15 Stats That Destroy Liberal Narratives
John Hawkins | Jan 02, 2016
1) “Muslims account for only about 1 percent of the U.S. population but account for about half of terrorist attacks since 9/11. That means Muslims in the United States are about 5,000 percent more likely to commit terrorist attacks than non-Muslims.” -- Mark Krikorian
2) “Consider, for example, that in 1958 a mere 4 percent of Americans approved of interracial marriage. By 2013, that number had grown to 87 percent. In 2012 these once-taboo unions hit an all-time high.
Ku Klux Klan membership has shrunk drastically from millions a century ago to fewer than 5,000 today. The Black Panthers are essentially extinct. While plenty of other hate groups have attempted to fill the void, they have always operated on the margins of society. Black politicians are now common—President Obama’s percentage of the white vote was almost perfectly in line with that received by other recent Democrats, all of whom were white.
Granted, these statistics offer but a snapshot of American society, but the more one looks, the more a trend emerges. America is a lot of things; racist isn’t one of them.” -- Greg Jones
3) “The harsh reality awaiting these low-income Americans is undeniable: according to 2013 data from a 2014 Merritt Hawkins study, 55% of doctors already refuse new Medicaid patients. According to the HSC Health Tracking Physician Survey, 2008, the percentage of doctors that refuse new Medicaid patients dwarf by about 8 to 10 times the percentage that refuses new private insurance patients.
Such ‘insurance’ from Obamacare not only fails to provide access to doctors, but research in the top medical journals such as Cancer, American Journal of Cardiology, Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation and Annals of Surgery, show that Medicaid beneficiaries suffer worse outcomes than similar patients with private insurance ... all at an added cost of another $800 billion by CBO estimates to taxpayers after the decade.
It is not hyperbole to call Medicaid a disgrace at its annual cost of about $450 billion, and expanding it rather than helping poor people buy private insurance is simply inexplicable.” -- Scott Atlas
4) “In other words, all of the disruption, spending, taxation, and premium hikes in Obamacare has only reduced the percentage of U.S. residents without health insurance by 2.7 percentage points, from 13.9% to 11.1%: a remarkably small reduction, and far lower than what the law was supposed to achieve.” -- Avik Roy
5) “Bernie Sanders thinks you can pay for an 18 trillion dollar expansion of the welfare state — to make it align with a Denmark that doesn’t actually exist — simply by taxing ‘the billionaire class.’ There are 536 billionaires in America. Even if you confiscated everything they had — which, by the way, would surely destroy the American economy by triggering the greatest round of capital flight in human history and amount to government seizure of countless businesses — it wouldn’t come close to covering the tab of Sanders’s proposals.” -- Jonah Goldberg
6) “In 2010, 38,329 people died from drug overdoses, twice the number a decade earlier. More people died of drug overdoses than from automobile accidents (30,196), murders (13,000) or gun accidents (700).” -- Ann Coulter
7) “Between 1979 and 2010, for instance, the average after-tax income for the poorest quintile of American households rose from $14,800 to $19,200; for the second-poorest quintile, it rose from $29,900 to $39,100. Meanwhile, per-person antipoverty spending at the state and federal level increased sixfold between 1968 and 2008 — and that’s excluding Medicare, unemployment benefits and Social Security.” -- Ross Douthat
8) “Just last month, the Senate Judiciary Committee received a report that in just four years, 121 illegal aliens who had been released by ICE went on to murder Americans.” -- Mark Krikorian
9) “Officially known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, the food-stamp program has become the country’s fastest-growing means-tested social-welfare program. Only Medicaid is more expensive. Between 2000 and 2013, SNAP caseloads grew to 47.6 million from 17.2 million, and spending grew to $80 billion from $20.6 billion, according to the Agriculture Department. SNAP participation fell slightly last year, to 46.5 million individuals, as the economy improved, but that still leaves a population the size of Spain’s living in the U.S. on food stamps.” -- Jason Riley
10) “Pace Mr. Obama, the state-prison population (which accounts for 87% of the nation’s prisoners) is dominated by violent criminals and serial thieves. In 2013 drug offenders made up less than 16% of the state-prison population; violent felons were 54% and property offenders 19%. Reducing drug-related admissions to 15 large state penitentiaries by half would lower those states’ prison count by only 7%, according to the Urban Institute.
In federal prisons—which hold only 13% of the nation’s prisoners—drug offenders make up half of the inmate population. But these offenders aren’t casual drug users; overwhelmingly, they are serious traffickers. Fewer than 1% of drug offenders sentenced in federal court in 2014 were convicted of simple drug possession, according to the U.S. Sentencing Commission. Most of those possession convictions were plea-bargained down from trafficking charges.” -- Heather Mac Donald
11) “The conservative Heritage Foundation estimated unlawful immigrant households paid $39.2 billion in 2010, but received $93.7 billion in government services.” -- Oliver Darcy
12) “On Wednesday, a Washington Post article announced that ‘The San Bernardino shooting is the second mass shooting today and the 355th this year.’ Vox, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, this newspaper and others reported similar statistics. Grim details from the church in Charleston, a college classroom in Oregon and a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado are still fresh, but you could be forgiven for wondering how you missed more than 300 other such attacks in 2015. At Mother Jones, where I work as an editor, we have compiled an in-depth, open-source database covering more than three decades of public mass shootings. By our measure, there have been four ‘mass shootings’ this year, including the one in San Bernardino, and at least 73 such attacks since 1982.” -- Mark Follman
13) “As Pew Research cheerfully reports, previous immigrants were ‘almost entirely’ European. But since Kennedy's immigration act, a majority of immigrants have been from Latin America. One-quarter are from Asia. Only 12 percent of post-1965-act immigrants have been from Europe -- and they're probably Muslims.
Apparently, the ‘American experiment’ is actually some kind of sociological trial in which we see if people who have no history of Western government can run a constitutional republic.
As of 1970, there were only 9 million Hispanics in the entire country, according to the Pew Research Center. Today, there are well more than 60 million.” -- Ann Coulter
14) “No fewer than eight major studies from around the world have found homosexuality is not a genetic condition.
Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council says that these numerous, rigorous studies of identical twins have now made it impossible to argue that there is a ‘gay gene.’ If homosexuality were inborn and predetermined, then when one identical twin is homosexual, the other should be, as well.
Yet one study from Yale and Columbia Universities found homosexuality common to only 6.7 percent of male identical twins and 5.3 percent of female identical twins.
The low rate of common homosexuality in identical twins – around six percent – is easily explained by nurture, not nature.
Researchers Peter Bearman and Hannah Brueckner concluded that environment was the determining factor. They rejected outright that ‘genetic influence independent of social context’ as the reason for homosexuality. ‘(O)ur results support the hypothesis that less gendered socialization in early childhood and preadolescence shapes subsequent same-sex romantic preferences.’
‘Less gendered socialization’ means, a boy was without a positive father figure, or a girl was without a positive mother figure.
In light of the evidence, Sprigg said simply, ‘No one is born gay.’” -- Mark Hodges
15) “Over the last year, only 1.3 million Americans of working age have entered the workforce, even as the population of this same demographic increased by more than 2.8 million. Just over 1 million members of this group found jobs. That's right -- of the new additions to the working age population, less than four in 10 found jobs.
The newspapers touted the reduction in the unemployment rate to 5.3 percent as a cause for celebration. Yet for every three Americans added to the working age population (16 and older), only around one new job (1.07) has been created under Obama. At this pace, America will soon officially have a zero unemployment rate. But that will only be because no one will be looking for work.” -- Stephen Moore
January 3, 2016
Clinton's Bosnia Adventure Goes South
By John Smith
Since the Gulf War, no one would ever accuse the beltway gang of being astute strategic thinkers. While the Democrats have not cornered the market in this regard, there’s no doubt the leftist DC establishment have become experts at developing policies that result in abject failures. These misadventures go down the memory hole in the offices of the NYT and the WaPo, except if a Republican is President. But not so with foreign news outlets. France 24 has highlighted Bill Clinton’s arrogance and ignorance in one of history’s classic leftist military interventions.
In the early 90s, US media crews showed us every detail of the Bosnian battlefields, burning farmhouses, and battered marketplaces, in order to paint a picture of a complex ethnic war that was tearing the country apart. CNN and its go-to-war promoter, Christiane Amanpour, were particularly effective at laying a guilt trip on the American public and politicians in urging intervention.
In reality, the ethnic and religious angle was emphasized because the Clinton administration just could not bring itself to declare that the war was largely a fight of national identity to gain freedom from tyrannical, socialist dictators by the name of Slobodan Milosevic and his Bosnian Serb ally, Radovan Karadzic. It was not advisable to openly go against ideological soul mates of the communist persuasion.
The Dayton Accords were ironed out in 1995 to stop the war and promote the peace, but there there was a major flaw in the plan crafted by US Secretary of State Warren Christopher and chief negotiator Richard Holbrooke. The agreement presupposed that the final battle lines and unit boundaries were indicative of the pre-war ethnic population distribution in the country. Of course, US and NATO soldiers now had to figure out how to step in amongst three sets of belligerents composed of Bosnian Croat Roman Catholics, Bosnian Serb Orthodox Christians, and Bosniak Muslims. One Herculean task was to assist the return of refugees to their traditional homes, which, in many cases were behind enemy lines. It was forecast at the time that it would take until, well, about now, to safely return displaced people to their original lands. So, how did this work out after 20 years?
According to France 24, it hasn’t worked at all. In their push to get a deal – any deal – to stop the war (sound familiar?), Clinton and his advisers had failed to differentiate military occupation of land due to combat operations and the origin and movement of ethnic refugees. In other words, the accords forced ethnic segregation where previously there had been ethnic integration.
France 24 notes that where ethnic groups had settled after the cease-fire, had resulted in de facto ethnic home territories. These entailed arbitrary boundaries stipulated by the accords and over a generation had promoted segregation rather than a return of refugees and ultimately a return to a pre-war status quo. To expect a multi-national force composed of US and Western European forces, combined with Turks and US paid Russian units, to follow the script was the height of folly.
On another front, the Clinton administration agreed to an arms embargo, but then tacitly allowed weapons to be smuggled in from the Middle East to help the Bosniak Muslims. Clinton then went along with regional isolation protocols to prevent outside help from reaching all the belligerents. Mysteriously, he turned a blind eye to the infiltration of about 200 Mujahadeen fighters into Bosnia. Either deliberately or unwittingly, former President Clinton had sown the seeds for a new Islamo-fascist threat; this time in Southeastern Europe.
At the time, even European media criticized the decision while the US military command downplayed the significance of this infiltration. Twenty years later, France 24 confirms the disastrous consequences of this ploy. The Muslims in Bosnia were considered to be very secular with a soft adherence to the tenets of Islam. This has been replaced by the hardline Salafist approach such that Bosniak Muslims provide the majority of European recruits to the Islamic State. France 24 reports that,
Around 300 Bosnians are fighting alongside jihadists in Syria today. Many of them are believed to have been radicalised when Salafist preachers emerged in Bosnia during the 1992-1995 war. Today the tiny Balkan nation is facing an increasingly alarming security situation as the jihadists threaten to return home, calling for terror strikes in Bosnia, and elsewhere in Europe.
Hillary Clinton’s presidential run has already been plagued by scandals from when she was Secretary of State, yet the MSM still shields her from scrutiny. While dodging sniper fire in Bosnia, she apparently didn’t realize that her husband’s military expedition, much like Obama’s precipitous withdrawal from Iraq, had formed a country that can now function as a safe haven for Islamic jihadists. It is likely this failure will not penetrate the MSM wall around Hillary, nor will it likely impress the hacks of the GOPe machine. This perhaps leaves only Trump or Cruz to bring this forgotten national security disaster to the fore. Let’s hope they do so.
John Smith is the pen name of a former American intelligence officer

From a Patriot friend...
I get so damned tired of having to listen to the fracking Party Line. I usually don’t even bother trying to contact our “Representative” since he is a TCB (Demoncrat). But there are organizations that make it easy, providing a prepared email for all your gubermint folks that you just have to add your info to. Below is his response to my email on the “Syrian humanitarian crisis”, and my response to his.
January 4, 2016
Thank you for contacting our office regarding the on-going war in Syria and the humanitarian crisis that has evolved. I appreciate learning what issues are important to you and welcome the opportunity to respond.
The Syrian Civil War, which began in March 2011, has resulted in the death of over 100,000 Syrians and displaced over 6 million people, nearly one-third of the country's population. The United Nations (UN) estimates that the number of Syrians displaced as refugees exceeds 4 million – nearly all of them now in neighboring countries such as Jordan and Turkey. Today, Syrian refugees are fleeing to countries like Germany, France, and Sweden.
The United States has consistently supported humanitarian assistance to civilians affected by the conflict in Syria. It is working closely with neighboring countries, other governments, the United Nations, and humanitarian partners in its response to the crisis. Our government has allocated more than $1 billion for humanitarian activities both inside Syria and in neighboring countries, making America the largest contributor to humanitarian aid.
The President has announced the United States will increase the number of refugees accepted by the United States to 10,000 by 2017. Thus far, the United States has accepted 1,500 Syrians and will dramatically increase that number. It is important that our country participate in the efforts to resettle these refugees and help bring a negotiated peace to this terrible conflict. In light of the attacks in Paris, however, we need to ensure the individuals coming to our country are properly vetted. Greater coordination between the Departments of Homeland Security, State, Defense as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the National Counter Terrorism Center will provide better background on the history of the refugees.
Coordination and certification are key functions of executive agencies to ensure efficient and effective implementation of our federal immigration and refugee strategy. Our national security requirements must be met but we must also honor our commitment to justice, equality and opportunity.
Thank you again for contacting our office. Please do not hesitate to do so in the future if we can be of further assistance.
Sincerely, Gene Green Member of Congress
Unless these people are US citizens who somehow got caught up in the violence in Syria, they have absolutely no business coming here. They are not European Jews fleeing persecution from their own government for simply being Jewish. They are overwhelmingly military-aged males who, instead of defending their country, are abandoning their families. And they are travelling across the globe to countries with totally different cultures. If your home burned down, would you not seek shelter with relatives rather than far distant strangers? The violence they are fleeing is of one sect versus another. Syria has long been a sponsor of radical Islamic, anti-western terrorism. The fact that they, like Libya, are being overwhelmed by a rival faction does not make them good guys. If a Columbian cartel starts slaughtering Mexican drug lords (along with innocent by-standers), would our government begin an expensive program to import people from Mexico? Of course, that would be a redundant program, but the federal government seems to like that. The only way I could find the mass immigration of any foreigners into this country acceptable is if you and other elected officials housed and cared for them at your own expense.
I should have said “ ... housed, cared, and returned them ..”
"The key fallacy of so-called gun-control laws is that such laws do not in fact control guns. They simply disarm law-abiding citizens, while people bent on violence find firearms readily available."
--Thomas Sowell |
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