Saturday, November 1, 2014

Guest Writer...Hope Lee...

It seems that there are far too many in the land we call America, who need to be educated, not in the sense of schooling per say but, with the knowledge and understanding of what America really stands for, on the eternal scale of things, I’ll attempt to clarify, please be patient.  There seems to be a misconception of sorts in this Republic we call, the United States of America, that all one has to do is call themselves an American and they are entitled to vast resources of government aid, community services, medical resources, parenting and cure alls for every other self induced issue one has produced.

Let’s look at this misconception and try to paint a proper picture of just what this Republic stands for and the expectations to continue as THE one Nation on this planet that has continued to sacrifice for those who can’t, won’t or have no knowledge of what it takes to live as free people, with liberties and rights and self awareness, all in lieu of individual accountability.

Individual accountability, seems to be to some, an alien state of mind, something that gets in the way of freedoms…in other words, there are far too many who would like nothing better than to go about their selfish business of, what they call living, or life, yet never give a second thought to what their actions do to others, what their thoughts, do to those around them; to be perfectly clear, there are far too many, so called humans, who care nothing for being accountable for their actions, in any way.

The only analogy that can be used to relate with this mindset would be that these so called humans are really walking, talking, maggots of any free society, feeding off their host, fattening themselves from the very source of life, they care nothing about.  The problem with this mindset, is when the host is devoured, not replenished, both are dead, never to be as they were.

This reality has been realized in this country and has manifested itself in many forms; some call it politics, some call it racism, some actually call it justice…let’s be clear, whatever name it’s given …it’s still not the path to any form of happiness, respect, truth or honor as we humans have come to know as what is needed in any free society.  It’s a slow death, nothing else.  Its expecially, in no way the mindset nor qualification’s to call oneself an American.  

We have, at this time in history, the worse case scenario related to American politics.  Case in point, the one named Barack Hussein Obama and his campaign to act the maggot feeding off all true Americans and our way of life; to feed his thirst for hatred, division, racism, treason, diversion, blame, inhumanity…yet he appeals to a vast audience of those who have everything to hide, as he does..from truth, from honesty, from true human values, from accountability in every form of that word.

Politics today, in itself is a dirty business, the very name “politics”, donates to the notion of Who’s in charge?  Who has the final word?.  Who does this apply to?  How can I get mine?  Why is their share more than mine?...and so on.
Politics of old, as our countries framers saw fit, was survival, survival of a Republic, not individual greed and favoritism; to them it was a means to survival for all; for the Republic to stand as one, against all who would seek its demise; hence they committed themselves to write these conditions, rules, and values in the form of a Constitution; to be adhered to by the political branch of society; any free society, that chooses to be forward thinking and prosperous…FOR ALL!

Now this Republic is faced with the reality of world war, whether it is on the religious front, or the military chest bumping between nations, our most important issue historically, will be recognizing the resident evil existing in our White House, how it got there, and how to remove this infection, before it’s too late.  That resident evil is called Barack Hussein Obama, “ the go it alone”, “I don’t need no stinking Constitution”, anti-American, who thinks this next diversion called ISIS will give him yet more time to harm our Republic, by executive lawlessness and treason.

Time has come for the United States Congress to act the part, or lay down…and if they choose the latter, we have little hope of defeating this infection.  Generations of good Americans will realize this time in history as the weak, complacent, spiritual death of America as we true Americans know of it…and this, by his actions alone prove to be, the goals of this fanatical Muslim called Obama, the complete destruction of the United States of America, from within.

Now that folks is the true “HOPE AND CHANGE”, SOME OF YOU FOOLS VOTED FOR!!!

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