To Lar of Galen: If the immigration system is broken and “reform” is SO important, why didn’t BO take action back in 2009 when the Demoncrats controlled both the Executive and Legislative branches? Why did he wait not only until after his re-election but, after the recent mid-terms to act?
Answer by Lar of Galen: He knew how unpopular it was and didn’t want to screw up the Dems chances. But, now that they’re all lame ducks, why not?? He has nothing to lose. And it’s not like the Repubicans are going to do anything except fuss and fume. It’s just like Obamacare. It was/is hugely unpopular, but the system was “broken” and had to be “reformed” RIGHT NOW!! It passed in 2010 (without a single Repubican vote) but, the initial provisions didn’t start kicking in until 2013, after his re-election. And the major provisions kept being delayed until (all together now) after the mid-terms. The economy, government restrictions and taxes will all get much worse now. There’s no need for any pretense at this point. Unfortunately, it may be too late for the majority of Americans to wake up and realize that the water is boiling. IF we have a chance of saving the nation, it will take 15 – 20 years to undo the damage that has been done.
Lar of Galen on Immigration: And since it is in vogue to be offended by other people’s words not complying with your own unique definition, I am offended that we keep referring to invaders from foreign countries as “immigrants”. Some of my ancestors were immigrants and they came here legally and melded into the American culture. They didn’t sneak in with a half dozen or more relatives, have children, then cry about not getting enough freebies paid for by the tax payers and demand that we assimilate to their culture.
Lar of Galen on race issues: This “pastor” (Dyson) tries to equate police killing a criminal in self defense to blacks murdering each other. He and his fellow race-baiters push the idea that cops (white cops in particular) are out there every day gunning down young men just for being black. I can’t remember the actual statistics but, the police in the U.S. are called to thousands of crime scenes every day, and rarely do they pull their guns. And only a fraction of a percent of the time do they shoot anyone. I think it’s about 20 times a year that police have to use deadly force. The fact that around 70% of crimes are committed by blacks makes it inevitable that the majority of the bad guys killed by police are black. And since most police forces are about 50% white, it is most likely that the “offending” officer is white. So, a few times a year, a white cop shoots and kills a black thug somewhere in the US. Over 99% of these fatalities are completely justified and necessary for the officer’s and society’s safety. Still, they are by far the exception and, are as much an “epidemic of racial bigotry” as the Republicans are waging war on women. If a black officer kills a black thug, there might be some cries of police brutality. But, if a black kills a white – whether police are involved in the situation or not – it hardly ever is reported in the news. And if it does make the news, the race angle is almost never mentioned. The Negro family was destroyed by LBJ’s “Great Society” which told blacks they were all victims and eliminated any need for them to be responsible for their own actions. In a short time, the illegitimacy rate for blacks rose to 73% and it has remained close to that mark ever since. Without a working father and stay-at-home mother, black children are no longer raised, just produced in large numbers then fed and clothed – usually at the tax-payers expense. Generation after generation have been convinced of their victimhood and believe they are “owed”. I think this entire nation is going to have to wander in the desert for at least 40 years before we have a chance to get ourselves straight. BTW: Dyson told Giuliani “Your attitude just makes the problem worse” because Giuliani dared to cite facts.
Lar of Galen on race issues: This “pastor” (Dyson) tries to equate police killing a criminal in self defense to blacks murdering each other. He and his fellow race-baiters push the idea that cops (white cops in particular) are out there every day gunning down young men just for being black. I can’t remember the actual statistics but, the police in the U.S. are called to thousands of crime scenes every day, and rarely do they pull their guns. And only a fraction of a percent of the time do they shoot anyone. I think it’s about 20 times a year that police have to use deadly force. The fact that around 70% of crimes are committed by blacks makes it inevitable that the majority of the bad guys killed by police are black. And since most police forces are about 50% white, it is most likely that the “offending” officer is white. So, a few times a year, a white cop shoots and kills a black thug somewhere in the US. Over 99% of these fatalities are completely justified and necessary for the officer’s and society’s safety. Still, they are by far the exception and, are as much an “epidemic of racial bigotry” as the Republicans are waging war on women. If a black officer kills a black thug, there might be some cries of police brutality. But, if a black kills a white – whether police are involved in the situation or not – it hardly ever is reported in the news. And if it does make the news, the race angle is almost never mentioned. The Negro family was destroyed by LBJ’s “Great Society” which told blacks they were all victims and eliminated any need for them to be responsible for their own actions. In a short time, the illegitimacy rate for blacks rose to 73% and it has remained close to that mark ever since. Without a working father and stay-at-home mother, black children are no longer raised, just produced in large numbers then fed and clothed – usually at the tax-payers expense. Generation after generation have been convinced of their victimhood and believe they are “owed”. I think this entire nation is going to have to wander in the desert for at least 40 years before we have a chance to get ourselves straight. BTW: Dyson told Giuliani “Your attitude just makes the problem worse” because Giuliani dared to cite facts.
We’ve heard from Michael Brown’s mother, Michael Brown’s father, his stepfather, every race-baiter and hosts of POSTs on the street about the “injustice” of a white cop “getting away with” shooting an unarmed (6’4” 290 lb.) teenager (who was about to beat him unconscious and maybe to death). How come we’ve NEVER heard from the parents of Officer Wilson? What about his mother’s feelings knowing that her son was doing his job to protect the community and is being threatened for acting in self defense? Why isn’t she ever given a voice.
Listening to Rush, he pointed out that it is black businesses being destroyed in the “protests”. He also played a sound bite of a black female CNN reporter talking to Al Sharpton. She related that there were “all kinds of police, all kinds of uniforms, many in military-style equipment” outside the police station. But, when she went to the neighborhood where the Brown shooting occurred, she expected to see a massive police presence with checkpoints but, found NO police at all. And of course, that’s where most of the violence occurred. She asks Sharpton “Do you think the authorities allowed Ferguson to burn?” Al naturally jumped at the chance to confirm this hypothesis, all of which garnered strong vocal approval of the audience. Rush pointed out that if there had been a police presence there, the police would have been accused of provoking violence so they could exercise some more racially motivated brutality. Rush then stated that the reporterette then asked Sharpton if the Feds could still try Officer Wilson (ala’ Rodney King) and that really got Al and the crowd going. Sadly, a majority of blacks, being obamanites, do not care about facts. They only care about getting vengeance against The Man.