Lar of Galen....
Two stories Rush covered yesterday seemed significant to me.
First, while the Fake News Networks are busy debating whether Trump or Chelsea Clinton is most to blame for the massacre in New Zealand, you are hearing nothing about things that were hot topics a week ago. Anyone remember the scandals with the Governor and Lt. Gov of Virginia? The debate about infanticide? Is AOCD going to jail? New documentation released about the Collusion Conspiracy? Another thing not being mentioned is that Governor Rick DeSantis of Florida has a 65% approval rating. Why isn't that news? He's a Republican. If a Demoncrat governor had such a rating, it would be touted all day and night.
Secondly, on a related note, one of the big reveals from a new CNN poll is that "TRUMP'S DISAPPROVAL RATING SLIDES TO LOWEST LEVEL OF HIS PRESIDENCY". His rating has dropped 4 points since February . Wow, that's bad!! Right?!? Wait a minute, if his disapproval rating is dropping, it actually means his approval rating is rising. We're still talking 49% approval, but that is higher than either Bush or Clinton at this point in their presidencies. (Note that BO isn't even mentioned, because it was much lower, and you can't report negative stuff about The Savior) Gosh, you would almost think that CNN is trying to mislead people with the headline and opening of the story on the unexpected results of their own poll.
Lar of Galen...I thought the Constitution gave us a right to go live in any house in America we like, and the government would force the people already there to take care of me, my family and extended relatives -- to include free education -- for the rest of our lives. Oh, wait. That's only for people who snuck into the country from somewhere else. But I do have a right to free college, $1000 a month for life, and free medical care, right??!?