LAR O' GALEN...In the current lesson in our “Life Of Christ” series, our pastor related how Christ ripped the Pharisees a new one for their hypocrisy. Hypocrites always say one thing in public, but reveal their true selves when they think no outsider will hear what they say (“whispered in the ear in the inner rooms” Luke 12:1). The Pharisees were infamous for piling one “interpreted” regulation after another onto the Mosaic Law, making it confusing, contradictory, and impossible for anyone to keep “The Law”. They levied high penalties for infractions (which were inevitable) ..... BUT exempted themselves, always parsing and creating loopholes only they could slip thru. Why does that sound so familiar?
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has taken a lot of heat from the media for his remark that he's not sure if President Obama really loves America. I don't know if that's true or not, but I do know that the president defends Islam and chastises Christians, rebukes our allies and befriends our enemies, and fully supports gay marriages and abortion but denies the religious freedoms of those who don't agree. Our nation is ridiculed abroad and morally crumbling within. We are in trouble. We have turned our back on God...Franklin Graham
An Israeli doctor says: "In Israel, medicine is so advanced that we can cut off a man's testicles, put them on another man, and in 6 weeks, he is looking for work. The German doctor says: "That's nothing, in Germany we take part of abrain, put it in another man, and in 4 weeks he is looking for work." The Russian doctor says: "Gentlemen, we take half a heart from a man, put it in another's chest, and in 2 weeks he is looking for work." The American doctor laughs: "You all are behind us. Six years ago, we took a Muslim with no brains, no heart and no balls and made him President. Now, the whole country is looking for work!"
(This joke actually won an award for the best joke in the world
competition held in Britain!)

competition held in Britain!)
FOR YOUR USE, MR. PRESIDENT: A Sense of Perspective on Islam
Written by Rob Morse on February 20, 2015
By all means, Mr. President, let’s keep a sense of perspective on the actions of Islam.
– Muslims destroyed the World Trade Towers killing 2900 people.
– A Muslim attacked soldiers in Fort Hood and murdering 32 people.
– Boko Haram, which means “western education is forbidden”, killed 1500 Christians in 2014.
– Muslims bombed a girls’ school in Pakistan and killed 141 students in December of 2014.
– There were over four thousand rocket attacks and mortar attacks against Israel in 2014.
– Muslims murdered twelve people during an attack against a humor/satire magazine in Paris last month.
– Muslims shot and killed 67 shoppers in a Nairobi mall in 2014, and 164 in Mumbai hotels in 2008.
– The Islamic State sold children as sex slaves late in 2014. They published a price list.
– A Muslim attacked soldiers in Fort Hood and murdering 32 people.
– Boko Haram, which means “western education is forbidden”, killed 1500 Christians in 2014.
– Muslims bombed a girls’ school in Pakistan and killed 141 students in December of 2014.
– There were over four thousand rocket attacks and mortar attacks against Israel in 2014.
– Muslims murdered twelve people during an attack against a humor/satire magazine in Paris last month.
– Muslims shot and killed 67 shoppers in a Nairobi mall in 2014, and 164 in Mumbai hotels in 2008.
– The Islamic State sold children as sex slaves late in 2014. They published a price list.
How many Muslims have Christians murdered? I’ll make it easy for you and let you count the attacks by Christians in the last 10 years. … There were riots between Christians and Muslims in Africa last year. How many Christians asked for recruits to sell Muslims into sexual slavery?
Did you notice a difference between the violence of Christians and Muslims? President Obama couldn’t see the difference. His blindness is dangerous.
Did you notice the difference between Christians and Muslims selling young girls into slavery? American feminists can’t see the difference either.
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