“A liberal paradise would be a place where everyone has a job, everyone is fed for free, everyone has a home for free, and only the police have guns. A place like this actually exists. It’s called prison.” -- Sheriff Joe Arpaio “Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves.” – Norm Franz, author of Money & Wealth in the New Millennium
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
This guy let me down in many ways...border security and the bail outs last Fall to name two but, he wasn't a socialist or a commie wannabe. His deficits look like pocket change compared to the bill the buffoon residing now at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and his boot lickers in Congress are piling up. We will miss him more and more as the basketball player in chief's years go by.
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