Lar of Galen...WHY are "benefits" paid for by US citizens being extended to non-citizens in the first place? I know the real answer is "In order to buy votes", but I would like for a member of Congress try to explain why they would ever vote for such a measure. We have to get the Federal government out of the "charity" business. Forcing people to give money to the government so they can give it to someone else is not "charity", it is socialism -- which is always wrong.
Trump set to double down on his commitment to 'America First' when he speaks at the United Nations on Tuesday
- Trump is in New York for the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday
- President will deliver remarks that are expected to rattle friend and foe alike
- Last year, Trump used the speech to denounce Kim Jong-un as 'Rocket Man'
- President is likely to criticize Iran in this year's speech
President Donald Trump is poised to redouble his commitment to 'America First' on the most global of stages this week.
In the sequel to his stormy U.N. debut on Tuesday, Trump will stress his dedication to the primacy of U.S. interests while competing with Western allies for an advantage on trade and shining a spotlight on the threat that he says Iran poses to the Middle East and beyond.
One year after Trump stood at the rostrum of the U.N. General Assembly and derided North Korea's Kim Jong-un as 'Rocket Man,' the push to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula is a work in progress, although fears of war have given way to hopes for rapprochement.
Scores of world leaders, even those representing America's closest friends, remain wary of Trump.

President Donald Trump is poised to redouble his commitment to 'America First' when he speaks at the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Tuesday. Trump is seen during last year's address in September 2017
In the 12 months since his last visit to the U.N., the president has jolted the global status quo by pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal, starting trade conflicts with China and the West and embracing Russia's Vladimir Putin even as the investigation into the U.S. president's ties to Moscow moves closer to the Oval Office.
Long critical of the United Nations, Trump delivered a warning shot ahead of his arrival by declaring that the world body had 'not lived up to' its potential.
'It's always been surprising to me that more things aren't resolved,' Trump said in a weekend video message, 'because you have all of these countries getting together in one location but it doesn't seem to get there. I think it will.'
If there is a throughline to the still-evolving Trump doctrine on foreign policy, it is that the president will not subordinate American interests on the world stage, whether for economic, military or political gain.
Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told reporters in a preview of Trump's visit, that the president's focus 'will be very much on the United States,' its role and the relations it wants to build.
'He is looking forward to talking about foreign policy successes the United States has had over the past year and where we're going to go from here,' she said.
'He wants to talk about protecting U.S. sovereignty,' while building relationships with nations that 'share those values.'
In his four-day visit to New York, Trump will deliver major speeches and meet with representatives of a world order that he has so often upended in the past year.
Like a year ago, North Korea's nuclear threat will hover over the gathering, though its shadow may appear somewhat less ominous.
The nuclear threat was sure to be on the agenda at Trump's first meeting, a dinner with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Manhattan on Sunday night.
Abe stands first among world leaders in cultivating a close relationship with the president through displays of flattery that he has used to advance his efforts to influence the unpredictable American leader.
On Monday afternoon, Trump planned to sit down with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who comes bearing a personal message to Trump from North Korea's Kim after their inter-Korean talks last week.
Trump and Moon were expected to sign a new version of the U.S.-South Korean trade agreement, one of Trump's first successes in his effort to renegotiate trade deals on more favorable terms for the U.S.
Even so, some U.S. officials worry that South Korea's eagerness to restore relations with the North could reduce sanctions pressure on Kim's government, hampering efforts to negotiate a nuclear accord.
'We have our eyes wide open,' Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday.
'There is a long ways to go to get Chairman Kim to live up to the commitment that he made to President Trump and, indeed, to the demands of the world in the U.N. Security Council resolutions to get him to fully denuclearize.'
Long critical of the United Nations, Trump delivered a warning shot ahead of his arrival by declaring that the world body had 'not lived up to' its potential. Trump is seen above during last year's address
Trump's address to the General Assembly comes Tuesday, and on Wednesday he will for the first time chair the Security Council, with the stated topic of non-proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.
The subject initially was to have been Iran, but that could have allowed Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to attend, creating a potentially awkward situation for the U.S. leader.
Aides say the president will also use the session to discuss North Korea and other proliferation issues.
While Trump is not seeking a meeting with Rouhani, he is open to talking with the Iranian leader if Rouhani requests one, administration officials said.
In meetings with European leaders as well as during the Security Council session, Trump plans to try to make the case that global companies are cutting ties with Iran ahead of the reimposition in five weeks of tough sanctions against Tehran.
The penalties are a result of Trump's decision to withdraw the U.S. from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.
Trump at the time cited Iran's role as a malign force in the region, particularly its support of terrorist groups, but also its involvement in Syria.
U.S. officials say their priority for the region now is removing Iranian forces from Syria.
Trump is also expected to deliver a fresh warning to Syria's Bashar al-Assad that the use of chemical weapons against civilians in the major rebel stronghold of Idlib would have serious repercussions.
Britain and France are actively planning a military response should Assad use chemical weapons again, according to U.S. officials.
'I think he's got a couple major possibilities really to help illuminate for the American people what America's place in the world,' national security adviser John Bolton told Fox News Channel's Sunday Morning Futures, previewing Trump's U.N. appearance.
Bolton, like Pompeo, is part of a far more hawkish national security team than the one that surrounded Trump a year ago.
Meetings on the sidelines of the General Assembly often come in rapid succession, a wearying test for even the most experienced foreign policy team.
Trump has a robust schedule during his stay in New York, including meetings with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, French President Emmanuel Macron, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and British Prime Minister Theresa May.
But while some world leaders are still reeling from Trump's deference to Putin in their summer Helsinki summit, there will not be an encore in New York: The Russian president is not expected to attend the proceedings.
On Saturday, July 24th, 2010 the town of Prescott Valley, AZ, hosted a Freedom Rally. Quang Nguyen was asked to speak on his experience of coming to America and what it means. He spoke the following in dedication to all Vietnam Veterans. Thought you might enjoy hearing what he had to say:
Start Quote:
35 years ago, if you were to tell me that I am going to stand up here speaking to a couple thousand patriots, in English, I'd laugh at you. Man, every morning I wake up thanking God for putting me and my family in the greatest country on earth. I just want you all to know that the American dream does exist and I am living the American dream. I was asked to speak to you about my experience as a first generation Vietnamese-American, but I'd rather speak to you as an American.
If you hadn’t noticed, I am not white and I feel pretty comfortable with my people. I am a proud U.S citizen and here is my proof
It took me 8 years to get it, waiting in endless lines, but I got it, and I am very proud of it.
I still remember the images of the Tet offensive in 1968, I was six years old. Now you might want to question how a 6-year-old boy could remember anything. Trust me, those images can never be erased. I can't even imagine what it was like for young American soldiers, 10,000 miles away from home, fighting on my behalf.
35 years ago, I left South Vietnam for political asylum. The war had ended At the age of 13, I left with the understanding that I may or may not ever get to see my siblings or parents again. I was one of the first lucky 100,000 Vietnamese allowed to come to the U.S. Somehow, my family and I were reunited 5 months later , amazingly, in California. It was a miracle from God.
If you haven't heard lately that this is the greatest country on earth, I am telling you that right now. It was the freedom and the opportunities presented to me that put me here with all of you tonight. I also remember the barriers that I had to overcome every step of the way. My high school counselor told me that I cannot make it to college due to my poor communication skills. I proved him wrong. I finished college. You see, all you have to do is to give this little boy an opportunity and encourage him to take and run with it. Well, I took the opportunity and here I am.
This person standing tonight in front of you could not exist under a socialist/communist environment. By the way, if you think socialism is the way to go, I am sure many people here will chip in to get you a one-way ticket out of here. And if you didn't know, the only difference between socialism and communism is an AK-47 aimed at your head. That was my experience.
In 1982, I stood with a thousand new immigrants, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and listening to the National Anthem for the first time as an American. To this day, I can't remember anything sweeter and more patriotic than that moment in my life.
Fast forwarding, somehow I finished high school, finished college, and like any other goofball 21 year old kid, I was having a great time with my life I had a nice job and a nice apartment in Southern California. In some way and somehow, I had forgotten how I got here and why I was here.
One day I was at a gas station, I saw a veteran pumping gas on the other side of the island. I don't know what made me do it, but I walked over and asked if he had served in Vietnam. He smiled and said yes. I shook and held his hand. This grown man's eyes began to well up. I walked away as fast as I could and at that very moment, I was emotionally rocked. This was a profound moment in my life. I knew something had to change in my life. It was time for me to learn how to be a good citizen. It was time for me to give back.
You see, America is not just a place on the map, it isn't just a physical location. It is an ideal, a concept. And if you are an American, you must understand the concept, you must accept this concept, and most importantly, you have to fight and defend this concept This is about Freedom and not free stuff. And that is why I am standing up here
Brothers and sisters, to be a real American, the very least you must do is to learn English and understand it well. In my humble opinion, you cannot be a faithful patriotic citizen if you can't speak the language of the country you live in. Take this document of 46 pages - last I looked on the Internet, there wasn't a Vietnamese translation of the U.S. Constitution. It took me a long time to get to the point of being able to converse and until this day, I still struggle to come up with the right words. It's not easy, but if it's too easy, it's not worth doing
Before I knew this 46-page document, I learned of the 500,000 Americans who fought for this little boy I learned of the 58,000 names inscribed on the black wall at the Vietnam Memorial. You are my heroes. You are my founders.
At this time, I would like to ask all the Vietnam veterans to please stand. I thank you for my life. I thank you for your sacrifices, and I thank you for giving me the freedom and liberty I have today. I now ask all veterans, firefighters, and police officers, to please stand. On behalf of all first generation immigrants, I thank you for your services and may God bless you all.
Quang Nguyen
Creative Director/Founder
Caddis Advertising, LLC
"God Bless America"
“One Flag, One Language, One Nation Under God”
For those who understand, no explanation is needed
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible
Here's a timeline.....what do you think?
1982... Something may or may not have happened at a party - she said nothing.
2002... She said nothing.
July 25, 2003: President
George W. Bush nominated Kavanaugh to the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C Circuit... She said nothing.
2005... She said nothing.
May 11, 2006: The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary recommended confirmation. Kavanaugh subsequently confirmed by the United States Senate... She said nothing.
June1, 2006: Kavanaugh sworn in by Justice Anthony Kennedy... She said nothing.
2011... She said nothing.
2012... She "remembered" something happened in 1982, yet she still said nothing.
2015... She said nothing.
2018: She's a Liberal activist and Anti-Trump protester.
2018: With Kavanaugh's SCOTUS confirmation looming, she thinks she should say something now.....after 36 years?!?
She has a degree in Clinical Psychology? Oh, the irony.
Lar of Galen...The Democrats are trying to destroy Kavanaugh because he will oppose their socialist/activist agenda. They want to control the Supreme Court so they can "judicate" laws they can't legislate. For women, it is specifically about abortion. And think about it: Roe vs Wade is highly unlikely to ever be overturned. His appointment will not make abortion illegal. But just the fact that he presents the slightest possibility that women will not be able to have their babies removed from their wombs and killed at whim drives them to seek not only his destruction, but the destruction of anyone who doesn't oppose him. You must conform or die. Does that sound like democracy? Actually, it does. That's why we have a representative republic.
There are a few inaccuracies with this post, so I will list them.
ReplyDeleteIn the 21st picture (the Biden quote)- The real quote says that "TRUMP SUPPORTERS are virulent people, some of them the dregs of society." Don't know why you chose to include the bracketed word "conservatives". Seems intentionally misleading. And the truth is, Trump supporters are hostile (virulent) towards leftism, which is a good thing. As for being the dregs of society, it is true that SOME of them (the alt-right) are just that. Falsely including the word "conservatives" here makes the statement false, which I suppose is why you chose to post it.
In the 27th picture (the Keith Ellison one)- This is literally just fake news. The victim herself has come forward and said that the picture on the right is not her, and has asked that people stop sharing it as if it's a picture of her. Don't rail against fake news and fact checkers and then neglect to fact check yourself.
In the 30th picture (Ford/Soros one)- Wow, speaking of fake news, that's NOT EVEN CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD. THAT IS UKRANIAN ACTIVIST LYUDMYLA KOZLOVSKA. She has come out condemning the use of this very photo. Nice job.
In the 51st photo (Strzok/Ford one)- You no longer have the authority to complain about fake news. Jill Strzok is actually Peter Strzok's distant cousin through marriage, not his sister-in-law. This means that rather than three degrees of separation, which is a dumb enough standard for connecting two people, there are more like ten degrees of separation. Her story is flimsy enough without us pulling out inane conspiracy theories to "debunk" it.
72nd photo- Matt Walsh sucks. He's an authoritarian blowhard, and I wouldn't take his opinion seriously if he were telling me the sky is blue. That's all I have to say about this one. He's not wrong in these tweets, I just don't see him as a valid opinion writer.
Do some fact checking before posting some of this stuff. Leftists are dumb enough without us being dumb trying to trip them up.
Finally, a reply!! I have been waiting 9 years for one, even if it is from my second son. I like ALL your comments. More, please. P.S. Your move...chess and this.