This about sums it up. We need to consider ourselves and our allies as either the box the jihadist has his foot upon, or as the stool 0dumbshit is sitting upon. I rather it be a different way, one in which we have our feet upon their throats, but our brainless voters have declared they rather elect someone based solely upon skin color and the number of handouts they'll dispense versus someone who actually loves this country and works to protect it and see every legal citizen excel in their pursuits. They rather have handouts than liberty; entitlements than safety; a free cell phone than opportunity to be self sufficient and have the ability to reach for the dreams they'd signed over for a welfare check. Pitiful!
Lar Of Galen On The Pledge Of Allegiance: What, you and yours don’t do it in Hindi? I can recite the pledge in Spanish, but will do so ONLY for the purpose of demonstrating my limited linguistic skills.
I think it is ironic when people from Mexico, Central America, and South America are proud of speaking Spanish. It was the language of their conquerors. It would be like someone of Choctaw/Cherokee (or India-Indian) heritage being proud of speaking English. I often blame my French ancestors, but the reason I speak English is because it is the language of America’s founders, and I am American above all else (well, next to Texian).
Lar Of Galen: Remember the mantra “Bush Lied, Troops Died”? People criticized W for sending troops into Iraq in 2003, saying that we had no business going there because Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11/01. Bush tried to generate popular support by saying the attack was necessary because Saddam Hussein was developing weapons of mass destruction, and in particular was trying to develop a nuke. When “no” weapons were found, the Demoncrats, media (but I repeat myself), and libtard idiots everywhere (again, I repeat myself) began the chants. They said W put troops in harm’s way just because Sodamn tried to have his daddy killed (as if plotting the assassination of a US president wasn’t reason enough to go to war against a country).
Well, in the first place – as I’ve said many times before – we have declared war against terrorism. ALL of the supporters of Islamic terrorism should have been immediately taken out – Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, etc. Beyond that, we know that Saddam assisted in training Al Qaida. Collin Powell showed pictures of their training camp, including an airliner fuselage with the roof cut off so trainers could observe and critique the movements and actions of men learning how to take over an airplane. General Powell also showed pictures of a mobile chemical lab, in which agents could be produced and dispersed. We know Saddam had chemical agents because he used them – against the Iranians during their 10-year-long war, and against the Kurds in northern Iraq after “Desert Storm”. Our troops also found warehouses full of 55-gallon drums of chemical agents in 2003, but this was ignored by the media because they were marked “For Agricultural Use”. British Intelligence (MI-6) told us that Saddam was trying desperately to obtain “yellow cake” uranium from the former-Soviet Union, but everyone listened to the deniers instead. Eventually, W himself said “Our intelligence was faulty.”
Guess what? In Chapter 3 of Lone Survivor, Marcus Luttrell relates how his team was sent into the desert in August of 2003 to look for signs of WMDs. They found whole jet fighters and other items buried in the sand. We knew that the Iraqis had four centrifuges mounted on huge trucks, keeping them mobile so they couldn’t be pinpointed for bombing. The sole purpose of these centrifuges was to convert convert Uranium 238 into U 235, which is only good for use as a nuclear warhead. They found the trucks buried out there, but they had been stripped of all equipment. [POP QUIZ: Question 1.Why would Saddam Hussein have centrifuges if he didn’t have a nuclear weapons program? Question 2. Where did these centrifuges go? Could it be . . . . . Iraq?] They also found the Al Qaida training camp, which other SEAL teams confirmed was an exact replica of the camp they destroyed in Afghanistan in 2001.
One last thought: Hitler didn’t have anything to do with the bombing of Pearl Harbor, but we still declared war on Germany. But what difference, at this point, does it make?
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