time a white criminal was shot by a cop.
18) The losers in the KKK would get the same kind of respect that the NAACP and La Raza get today while members of those groups would be correctly written off as racist, mouth-breathing morons.
19) When a manager wanted to fire a white guy, he'd be told by his supervisor, "Woah, woah, woah. You need an extensive paperwork trail to fire a white guy. You don't want to get in trouble with the government, do you?"
20) Barack Obama would be getting high again with the rest of the Choom Gang right now instead of ruining the country after being elected as President primarily because of his race.
Just thought this was cleverly done---while it is more than clearly biased and a bit over the top, interestingly, it certainly seems to reflect the thinking of a large segment of our populace, and certainly not lacking in providing fodder for thought in this most unusual (if not weird) election year! There's an incisive message here in this mess that both parties would be wise not to ignore. Put on your seat-belts, we're in for a hell of a ride for the next four months---and maybe beyond!



The folks speaking out against Trump are helping me make up my mind a little more every day!

Is he the Perfect Candidate whose thoughts mirrors mine on all fronts? NOPE

Does he say everything the way I wish he would say it? NOPE

Am I absolutely sure that his motives are absolutely pure? NOPE

Can I point to any other Democrat politician that I like better? NOPE

Is there any of the other RINO politicians I like better? NOPE

Am I going to sit home, refuse to vote, and let Hillary win; because he is NOT Perfect? NOPE

Do I like what I have seen for the last 7-1/2 years with the jerk that sleeps in our White House? NOPE

Do I like the "fundamental changes" that same jerk has brought about in our America? NOPE

OK, your turn to decide what you are going to do in about 4 months!

Trump's presidential qualifications…

Obama is against Trump ... Check

The media are against Trump ... Check

The establishment Democrats are against Trump ... Check

The establishment Republicans are against Trump ... Check

The Pope is against Trump ... Check

The UN is against Trump ... Check

The new EU is against Trump ... Check

China is against Trump ... Check

Mexico is against Trump ... Check

Soros is against Trump ... Check

“Black Lives Matter” is against Trump ... Check

“Move On” is against Trump ... Check

Koch Brothers are against Trump ... Check

Bushes are against Trump ... Check

Hillary & Bernie are both against Trump ... Check

Illegal aliens are against Trump ... Check

Islam is against Trump ... Check

Kasich is against Trump ... Check

Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump ... Check


If you have so many political insiders and left-wing nut cases --- all so SCARED TO DEATH, that they all speak out against him,

Then it seems to me, that Trump MUST BE the Best-Qualified Candidate we could ever have.


He's not a Lifetime Politician ... Check

He's not a Lawyer ... Check

He's not doing it for the money ... Check


Whoopi said she will leave the country ... Check

Rosie said she will leave the country ... Check

Sharpton said he will leave the country ... Check

Cher said she will leave the country ... Check

Cyrus said she will leave the country ... Check

Hillary will go to jail ... Check

The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will prevail ... Check

The budget will be balanced in 8 years ... Check

Americans will have first choice at jobs ... Check

You will not be able to marry your pet ... Check

You will be able to keep your gun(s) if you qualify ...
(Not a criminal or crazy, etc.)

Only living, registered U.S. citizens can vote ... Check

You can have and keep your own doctor ... Check

You can say whatever you want without being called a racist, an Islamophobe, a xenophobe, etc....


Come to think of it, we have no place to go, but UP!

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
~Thomas Jefferson
"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid." ~ Benjamin Franklin. 

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