Lar of Galen...
In a previous email, Rudolph of the East asked how the French new where to bomb. On Fox, they said the French were getting their info from us. So, BO knows where ISIS is, but sends our bombers to do little pinprick strikes on the periphery. Why? Because, he is a tool of Satan. He wants the whole world united under one government and one universal religion (not Islam per se, but one that clearly “recognizes” Satan as god). BO and his master are embarrassed by all the quibbling and conflict. That’s why BO wants to “contain” and “reduce” -- not destroy – ISIS. Ol’ Scratch knows that Muslims will be the first to equate him to Allah.
PS: Raqqa is very near the Turkish border. It wouldn’t be that hard to muster NATO/allied Muslim forces together and take it over. BUT, BO has already said we won’t do that, because it would mean “open-
ended occupation.”, which would cost the US too many lives and dollars. Fox analysts pointed out that occupation could be performed by regional (allied Muslim) forces. But, NATO depends on us for transportation, not to mention leadership. BO already undermined our efforts in Syria by announcing that we would never bomb cities because it would cause civilian casualties. So, guess where ISIS’ main
forces are?
Again I ask the question:” Why do the Syrian (and other Muslim) refugees wanting to come to Europe and the US (instead of one of the many, much closer Muslim countries)?”
Answer: (1) To avoid having to fight for either ISIS or a corrupt Arabic regime (their only choices if they stay).
(2) To inflict damage to our decadent societies by abusing our stupid welfare systems.
(3) To infiltrate our countries so they can carry out terrorist attacks (ala Paris)
(4) Some combination of 1 - 3.
PS: barry has no fracking idea what “American” is, or who “we” are. “Ditto”, Val!
I think we have too many Muslims here already and I don’t trust any of them to honor this country. Especially after what I have seen in France. I would feel better about Christians that ISIS has been killing to come here. He is outraged!?! I am outraged at the way this bastard violates his oath of office and talks down to the American people like they are so stupid……. like the people he grew up with.
Outraged!! SCREW HIM. If he doesn’t like it, resign now.
Rudolph of the East
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