No, this isn’t about Halloween. It’s about radical Muslims. Everytime a jihadist attacks someone in the west, there is a concerted effort by the media to deny that it is an act of terrorism. When they do admit that it is terrorism, they do their best to insulate the Islamic religion, saying this person was a Lone Wolf, not a true representative of the religion of peace. They then like to imply that it is our fault they became radicalized. A lengthy Canadian article about the Ontario Parliament shooter devotes most of its time recounting the poor, downtrodden man’s lengthy struggle against cocaine addiction. He became susceptible to radicalization only because society failed him. But what about the man in New York that attacked the cops with a hatchet? He was a college graduate, and had been hired to teach college. He wasn’t some homeless vuhnuble (that’s “vulnerable” – underprivileged – in Sheila Jackson Lee speech). We have even had privileged high school girls wanting to go join ISIS. In discussing this situation during his early segment, Rush Limbaugh asked “Who is radicalizing our young people?”

The answer is the school system and entire entertainment and “information” industries, all of which have been taken over by radical liberalism. There have always been liberals, progressives, socialists in our society. But they have become The System since the 1960s. Anyone under the age of 50 has been constantly inundated with propaganda from virtually all quarters their entire lives. They have been constantly told that America is horrible, cruel, racist, and the primary source of evil in this world. And the majority of people today don’t know enough about current events, much less history, to question or refute this drumbeat. I can’t recall a personal experience of official socialist propaganda until I got to college, but Deborah experienced high school teachers attacking and ridiculing religious/conservative students in the classroom – when their discourse hadnothing to do with the subject they were supposed to be teaching. And she graduated in 1972 -- just 2 years behind me. I remember an incident in 1996. I was telling another adult that I intended to vote for Bob Dole, and an 11-year-old who was overhearing this conversation suddenly interjected “BOB DOLE IS A RACIST!” I was so shocked that I couldn’t help but respond “WHERE IN THE WORLD DID YOU GET THAT IDEA?!” I didn’t get any answer except a pout, but you know it came from school.
This situation reminds me – like most historical lessons – of World War II. Towards the end of the war, the Nazis launched “Case Werwolf” (Operation Werewolf). Young men (mostly boys, actually) were trained to commit acts of sabotage, assassination, and terrorism -- which was designed to drive the occupying forces out and allow the Nazis to eventually return to power. They were able to find a considerable number of willing recruits, despite the fact that Germany had been thoroughly devastated. The Boy Scouts and other youth organizations had been banned in favor of the Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth), so by 1945 you couldn’t find a person in their teens who had any memory of anything but Nazi propaganda. And they didn’t have the internet. So, when you hear assurances that the latest attack was an isolated incidence, not confirmed to be linked toradical Islam (despite ISI claims they have fighters everywhere who are taking the fight to the West in their own homes), you should think . . . .
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