Ann Coulter Letter
Every Pro-Immigration Claim is a Lie
Ann Coulter | Wednesday
Jul 15, 2015 4:57 PM
In the wake of
Kate Steinle’s murder at the hands of an illegal immigrant, mass immigration
advocates have begun a campaign of lies in defense of their cheap labor.
“Studies show,” they say, that immigrants commit LESS crime than the native
Inasmuch as the
vast majority of post-1970 immigrants — legal immigrants — are poor, non-white
and come from countries with far worse crime rates than our own, that’s at
least counterintuitive.
The main evidence
cited in support of the claim that immigrants commit less crime than Americans
is a moronic point about cities with a lot of immigrants seeming to have low
crime rates. Check and mate, Mr. Trump!
The “New York sure
seems safe to me!” argument is like the “Saturday Night Live” sketch of Bill
O’Reilly arguing that New York has more people than California.
Bill O’Reilly: You
also say that California has more people than any other state. I say New York
state has more people — tell me where I’m wrong!
Thomas Woodward:
(confused) Um … well … Bill … actually, California is the most populous state.
Bill O’Reilly: I
don’t know, counselor. I live in New York, and I walk down the streets every
day, and there’s people everywhere! You can’t move! You know what I mean? Last
week, I was in California, went to the beach in Malibu. Nobody! Practically
empty. So, for my money, New York’s got more people. Probably New Jersey, too.
Thomas Woodward:
Well, Bill, your own experience notwithstanding, each of the last four censuses
has clearly shown –
Bill O’Reilly:
Sorry, counselor, not buying it! Not buying it!
Thomas Woodward:
Bill, I swear to you, California is our largest state!
Bill O’Reilly:
Look, Mr. Woodward, you’ve got your opinion. I’ve got mine. We’re not gonna
settle this tonight.
That’s a comedy
sketch. But now we’re getting it as a serious argument in defense of mass
immigration from the Third World.
Reason magazine
boasts, for example, that El Paso, Texas, has a large Hispanic population and
yet El Paso “is among the safest big cities in America.”
In fact, however,
El Paso’s “safe city” ranking is based on an outdated FBI crime index that
includes only eight crime categories, excluding such crimes as drunk driving,
narcotics offenses and weapons violations. When the FBI’s more complete crime
index is used, El Paso has a higher crime rate than the national average.
The reason crime
has plummeted around the nation in the last few decades is aggressive policing,
increased prison sentences and the expansion of concealed carry permits. (All
policies currently being jettisoned by liberals.)
According to The New
York Times, the drop in crime in New York City during Giuliani’s first two
years as mayor aloneaccounted for 35 percent of the reduction in the
national crime rate.
The second main
line of attack on the idea that immigrants are committing prodigious amounts of
crime is apocryphal “studies.”
The two
researchers whose work is cited over and over again for the proposition that
immigrants are less criminal than Americans are Alex Piquero, criminology
professor at the University of Texas at Dallas, and Bianca Bersani, sociology
professor at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Pew cites their
studies — and everyone in the media cites Pew, leading to headlines like these:
“UT Dallas prof
finds immigrant kids less likely to commit serious crimes, re-offend” — The
Dallas Morning News
“UMass Boston
Prof: Stereotype of ‘Criminal Immigrant’ Doesn’t Hold Up” — Targeted News
“Surprise! Donald
Trump is wrong about immigrants and crime” — The Washington Post
Curiously, we are
never shown the actual studies, but simply told — with some heat — “studies
I looked up some
of these alleged studies this weekend. They’re all hidden behind ridiculous
Internet paywalls. I was often only the sixth person to read them.
It turns out that
neither Piquero nor Bersani compared immigrant crime to “the overall
population” — as the British Guardian recently claimed in an article purporting
to prove Donald Trump wrong. Rather, they compare immigrants’ crime rate to the
crime rate of America’s most criminally inclined subgroups.
Thus, for example,
once you get past the paywall, you will find that Piquero and Bersani’s joint
study, “Comparing Patterns and Predictors of Immigrant Offending Among a Sample
of Adjudicated Youth,” used as its base group “adolescents who were found guilty
of a serious offense.”
REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE OF AMERICANS! It’s a representative sample of teenagers
who are convicted criminals.
professor Bersani’s oft-cited, but never-read study, “An Examination of First
and Second Generation Immigrant Offending Trajectories,” looked at a population
group that included “an over-sample of Hispanic and African-American youth.”
Instead of
immigrants who are less crime-prone than our native blacks and Hispanics, we
were hoping for immigrants less criminal than our Norwegians.
True, as Bersani
explains, “because many immigrants initially settle in disadvantaged
environments and are exposed to a number of crime-inducing risk factors, their
experiences may be similar to many native-born minorities — particularly the
African-American population.”
But here’s an
idea: How about NOT taking in immigrants who are poor, uneducated, come from
dysfunctional families and settle in disadvantaged environments?
Bersani’s study also produced this startling result: There is very little
difference in crime rates between young native whites and blacks. Why no
headlines about that? Instead of looking at “studies,” how about we just count
the number of immigrants arrested, convicted and imprisoned in America?
Even if the
immigrants’ crime rate was the same as “the overall population” — and it’s not
— we’re supposed to be admitting immigrants who are better than us, not “six of
one, half dozen of the other.”
Why? Because we’re
picking them. If the food in your refrigerator is rotten, you don’t go out and
buy more rotten food on the grounds that it’s no more rotten than the food you
already have. This is the new food you’re picking and you’re paying for.
Instead, we’re
bringing in legal immigrants — forget illegals — who are way more criminal than
us, notwithstanding phony studies no one bothers to read.
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