Sunday, October 16, 2016


Presenting: This Month In History
October 1976
Democrats concoct false "rape" claims against Gerald Ford. The charges are quickly proven false and discredited, and democrats move on to other lies.
October 1980
Democrats concoct false "rape" claims against Ronald Reagan. The charges are quickly proven false and discredited, and democrats move on to other lies.
October 1984
Democrats recycle false "rape" claims against Ronald Reagan. The charges are again proven false and discredited, and democrats move on to other lies.
October 1988
Democrats concoct false "rape" claims against George Bush. The charges are quickly proven false and discredited, and democrats move on to other lies.
October 1992
Democrats recycle false "rape" claims against George Bush. The charges are again proven false and discredited, and democrats move on to other lies.
October 1996
Democrats concoct false "rape" claims against Bob Dole. The charges are quickly proven false and discredited, and democrats move on to other lies.
October 2000
Democrats concoct false "rape" claims against George W Bush. The charges are quickly proven false and discredited, and democrats move on to other lies.
October 2004
Democrats recycle false "rape" claims against George W Bush. The charges are again proven false and discredited, and democrats move on to other lies.
October 2008
Democrats concoct false "rape" claims against John McCain. The charges are quickly proven false and discredited, and democrats move on to other lies.
October 2012
Democrats concoct false "rape" claims against Mitt Romney. The charges are quickly proven false and discredited, and democrats move on to other lies.
October 2016
Democrats concoct false "rape" claims against Donald Trump.
News of the scheme is leaked ahead of time and it is proven false and discredited before the liberal media sycophants even have a chance to run their hysterical outrage script.
From Lar of Galen...
It seems that lately my life has been getting more complicated, and I want to thank those of you who are brave enough to still associate with me regardless of what I have become.

The following is a recap of my current identity:

· I was born white, which makes me a racist.

· I am a fiscal and moral conservative, which makes me a fascist.

· I am heterosexual, which makes me a homophobe.

· I am non-union, which makes me a traitor to the working class and an ally of big business.

· I am a Christian, which makes me an infidel.

· I am 81 and retired, which makes me a useless old person.

· I think and I reason; therefore I doubt much that the main stream media tells me, which makes me a reactionary.

· I am proud of my heritage and our inclusive American culture, which makes me a xenophobe.

· I value my safety and that of my family; therefore I appreciate the police and the legal system, which makes me a right-wing extremist.

· I believe in hard work, fair play, and fair compensation according to each individual's merits, which makes me anti-social.

· I believe in the 2nd Amendment which makes me a killer.

· I believe in the defense and protection of the homeland by all citizens, which makes me a militarist.
Please help me come to terms with this, because I‘m not sure who I am anymore!

· Newest problem – I'm not sure which bathroom I should use

October 15, 2016

Voter fraud is real: Here's proof

By Rick Moran
An excellenty article in The Federalist by John Gibbs that gives the lie to the liberal narrative that voter fraud doesn't exist.
In fact, the problem is worse than we thought.
Yet as the election approaches, more and more cases of voter fraud are beginning to surface. In Colorado, multiple instances were found of dead people attempting to vote. Stunningly, “a woman named Sara Sosa who died in 2009 cast ballots in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.” In Virginia, it was found that nearly 20 voter applications were turned in under the names of dead people.
In Texas, authorities are investigatingcriminals who are using the technique of “vote harvesting” to illegally procure votes for their candidates. “Harvesting” is the practice of illegally obtaining the signatures of valid voters in order to vote in their name without their consent for the candidate(s) the criminal supports.
These are just some instances of voter fraud we know about. It would be silly to assume cases that have been discovered are the only cases of fraud. Indeed according to a Pew Research report from February 2012, one in eight voter registrations are “significantly inaccurate or no longer valid.” Since there are 146 million Americans registered to vote, this translates to a stunning 18 million invalid voter registrations on the books. Further, “More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters, and approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state.” Numbers of this scale obviously provide ripe opportunity for fraud.
Yet in spite of all this, a report by the Brennan Center at New York Univeristy claims voter fraud is a myth. It argues that North Carolina, which passed comprehensive measures to prevent voter fraud, “failed to identify even a single individual who has ever been charged with committing in-person voter fraud in North Carolina.” However, this faulty reasoning does not point to the lack of in-person voter fraud, but rather to lack of enforcement mechanisms to identify and prosecute in-person voter fraud.
The science of criminal justice tells us that many crimes go unreported, and the more “victimless” the crime, the more this happens. The fact is, a person attempting to commit voter fraud is very unlikely to be caught, which increases the incentive to commit the crime.
In other words, absence of evidence is evidence of absence, according to the left. But the reality, as Gibbs points out, is far more sinister. 
The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is a sophisticated, comprehensive effort to catalog “the number and types of crimes not reported to law enforcement authorities.” However, it tends to deal mostly in violent crimes. As complex as the NCVS is, gathering accurate data for unreported victimless crimes such as voter fraud is even harder, since 1) outside of the criminal, no one may know a crime has taken place, and 2) there is no direct victim to report the crime in the first place. Yet we are expected to believe that, unlike violent crime, voter fraud is limited only to the cases that are actually reported and prosecuted? This is a senseless position.
Gibbs didn't mention the ongoing investigation by the Indiana State Police into possibily the biggest case of voter fraud in history. The investigation spans 56 counties and tens of thousands of registrations.
It should be pointed out that not every inaccurate registration form or duplicate registration is someone trying to commit fraud. But even a casual glance at US history tells us that voter fraud has always been with us and to deny that it exists is a political talking point not based on fact.
It’s often been said … ‘Politics make strange bed fellows’ …
Everywhere we look, we find more CLINTON Corruption!
When James Comey decided not to indict Hillary Clinton, the whole American public was shocked. Everyone expected him to charge Hillary.  However, now we know the real reason why Comey didn’t charge Hillary.
His personal and professional relationships — all undisclosed as he announced the Bureau would not prosecute Clinton — reinforce bipartisan concerns that he may have politicized the criminal probe.
These concerns focus on millions of dollars that Comey accepted from a Clinton Foundation defense contractor, Comey’s former membership on a Clinton Foundation corporate partner’s board, and his surprising financial relationship with his brother Peter Comey, who works at the law firm that does the Clinton Foundation’s taxes.
Comey earned $6 million in one year alone from Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin became a Clinton Foundation donor that very year.
According to records, Lockheed Martin is also a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, which paid Bill Clinton $250,000 to deliver a speech in 2010.  In 2010, Lockheed Martin won 17 approvals for private contracts from the Hillary Clinton State Department.
In 2013, Comey became a board member, a director, and a Financial System Vulnerabilities Committee member of the London bank HSBC Holdings.  When our source called the Chinatown offices of D.C. law firm DLA Piper and asked for “Peter Comey,” a receptionist immediately put him through to Comey’s direct line. But Peter Comey is not featured on the DLA Piper website.  Peter Comey serves as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas” for DLA Piper.  James Comey was not questioned about his relationship with Peter Comey in his confirmation hearing.
DLA Piper is the firm that performed the independent audit of the Clinton Foundation in November during Clinton-World’s first big push to put the email scandal behind them. DLA Piper’s employees taken as a whole represent a major Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign donation bloc and Clinton Foundation donation base.
DLA Piper ranks #5 on Hillary Clinton’s all-time career Top Contributors list, just ahead of Goldman Sachs.  And here is another thing: Peter Comey has a mortgage on his house that is owned by his brother James Comey, the FBI director.  Trickle-down corruption.
When President Obama nominated Comey to become FBI director in 2013, Comey promised the United States Senate that he would recuse himself on all cases involving former employers.  He lied. He has in fact politicized the FBI— that is supposed to support the Rule of Law.
The FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton needs to be re-opened, Comey and Attorney General Loretta Lynch should recuse themselves and Congress should demand the appointment of a Special Prosecutor.
To verify this email, you can go to google.comand type in: James Comey's brother and the Clinton Foundation
As you can see, Hillary is tightly connected to Comey.  If you still didn’t know why Hillary wasn’t indicted, now you know!
Let’s share this article everywhere. America deserves to know!

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