Lar of Galen...Last night on the way to Bible Class I heard Mark Levine talking about how we paid $400 billion in cash to Iran for 4 hostages. He played a clip of Hillary saying this wasn't a ransom payment, it was repayment for contracts dating back to when the Shah was in power. I immediately thought "And we just happened to make that payment now??!!!?? And why would we be paying the current regime for something that was arranged under the government they overthrew??"
I mentioned it to Deborah later, and she said that a pastor, who was the last hostage, said he was not allowed to board the plane leaving Iran until the plane with the money landed. On the rebroadcast of The O'Reilly Factor, they discussed the same story. Hillary was dismissing it as old news, and he also played a clip of BO saying the same thing, that "We announced this in January, 7 months ago." A commentator from the WSJ said "This is true, it was repayment for contracts cancelled when the Shah was overthrown. But the timing was bad."
He said the State Department decided to go ahead and release the funds because they felt that the sanctions, which have been under arbitration in The Haig for 30 years were about to be overturned, and we would have to release the money anyway. REALLY??!!?? Suddenly, (You notice how I keep having to use that term with this regime?) some world agency is going to decide after 30 years that we owe the Ayatollah money for something that was agreed to under the Shah?
Another commentator came on and talked about the use of cash. He said that the reason we gave them cash is because it can't be traced. This is important because it is illegal for us to give the Iranian government cash, and because several people in the government have already said that we know that any money we give to Iran will end up in the hands of terrorists. Wouldn't want people to be able to prove that such money came from us.
The same commentator stated that giving the current regime money for contracts made under the Shah would be the same as deciding to refund money confiscated from the Weimar Republic under the Treaty of Verseille back to Germany after Hitler had set up The Third Reich.(Thank you very much!)
More Lar of Gale...Heard on the radio that a famous actress from Virginia (didn't catch her name) is horribly embarrassed by the fact that she graduated from a high school named after Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart, so the school board is forming a panel to study the possibility to change the name. Rush pointed out that Stuart, although he did not own slaves, was a Democrat.
Even more Lar of Galen..."This shameful “honor” bestowed upon a child molester is a slap in the face of every man and woman who ever served, fought or died for this great nation in decline."
Obama...doing all he can with what little time he has left in office to further degrade our great Navy.
Navy to Name Ship after ‘Gay’ Child Molester
Matt Barber Matt Barber |Posted: Jul 31, 2016 12:01 AM
Attention on the poop deck. It seems our “first gay president” intends to “milk,” with pride, his fetish for all things “LGBT” in the closing months (mercifully) of his catastrophic presidency. USNI News (U.S. Naval Institute)reportsthat the Obama Navy presumes to ram, without consent, the most reprehensible aspects of the extremist homosexual political agenda down the throats of a divided American public.
“The Navy is set to name a ship after the gay rights icon and San Francisco politician Harvey Milk, according to a congressional notification obtained by USNI News.
“The July 14, 2016 notification, signed by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, indicated he intended to name a planned Military Sealift Command fleet oiler USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO-206).”
An “oiler.” You can’t make this stuff up.
It remains unclear whether the USNS Harvey Milk will come equipped with sonar/radar or Grindr, be modeled after a Disney “cruise” liner and adorned with the American flag, or the rainbow colors of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Why Disney?
What would you call a 33-year-old man who both had, and axiomatically acted upon, a deviant sexual appetite for underage, drug-addicted, runaway boys?
No, not Jerry Sandusky, but good guess.
What would you call a man of whom, as regards sexual preference, his own close friend and biographer confessed, “Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems”?
In a 2013interviewwith, I called this man “demonstrably, categorically an evil man based on his [statutory] rape of teenage boys.”
But you can call him Harvey Milk.
Harvey Milk’s only claim to fame is that he was the first openly homosexual candidate to be elected to public office (San Francisco city commissioner). His chief cause was to do away with the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic. In 1978 Milk was murdered over a non-related political dispute by fellow Democrat Dan White.
And a “progressive” martyr was born.
Merriam Webster defines “pederast” as “one who practices anal intercourse especially with a boy.” It defines “statutory rape” as “the crime of having sex with someone who is younger than an age that is specified by law.”
Harvey Milk was both a pederast and, by extension, a statutory rapist. One of Milk’s victims was a 16-year-old runaway from Maryland named Jack Galen McKinley. Motivated by an apparent quid pro quo of prurience, Milk plucked McKinley from the streets.
Randy Shilts was a San Francisco Chronicle reporter and close friend to Harvey Milk. Though Shilts died of AIDS in 1994, he remains, even today, one of the most beloved journalists in the “LGBT” community.
Shilts was also Harvey Milk’s biographer. In his glowing book “The Mayor of Castro Street,” he wrote of Milk’s “relationship” with the McKinley boy: “… Sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure. … At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him.”
In a sane world, of course, the only direction his “new lover” should have pulled him was toward San Quentin. But, alas, today’s America is anything but sane.
Whereas McKinley, a disturbed runaway boy, desperately sought a “father figure” to provide empathy, compassion, wisdom and direction, he instead found Harvey Milk: a promiscuous sexual predator who found, in McKinley, an opportunity to satisfy a perverse lust for underage flesh.
Years later, McKinley committed suicide.
Another teen who crossed paths with Harvey Milk was Christian convert and former homosexual Gerard Dols. In a 2008 radio interview with Concerned Women for America, Dols shared of how – as a physically disabled teen – the “very nice” Harvey Milk had encouraged him in 1977 to run away from his Minnesota home and come to San Francisco.
According to Dols, Milk told him, “Don’t tell your parents,” and later sent him a letter with instructions. Thankfully, the letter was intercepted by Dols’ parents, who then filed a complaint with the Minnesota attorney general’s office.
The incident was swept under the rug.
Milk was also reputed to offer room and board in his San Francisco flat to young sailors in exchange for sodomy. His history of child sexual abuse was (and is) no secret to Obama or the homosexual community.
Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council penned adetailed expose on Milk in 2009. “He continued to engage in homosexual conduct while serving in the U. S. Navy,” wrote Sprigg. “Shilts reports that Milk, who had his own apartment off base, would pick up hitchhiking sailors by offering them a bed to sleep in. ‘The guests often would not know that Milk’s apartment had only one bed until they walked in the door.’
“Milk later exploited his time in the Navy during his political career – by lying about it, claiming falsely that he had received a dishonorable discharge for his homosexuality. Milk ‘knew the story would make good copy,’ according to Shilts. ‘Maybe people will read it, feel sorry for me and then vote for me,’ Milk told one campaign manager.
“The information Shilts provides about Milk’s sexual partners is revealing about the nature of male homosexual life in America,” concluded Sprigg. “Milk’s first long-term lover, Joe, had his ‘introduction to gay life’ when he performed sex acts upon men in a movie theatre for money – at age 9. Milk’s next lover, Craig, had been arrested after having sex with a 40-year-old man – when Craig was 14. He met Milk when he was 17. ‘[I]t would be to such boyish-looking men in their late teens and early 20s that Milk would be attracted for the rest of his life,’ Shilts reports. Another lover, Jack, moved in with Milk when he was 16 and Milk was 33. Jack attempted suicide several times, and once when he physically attacked Milk, ‘Harvey literally tied him up and threw him in a closet,'” reports Shilts.
So what does a man like Harvey Milk get for his crimes and predatory predilections? While most sexual predators get time in prison and a dishonorable mention on the registry of sex offenders, Harvey Milk got his own California state holiday (“Harvey Milk Day”), officialU.S. postage stamp, aposthumous Presidential Medal of Freedomand, now, is honored with a U.S. Naval ship in his own name.
God bless America?
This shameful “honor” bestowed upon a child molester is a slap in the face of every man and woman who ever served, fought or died for this great nation in decline. If you’re as disgusted by it as I am, please contact your congressional representative and demand they torpedo this predatory ship of fools.
Leaping Spark • 6 hours ago
During Hillary's speech yesterday in Orlando, the Muslim, anti American, Taliban supporting POS father of the Orlando Muslim piece of filth who murdered 49 Americans was sitting right behind Hillary smiling like Cheshire cat sending a clear message that Hillary supports terrorism and Muslims in general over Americans.
Lisa McDonald • 5 hours ago
Well, now we know that the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS will be voting for Hillary - she's a fervent supporter! Whose brilliant idea was it to sit the father of a terrorist right behind Hillary? And if she knew about it beforehand she is even a bigger hypocrite than I thought possible. And yes, the media fell all over themselves so they could interview him. What kills me is that he supports Hillary because she supports gun control. The irony here is incredible.
Death and Hillary Clinton
She's the common denominator in a number of deaths.
Paul Albaugh · Aug. 9, 2016
For as long as the Clintons have been in the national spotlight, people linked to them have turned up dead. We’re sure that’s only the stuff of mythology among the “vast right-wing conspiracy,” but this week brings news of more of the same.
Despite FBI and Leftmedia attempts to keep Americans as uninformed as possible about Hillary Clinton’s history of corruption and lies, there is new information about the death of an Iranian nuclear scientist named Shahram Amiri. Normally, the death of a foreigner wouldn’t catch the attention of many Americans. But in this case, Amiri was in contact with Clinton via email, and the circumstances and timing of his death are more than suspicious.
Who was this man that was just publicly hanged shortly after returning to Iran? Amiri was one of Iran’s nuclear scientists, and in 2009 he disappeared while on a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia, and he reappeared in several online videos in the United States. The timing of his disappearance was at the height of Western efforts to disrupt Iran’s nuclear program. In 2010, he returned to Iran, and was greeted with a hero’s welcome. Soon after, he disappeared again.
This past weekend, he was publicly tried and executed. According to an Iranian judiciary spokesman, Amiri had access to Iran’s secret and classified information and was linked to Iran’s number one enemy (and financier), America. He was also accused of providing the U.S. with vital and secret information about Iran. So what happened between his 2010 return to Iran and this past weekend?
Well, the revelations of Hillary Clinton’s email scheme and the release of her emails, which contained several references to Amiri.
Did Clinton’s emails seal this man’s fate? As National Review’s Jim Geraghty notes, “[I]t’s unnerving to see she was discussing such material on an insecure system. We don’t know for certain that the Iranians had successfully hacked into Clinton’s server — as FBI Director Comey said, hackers are good at covering their tracks — but it seems foolish to assume Tehran could not. Friendly references to Amiri in private email by Hillary and her staff would destroy his claims to his captors that he wasn’t voluntarily helping American intelligence.”
More likely than Iran doing the hacking is that Russia is the culprit. The two nations are thick as thieves when it comes to Iran’s nuclear program, and it’s extremely likely that Moscow has somevaluable dirt on Clinton, some of which was perhaps shared with the mullahs.
So what of Clinton’s emails? In 2010, Jake Sullivan sent two emails about a week apart to Hillary’s private server. Neither of the emails mentioned Amiri by name, but the first email notes that the videos were a “psychological” issue and that “our friend has to be given a way out.” The second email, sent two days before CNN reported a $5 million payout, warned of “problematic news stories” to come as a cover for Amiri’s return to Iran.
So while the emails didn’t mention Amiri by name, Iranian intelligence could have no doubt figured out that the person she was referring to in these emails was indeed Amiri.
This is what FBI Director James Comey meant when he called Hillary “extremely careless in the handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”
There are other untimely, mysterious deaths in the last six weeks as well — all with ties to the Clintons. Last week, there were two deaths within two days. The first was a prominent Clinton critic, researcher and reporter for the American Free Press named Victor Thorn. He was found in his home, dead of a gunshot wound to the head, in what has been reported as a suicide. It was his 54th birthday.
The second was a Bernie Sanders supporter named Shawn Lucas, who was serving the Democrat National Committee and former DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz with a class action lawsuit for alleged fraud and rigging the primary election in favor of Hillary Clinton. He was found dead on Aug. 2, on the floor of his bathroom.
There are several others who have died strange and untimely deaths with unsatisfactory explanation. But the common denominator is that they were somehow tied to or knew something about the Clintons and had either reported or were about to blow the whistle on their wrongdoings.
It feels like the 1990s all over again, when Vince Foster and numerous others met an untimely and suspicious demise. This is the Hillary Clinton that the Leftmedia doesn’t want you to know about. The same woman who recently said that she may have “short circuited” her recent email explanation.
Speaking of deaths and lies, the parents of two Benghazi victims — Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, and Charles Woods, the father of Tyrone Woods — filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Clinton Monday. The two allege that Clinton’s “reckless handling” of classified information contributed to their sons' deaths. And while the circumstances surrounding the Iranian scientist or the two Americans are mysterious, we know that Clinton is responsible for the deaths of Smith, Woods and two others in Benghazi. And then she lied about it for political gain.
Indeed, she lied to the public and then has the audacity to lie and say that she didn’t lie. This woman is filled with corruption and lies yet she is the “most qualified person ever” to run for president? Too few seem to know about her wrongdoings and malicious behavior. Or they don’t care
Phillip Jennings is an investment banker and entrepreneur, former Marine Corps Captain who flew missions in Vietnam and, after leaving the Marine Corps, flew for Air America in Laos. He won the Pirate’s Alley Faulkner Society short fiction award in 1998. He has a degree in business administration and is the CEO of Mayfair Capital Partners. He is the author of two novels and one non-fiction book.
He authored the following article which appeared in the May 26, 2016 edition of USA Today. It is short and should be required reading for everyone.
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Secretary without honor.
When I hear people say Clinton emails don't matter, I remember a young Marine captain who owned up to his career-ruining mistake.
Apologists for Hillary Clinton’s alleged criminal mishandling of classified documents say that it doesn’t matter, that she really did nothing wrong, or nothing significant. But the real question is not so much what she did as how she has responded to being found out.
Once during the mid-1960s when I was on active duty in the Marine Corps, I was the air liaison officer for a battalion of Marines aboard 11 ships in the Mediterranean. As the air officer and a senior captain, I had a rotating responsibility for the nuclear code book, kept in the safe in the operations room of the lead amphibious squadron command ship. I shared that duty with another captain, a squared away young man, liked by all he commanded and the son of a very high-ranking Marine.
On the day our ships were leaving the Mediterranean, we met the new amphibious squadron near Gibraltar and made preparations to transfer security codes and other sensitive material to the incoming Marine battalion. The young captain was on duty and went to the operations office to pick up the code book. He was alone in the office. He removed the code book and placed it on the desk while closing the safe. In a rushed moment, he stepped across the passageway to retrieve something he needed from his quarters. Seconds later, he stepped back into the operations office and found the operations sergeant having just entered, looking down at the code book.
Against all regulations, the code book had been out of the safe and unattended. It mattered not that it was unattended for only seconds, that the ship was 5 miles at sea, or that it was certain no one unauthorized had seen the code. The captain could have explained this to the operations sergeant. He could have told the sergeant that he “would take care of it.” He could have hinted that his high-ranking dad could smooth it over.
But the Marine Corps’ values are honor, courage and commitment. Honor is the bedrock of our character. The young captain could not ask the sergeant to betray his duty to report the infraction, no matter how small. Instead, the captain simply said, “Let’s go see the colonel.”
That captain had wanted to be a Marine officer all of his life. It was the only career he ever wanted. When he reported the incident to the colonel, he knew he was jeopardizing his life’s dream. But he did it.
The results went by the book. The amphibious squadron stood down. Military couriers flew in from NATO. The codes were changed all over Europe. The battalion was a day late in leaving the Mediterranean. The captain, Leonard F. Chapman III, received a letter of reprimand, damaging his career. He stayed in the corps and died in a tragic accident aboard another ship. [For those interested, Captain Chapman's father was Gen. Leonard F. Chapman Jr., the former Commandant of the Marine Corps.]
I saw some heroic acts in combat in Vietnam, things that made me proud to be an American and a Marine. But that young captain stood for what makes our corps and our country great.
Clinton is the antithesis of that young captain, someone with no honor, little courage and commitment only to her endless ambition. This has nothing to do with gender, party affiliation, ideology or policy. It is a question of character — not just hers, but ours. Electing Clinton would mean abandoning holding people accountable for grievous errors of integrity and responsibility. What we already know about her security infractions should disqualify her for any government position that deals in information critical to mission success, domestic or foreign. But beyond that, her responses to being found out — dismissing its importance, claiming ignorance, blaming others — indict her beyond anything the investigation can reveal. Those elements reveal her character. And the saddest thing is that so many in America seem not to care.
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