Saul Alinsky died 43 years ago, but his writings influenced
those in political control of our nation today...
Recall that Hillary did her college thesis on his writings, and
Obama writes about him in his books.
Died: June 12, 1972, Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA
Education: University of Chicago
Spouse: Irene Alinsky
Books: Rules for Radicals; Reveille for Radicals
Does anyone out there think that this stuff isn't happening today
in the United States of America?
All eight rules are currently in play!
How to create a Socialist State, by Saul Alinsky:
There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before
you are able to create a Social State. The first is the most
1) Healthcare --- Control healthcare and you control the people.
2) Poverty --- Increase the poverty level as high as possible.
Poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you
are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt --- Increase the debt to an unsustainable level... that
way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more
4) Gun Control --- Remove the ability for citizens to defend
themselves from the Government. That way you are able to
create a Police State.
5) Welfare --- Take control of every aspect of people's lives...
(Food, Housing and Income).
6) Education --- Take control of what people read and what
people listen to � take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion --- Remove the belief in God from schools and the
8) Class Warfare --- Divide the people into the wealthy and the
poor. This will cause more discontent, and it will be easier to
take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Does any of this sound like what is happening in the United States?
Alinsky merely simplified Vladimir Lenin's original scheme for
world conquest by Communism under Russian rule.
Stalin described his converts as "Useful Idiots."
These "Useful Idiots" have destroyed every nation in which they
have seized power and control.
It is presently happening at an alarming rate in the U.S.
If people can read this and still say everything is just fine�
they are indeed �Useful Idiots!"
"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere."
A liberal is...
By Tom Trinko
A liberal is someone who thinks the Third World's problems can be fixed by killing enough brown babies and who calls people who object to that "racists."
A liberal is someone who thinks tax increases on businesses are paid out of the secret stash of cash all businesses hide in their basements.
A liberal is someone who thinks prayer in school is obscene but who believes that schools should teach Nietzsche.
A liberal is someone who wants stricter gun control but has armed bodyguards.
A liberal is someone who wants guns out of honest citizens' hands but who also wants more lenient sentencing for criminals who use guns.
A liberal is someone who thinks that poverty excuses crime even though most poor people are honest.
A liberal is someone who believes that atheists should never have to hear a Christian speak but who demand that Christian businesses support gay weddings.
A liberal is someone who thinks that nuns who donate their entire lives to helping the poor should pay for abortions.
A liberal is someone who wants to be philanthropic with other people’s money.
A liberal is someone who thinks that the differences between men and women can be “fixed” with surgery.
A liberal is someone who is excited by our “low” unemployment rate even though the black unemployment rate is nearly twice as high.
A liberal is someone who thinks it's okay for liberal politicians to decide which laws to enforce but who condemns politicians who object to Supreme Court rulings.
A liberal is someone who thinks taxpayers should pay for promiscuous people's birth control and that death panels are a good way to save money.
A liberal is someone who condemns Nixon for erasing 18 minutes of a tape recording but thinks Hillary was smart to erase tens of thousands of e-mails.
A liberal is someone who has no children and spends all his money on himself who attacks big families whose children will fund the liberal’s Social Security payments.
A liberal is someone who thinks the economy is great because the stock market is up but who professes to hate the “rich.”
A liberal is someone who calls Christians who don't believe in evolution stupid because they reject science but who claims that the unborn aren't human.
A liberal is someone who is horrified that anyone would abort an unborn child because that child is gay but quite comfortable with aborting an unborn child who might be mentally challenged.
A liberal is someone who says marriage isn’t about kids but who decries the “feminization” of poverty.
A liberal is someone who attacks America for its “interventionism” and is silent about China’s claims to the South China Sea.
A liberal is someone who condemns Israel, which lets Arabs vote, and extols Hamas, which calls for genocide against Jews.
A liberal is someone who hates the Confederate flag but who has no problem with the hammer and sickle.
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