I am so effing tired of all these effing people from the rest of the world that are the "shit hole" coming here to make us a "shit hole". Don't excuse my french. Then there are the people here that want this to happen (Donkeycrats/Libtards/Idiots). Line them up. Shoot them. I am sick of it. BUILD THAT effing WALL!!!
In response to my rant above, Rudolph of Jerseyville wrote: Understand the way you feel. I feel the same way, and I'm really upset at the people in Washington who seem to want to destroy this nation. What ever happened to the concept of high treason? Did we forget about it? Treason can occur anytime, not just in time of war. Pelosi and Schumer are not ignorant of what is happening at the southern border. Their whole resolve is to derail the administration because "they don't like it" which is un-American. Their actions at the every least, border on treason. The actions of some of the higher management in the FBI and Department of Justice as well reflect a purposeful action to derail the action of government.
Disagreement with the policies and ideas of the administration is nothing new, I didn't agree with Obama in many ways, but to obstruct the functioning of our government with the desire to destroy the system by letting drugs into the country, human trafficking of human beings, and allowing known gang members into the country and resisting the ICE and Federal authorities access to them to deport them, undermines the country and to me is high treason. Especially when the people doing this are supposed to be members of Congress or high ranking state officials.
The Trump administration, due to the narrow minded left wing socialist Democrats, has struggled to function and in doing so, uncovered the socialistic plot in this country to destroy our Democratic system of government for their own gain. I seriously hope the majority of the American voters see this and turn them away in 2020, and not give up the country to socialistic destruction as we see in South America.
Sorry for the long-winded speech, but I'm sick of this stuff as well, and I want to see my daughter have a life in a great country with opportunity and real freedom. Have a good weekend, and pray for more people like your son and my daughter who have a real desire to make a difference!
Lar Of Galen...Demoncrats openly promote abortions. The majority of abortions are performed on young, poor, unmarried minority females. These women themselves are almost unanimously in support of Demoncrat policies, being heavy users of government services. And their offspring, if allowed to live, would almost certainly follow suit -- as indicated by the propensity of multiple generations of illegitimate children in this demographic, all demanding WIC, welfare, Medicaid, etc.. So, the Dems are actually killing off their own voters.
But that's not a problem. They just replace them by recruiting strangers from foreign countries who are used to dictatorial socialist (but I repeat myself) governments, and no knowledge of or desire to learn about our government based on divinely endowed individual rights.
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