Lar of Galen...Christians are tasked with sharing the gospel with all who are willing to hear it. We don't force them to take classes or "sensitivity training", and we sure as hell don't set up our own system of government and try to expand it across this country, much less countries in the middle east. But they have brought Islam from the other side of the globe, and their "goal is to make everyone Muslim". And they "must be very calculating in how (they) accomplish (their) goals".
“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.” ― Booker T. Washington, 1911
What Washington wrote more than 100 years ago applies to the NAACP in, umm... spades.
"A wise and frugal government ... shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government." —Thomas Jefferson (1801)