Friday, February 8, 2019

A NATION ON THE CUSP: Here's Why Liberals Are Cheering Murder

Lar of Galen...A week ago, with the passing of the NY State abortion law, Rush Limbaugh wondered "How long will it be before someone pushes to skip the process of injecting a fetus while still in the womb? Why not just go ahead and induce birth, then kill the baby?"  Well, it's already happened.  On Wednesday 1/30/19, Governor Ralph Northam (D) of Virginia -- a physician and former officer in the Army's Medical Corps -- stated " ... where there may be severe deformities or there may be a fetus that’s not viable ... if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen: The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”
      It used to be that liberals hid what they stood for by either outright lying or euphemizing their position.  When discussing abortion, they rarely used that word. They talked about "women's health", "a woman's choice", "her body", etc.  They went out of their way to avoid implying there was a baby involved.  When talking about government controlling your entire life, they never used the word "socialism".  But the mask has come off.  Now they freely state what they believe.  Either they are desperate, think that non-American voters and brain-dead Millennials have their back, are just rat-shit crazy, or some combination thereof.
Rush thinks they believe that they have vast world-wide support.
    Whatever the reason for the impetus, the left is reaching for the extreme.  For most of my life, homosexuality was recognized as unnatural.  But, there were calls for tolerance and understanding.  It became a "civil rights" issue.  It went from an appeal for acceptance to demands.  They wanted to redefine marriage. Then, began attacks on anyone who wasn't vocally supportive of codified perversion.  I used to warn people that if the law ever allowed same-sex marriage, the pedophiles would be next in line in court. I was wrong.  Now, the big issue is "transgender rights". Child molesters will have to wait.
     Rush warns that this is all about devaluating human life.  He said Wednesday that 30-some years ago, he was booed and jeered off the stage of a debate because he drew a parallel between abortion and the Holocaust. It is now becoming reality. Obamacare established The Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), which would review cases of those with life-threatening conditions.  If they were younger than 15 or older than 75, why waste precious resources that should be saved for those more likely to survive and be productive?
   I am gravely concerned about the effects of the new abortion law in NY.  When the Hebrews invaded Canaan, God ordered them to not only kill the people, but also the animals.  All had been involved in demonic religious activities -- to include the practice of women having sex with multiple partners while listening to the screams of their babies being tossed into a ceremonial fire.  Wouldn't that rightly be protected by the 1st Amendment?












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