Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How To Tell If It's A Liberal At 50 Paces

16 Attributes of Liberalism and Obama

1) Refusal to accept personal responsibility.

2) Think always in terms of 'Collectivism' rather than Individualism.

3) Never measure their solutions for progress or success or lack of success.

4) Never think about possible 'Collateral Damage' caused by their solutions.

5) Never plan ahead for possible errors in their solutions.

6) Repeat the same solutions over and over, even though theyhave failed throughout history every time tried.

7) Reduce every failed solution to a lack of money and the failed solution will work if funds are increased,

8) More interested in making History, rather than learning from History.

9) Loves Humanity but despises those who makeup Humanity.

10) Always focuses on 'Process rather than Progress'.

11) Always trying to save others with the implied attitude they need no improvement personally.

12) They do not want the same rights and protections for every American Citizen; they want 'Special Rights' for certain 'Collectives'.

13) They see America as oppressive rather than freedom giving.

14) Anyone who is successful accomplished that success by oppressing others.

15) There should be equal outcomes disregarding individual choices and actions.

16) Against the idea of inalienable rights and defenders of alienable rights granted by fiat of Government (only if they are in power).

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