Saturday, October 14, 2017

The left scrambles to get away from another Weinerstein

Lar of Galen...Tuesday morning Rush Limbaugh had a caller who made some very astute comments and observations.  In response to the libs' calls for new gun control, he suggested they pass a law allowing only conservatives to own guns.  Every mass shooter as been Moslem, left-wing, or apolitical (but tending towards anarchy).  He also pointed out that there had been no comment about Paddock's politics.  The caller said this obviously indicates he was not a Republican, Conservative, or Trump supporter because revelation of any of those aspects would have the media howling.  He also opined that there possibly was a political motivation, as country music fans tend to be conservative.  He also thought that there might be an intention to spark more gun control, hoping that since (assumedly) conservative, pro-gun people were the targets, they might be more willing to give up rights for more security.
    There was also the chilling thought that the left feels total justification in using violence against conservatives.  We've seen Kathy Griffin with the ISIS-inspired severed Trump head photo, Antifa fascists rioting in various locations in the US and Europe, and the poll that says one fifth of college students think it's okay to use violence to silence speakers they disagree with.  We may have taken the next step.  Why a 64-year-old man who had enough money to "live comfortable for the rest of his life" would do this is still being puzzled out.








Lar of Galen...Will America ever shake off it's guilt complex?  If you care about the poor (and you should), contribute to or volunteer with a charity.  But when the government forces you to be "charitable", it is socialism -- which is evil and never works out well, for the poor or anyone.  Even the dictators in charge eventually pay in blood for it.

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