Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Pencil In Hand

Thank You,
I'll not look at a pencil the same again. This article is more faith based than most religious factions alive today. So well thought out, executed and meaningful, was this article that provocation of ones emotions cannot be dismissed, or ignored. The stirring of electric pathogens
 in ones self is liken to sunshine through the window in the early morning, new, fresh and thoughts of what awaits us if we get out of bed and start the daily processes of living. So simple a concept, of free will to do, yet so ignorant an organism we are to assume, it'll come when we need it, or will it ? How much thought it takes to read such words that provoke emotions of thought, of wonderment, so little effort is dispelled to try, so far are we from realizing our potential as free people' neurons in the gases of life...colliding yet producing nothing.
Then there are moments of productive collisions, when collectively freedom to think is realized, momentary as it is, it is the genesis of life, of more thought. Simplicity is complicated, freedom is captivating, living is dying, thinking is mindless, all processes are brought about from collisions of free neurons. Yet the collective has no understanding of what "The Hand" has done, how faith works, how living organisms create and destroy at the very same moment in time.
To create the elusively patterned "pencil" the mighty tree lost it's battle with the sky, it never touched it, it got cut down and couldn't reach high enough to hold on. So large an organism produced so small an outcome ?? Yet we look to where the recipe came from ? The end result which manifest itself not as a product of material use, but records to guide us on our return  journey to "The Hand" from which all thought was provoked.
So large was the tree, to create so small an object, yet we ask who started this process ? I ask why do we not already have this awareness ? Oh, but we do...
We refuse to see the sky for the tree's, we refuse to write the thoughts because it requires actions, we hold onto material possessions as if they were ours to begin with, they are not, ignoring these original collisions that they are products of. Why do we not believe what we cannot see ? If we close our eyes and hear sounds are they not real, if we are able to hear without sight, why cannot we believe without seeing ? Our beings are electrified to stimulate senses, creating thought, resulting in actions, beneficial to a collectiveness we call emotions. Not one human can pinpoint how this electric charge was manifest, or what reason has been given for it's purpose, we assume, therefore we are. Isn't this the same as blind faith being brought together together with ignorant assumptions, resulting in life as we know it ?
Yet we are holding a "pencil", that was produced from whence we have no knowledge. It's use we consider to be simple, yet ignorant are we of it's meaning......yeah right !
 Tree's we are, never to touch the sky because of the result of our assumptions, not the manifestations of our faith.
"The Hand" reaches out and touches each of us daily with every sunbeam we see, with every warm breeze we feel, yet as social beings we tend to look away, not feel this gift, but hide in climate controlled buildings and boast of our accomplishments as if we needed no help nor received any from above. How assuming we are ......
There are those who dare to challenge the collective, they are ones which define the senseless logic of the powerful manipulators that dare govern our thoughts and actions for their gain.These are the ones who ask "why have relinquished our responsibilities" for the sake of passive laziness and our need to want that which hasn't been earned. We have given so much power to so "FEW" that we have forgotten how to reach for the sky. We have relinquished our right to record our conquests, for those willing to speak for us. We have settled for the trickle down syndrome, yet we are on flat ground forgetting to look up...
Change is what we wanted and that is exactly what we received, we desired to want and not earn. We desired to elect but not cast our vote. We desired to trust, but we eliminated respect and reason. Being contemptuous towards one another has been our lust, yet we find hate ugly and marketable at the same time.
 How sad an organism we have become wandering universally towards an ignorant existence, yielding nothingness think of all the "pencils" that have never been sharpened and utilized...all the tree's cut down never reaching the sky.... because we chose to not report nor record of this journey we have begun....all the while we are refusing to acknowledge " The Hand".
                                            My take, My report  ..............           Gary L.

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