Friday, November 11, 2016


 From Rudolph of Jersey...
        I was really nervous for the two days before the election event. Bill O'Reilly said a few days before the election that Hillary was going to win and I thought that he was going out on a limb, but didn't know what he knew. I knew California was going her way and that alone was 55 electoral votes by itself. My daughter and I watched as much as we could and I was surprised how nervous she was about Trump possible losing. I guess I'm more of an influence on her than I thought, but several times we talked about things that I was very concerned about, like the supreme court, open borders, trade agreements, etc.. I know she needs to understand how and why the world works the way it does, but I don't want her to let me or anyone else think for her. I want her to stand on her own.
        The popular vote edged in favor of Hillary, and I really wonder if people in this country really understand what is going on! When I reminded my daughter that in the 1770's, not everyone wanted to fight England for independence, I reminded myself that this country is driven by a few brave spirits and the rest follow because that is all they can do, and that is all they care to do if there is beer to drink and a place to sleep it off.
Lar of Galen...Yes, in 1775 only about 1/3 were for independence, 1/3 supported the king, and the rest were "undecided" (gutless sheep).  The reason we have the electoral college is the same reason each state gets 2 senators, regardless of physical size or population.  It's to keep this country from devolving into straight "democracy" (mob rule).  If you look at the county-by-county map, it is overwhelmingly red.  The blue areas are almost exclusively around large cities -- most of which couldn't function without federal socialism.


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