Lar of Galen...I heard Governor Abbot say on the radio today that he wasn’t trying to accuse the Feds of anything, “but part of my job is to answer citizens’ questions, and citizens around Bastrop are asking a lot of questions.” I do not believe this is the beginning of martial law/gun confiscation, but it might be practice for that day. There is no way a small unit can fan out from Bastrop and take over the whole of Texas. It would probably take the entire US military to try that. In a way, I wish this were “it”, that this administration would show its hand now. Failure of a blatant move now would guarantee big Demoncrat losses in November 2016. But personally, I do not believe the Constitution can be restored without rebooting the minds of liberals/socialist/Marxists/ demoncrats/communists/ progressives/Satanists (aka TCBs) with lead. Three generations (at least) have been so totally brainwashed and this evil so ingrained in our government and society, that I think we will ultimately have to apply Thomas Jefferson’s logic (The tree of Liberty must periodically be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants).
Lar of Galen...Beyond the whole “standards” issue – why do liberals want to turn women into killers? What do they think the military is all about, much less special forces like the Rangers? Of course, I already know the answer: It’s all about erasing the difference in the genders. The same people who claim to worship nature are always fighting against God’s natural designs. Satan wants to distort and destroy everything God made, substituting his perverse counterfeits so he can say “I am like the Most High.” And he has so many useful idiots doing his bidding without their even realizing it. And I will never forgive them for taking the black beret away from the Rangers and giving it to every single cook, accountant, driver, supply clerk, etc. that joins the Army. And to think rats ate mine, along with my original combat boots, while in storage.
Lar of Galen...Friday I caught the tail end of Rush’s comments about an article written by somebody else (Thomas Sowell, maybe?). The best quote: “You cannot exempt any segment of society - regardless of color - from all responsibility, and expect them to grow up to be civilized people.” Rush put it another way: “You can’t treat someone like livestock – feeding them, clothing them with no effort on their part – and expect them to somehow emerge as responsible human beings.” Rush related how many trillions of dollars we’ve spent on “The War On Poverty”, with the result that more people are living in poverty than ever before. He stated that in the first 100 years after slavery, the black family was strong, and we didn’t have the anger and upheaval we have today. Everything changed with Lyndon Johnson and “The Great Society”. After 50 years of liberal “kindness”, 73% of blacks are born out of wedlock, prison is a common experience for black men, EVER having to work is rare, more live in poverty than ever – yet have cable TV and the latest cell phone, thanks to all the welfare programs. Then we wonder why we have such a high crime rate and riots in the black communities.
Kim Jung Un had NO military experience whatsoever before Daddy made him a four-star general. This snot-nosed twerp had never accomplished anything in his life that would even come close to military leadership. He hadn't even so much as led a Cub Scout troop, coached a sports team, or commanded a military platoon. So he is made the "Beloved Leader" Of North Korea. Terrific! Oh crap!
I'm sorry. I just remembered that we did the same thing. We took an arrogant phony community organizer, who had never worn a uniform, and made him Commander-in-Chief. A guy, who had never had a real job, worked on a budget, or led anything more than an ACORN demonstration, and we made him "Beloved Leader" of the United States TWICE!!!
Rudy of New Jersey...Maybe the boy scout leader (President) needs a shaft in the ass so he can understand what the true meaning of homosexual really is all about! It is not a state of mind but a behavior that is socially abnormal. It is found in nature in animals, but those animals are soon killed off by the “normal behavior” animals. Not so in the human race where liberals try to make everything “normal” so we can live in peace. Did you notice all the peace in the world? Has it worked yet?
Lar of Galen...Beyond the whole “standards” issue – why do liberals want to turn women into killers? What do they think the military is all about, much less special forces like the Rangers? Of course, I already know the answer: It’s all about erasing the difference in the genders. The same people who claim to worship nature are always fighting against God’s natural designs. Satan wants to distort and destroy everything God made, substituting his perverse counterfeits so he can say “I am like the Most High.” And he has so many useful idiots doing his bidding without their even realizing it. And I will never forgive them for taking the black beret away from the Rangers and giving it to every single cook, accountant, driver, supply clerk, etc. that joins the Army. And to think rats ate mine, along with my original combat boots, while in storage.
Lar of Galen...Friday I caught the tail end of Rush’s comments about an article written by somebody else (Thomas Sowell, maybe?). The best quote: “You cannot exempt any segment of society - regardless of color - from all responsibility, and expect them to grow up to be civilized people.” Rush put it another way: “You can’t treat someone like livestock – feeding them, clothing them with no effort on their part – and expect them to somehow emerge as responsible human beings.” Rush related how many trillions of dollars we’ve spent on “The War On Poverty”, with the result that more people are living in poverty than ever before. He stated that in the first 100 years after slavery, the black family was strong, and we didn’t have the anger and upheaval we have today. Everything changed with Lyndon Johnson and “The Great Society”. After 50 years of liberal “kindness”, 73% of blacks are born out of wedlock, prison is a common experience for black men, EVER having to work is rare, more live in poverty than ever – yet have cable TV and the latest cell phone, thanks to all the welfare programs. Then we wonder why we have such a high crime rate and riots in the black communities.
Jung Un 
Kim Jung Un had NO military experience whatsoever before Daddy made him a four-star general. This snot-nosed twerp had never accomplished anything in his life that would even come close to military leadership. He hadn't even so much as led a Cub Scout troop, coached a sports team, or commanded a military platoon. So he is made the "Beloved Leader" Of North Korea. Terrific! Oh crap!
I'm sorry. I just remembered that we did the same thing. We took an arrogant phony community organizer, who had never worn a uniform, and made him Commander-in-Chief. A guy, who had never had a real job, worked on a budget, or led anything more than an ACORN demonstration, and we made him "Beloved Leader" of the United States TWICE!!!
Rudy of New Jersey...Maybe the boy scout leader (President) needs a shaft in the ass so he can understand what the true meaning of homosexual really is all about! It is not a state of mind but a behavior that is socially abnormal. It is found in nature in animals, but those animals are soon killed off by the “normal behavior” animals. Not so in the human race where liberals try to make everything “normal” so we can live in peace. Did you notice all the peace in the world? Has it worked yet?
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