LAR OF GALEN...A month's paid vacation to mourn "black suppression"? Well, what about Irish oppression? The English still occupy Irish soil after almost 800 years, during which they starved millions of Irish to death after taking their land from them. Most of those who survived only did so by signing on as "indentured servants" (slaves with a contract) in order to come to America. And what about the Bohemians? They haven't had their own country for about 100 years. And how about the Choctaw and Cherokee? EVERYONE feels guilty about how Native Americans continue to be treated, right? And what about the Huguenots? Louis XIX had over 100,000 of these French Protestants slaughtered, 15,000 in Paris alone. Just think how much better my life would be if my French ancestors hadn't been forced to flee to England (Oh, wait. I might of grown up French instead of Texan. Okay, scratch that one. Sorry, French ancestors). Oh,but those poor blacks have suffered like NO other people have suffered in ALL of human history. I feel so sorry for them having to grow up in racist America. BLACK LIVES MATTER, even if they are robbing, looting, doping, or raping. Where's a black person I can kneel down before and wash their feet?
Did I mention that cops kill more whites than any other race? Or that blacks that are killed by police are mostly killed by black or hispanic officers? No, I didn't, because that would be RACIST!!!!! 

LAR OF GALEN...Yup, NYPD is a brutal, out of control, racist organization. Do you realize that in that little city of only 8.3 million, the police resorted to firing their guns at poor citizens just walking down the street, trying to have a better life 35 times in 2018??!!!?? And 5 of those turd -- uh -- vuhnable innocents DIED??!!?? OH MY GOD!!! How can we allow this injustice and butchery to go on??!!?? F THE POLICE!! Get rid of all cops now!!
LAR OF GALEN...Pelosi says she wants to remove old relics of a bygone era from the U.S. Capitol. Is she resigning?