I have to agree with you that we're not there yet but....we are close to realizing that this cloak and dagger government has been wasting valuable resources given it by citizens of this great Nation. That my friend will lead to a civil war of sorts, one which will bring this great country to its knees once again as it was some 130 or so years ago. The creators of our constitution have been mocked to the point of disbelief. The real heroes of this country that laid their lives down for freedom and liberty are being trashed by those that can't conceive of this sort of sacrifice. We are being sold to the highest bidder as if we are really just a comodity and not a 'Republic for which it stands"
People used to have the notion that to get ahead you had to work. In this country that has become the thought pattern of the minority and now, unfortunately, we manifest such laziness and greed that hatred has displaced love and honor for most. How sad for us all. I say this not to evoke anger but to institute a reaction of integrity for ones' self esteem and worth. It seems we have forgotten how to look into the mirror and be honest with ourselves. Instead, that small white lie has grown to the mighty oak of untruths; right being wrong, good being evil....this mindset first manifests itself in the mirror and then walks out the door to spread.
I have become as I desired to be. What happened to this thought pattern? What happened to "you can achieve whatever you choose in America? We settled for what was easy and not what was earned. We accepted the tailings and threw out the product. It became easier to wait for a check in the mailbox than to evoke our imaginations and produce what we needed. I've watched this great country send it's best and brightest to solve issues of other countries only to be spit on for recognizing the sacrifices of these Americans.
I've often asked the question "What other Nation allows it's people to call themselves anything other than who they are rather who they wish they were for preferential treatment? I've yet to here a German say he's a African-German or hear of someone saying they were Italian-African or who ever heard of the person who called himself a Brazilian-Australian? Yet, in America, we have been told it's not right to call someone an American if they wish to be called by a Homeland first and foremost......WHAT?
If a person wishes to be called anything BUT an American and who resides in this country, they need to leave this country. They don't understand what it means to be here at all. Travel to some of these countries where real Americans are buried and ask some of the natives what they call themselves. Real Americans have sacrificed all for so little given respect, and yet, asked again to give, they would...and do.
So next time someone says they are anything but an American, please ask them what that means and wait for an answer. If you get an answer, ask them why they think their elders came to this land and what they called themselves before they set foot here. I'll bet the answer won't start with a Homeland....only in America!
Yes we are close to civil war, revolt and an all out revolution but, not the sort that people think it will be. This one will be based on the principles of those that actually love America, desire to be Americans and will give all for this Republic....GOD BLESS AMERICA! GH