There are reasons why 0bama does not mention Islam and terrorists in the same sentence!!!
The following are a list of said reasons and why he saves his strongest words of condemnation for Americans.
• It was you who spoke these words at an Islamic dinner - "I am one of you."
• It was you who on ABC News referenced - "My Muslim faith ."
• It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.
• It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict -"I will stand with the Muslims ."
• It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that - "I am a Muslim ."
• It was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.
• It was you who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning Christianity and professing Marxism.
• It was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.
• It was you who purposefully omitted - "endowed by our Creator " - from your recitation of The Declaration Of Independence.
• It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ's Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the 'HOLY ' Qur'an.
• It was you who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America .
• It was you who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center.
• It was you who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the WH.
• It was you who ordered Georgetown Univ. and Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would agree to go there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested that the mosques you have visited adjust their decor.
• It was you who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to your Czar Corps.
• It was you who appointed rabid Islamists to Homeland Security.
• It was you who said that NASA's "foremost mission" was an outreach to Muslim communities.
• It was you who as an Illinois Senator was the ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide.
• It was you who was the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the WH, and went so far as to hang photos of Chairman Mao on the WH tree.
• It was you who curtailed the military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists.
• It was you who refused to condemn the Ft. Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.
• It is you who has refused to speak-out concerning the horrific executions of women throughout the Muslim culture, but yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical human-rights abuses.
• It was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead profusely praised Islam in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists assaults.
• It was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas.
• It was you who ordered the USPS to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new commemorative stamp.
• It was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach to help "empower" the British Muslim community.
• It was you who embraced the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood in your quest to overthrow the Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak.
• It was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in Grammar schools across our country.
• It is you who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.
• It is you who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT participating in seasonal WH religious events.
• It was you who was uncharacteristically quick to join the chorus of the Muslim Brotherhood to depose Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, formerly America's strongest ally in North Africa; but, remain muted in your non-response to the Brotherhood led slaughter of Egyptian Christians.
• It was you who on ABC News referenced - "My Muslim faith ."
• It was you who gave $100 million in U.S. taxpayer funds to re-build foreign mosques.
• It was you who wrote that in the event of a conflict -"I will stand with the Muslims ."
• It was you who assured the Egyptian Foreign Minister that - "I am a Muslim ."
• It was you who bowed in submission before the Saudi King.
• It was you who sat for 20 years in a Liberation Theology Church condemning Christianity and professing Marxism.
• It was you who exempted Muslims from penalties under Obamacare that the rest of us have to pay.
• It was you who purposefully omitted - "endowed by our Creator " - from your recitation of The Declaration Of Independence.
• It was you who mocked the Bible and Jesus Christ's Sermon On The Mount while repeatedly referring to the 'HOLY ' Qur'an.
• It was you who traveled the Islamic world denigrating the United States Of America .
• It was you who instantly threw the support of your administration behind the building of the Ground Zero Victory mosque overlooking the hallowed crater of the World Trade Center.
• It was you who refused to attend the National Prayer Breakfast, but hastened to host an Islamic prayer breakfast at the WH.
• It was you who ordered Georgetown Univ. and Notre Dame to shroud all vestiges of Jesus Christ BEFORE you would agree to go there to speak, but in contrast, you have NEVER requested that the mosques you have visited adjust their decor.
• It was you who appointed anti-Christian fanatics to your Czar Corps.
• It was you who appointed rabid Islamists to Homeland Security.
• It was you who said that NASA's "foremost mission" was an outreach to Muslim communities.
• It was you who as an Illinois Senator was the ONLY individual who would speak in favor of infanticide.
• It was you who was the first President not to give a Christmas Greeting from the WH, and went so far as to hang photos of Chairman Mao on the WH tree.
• It was you who curtailed the military tribunals of all Islamic terrorists.
• It was you who refused to condemn the Ft. Hood killer as an Islamic terrorist.
• It is you who has refused to speak-out concerning the horrific executions of women throughout the Muslim culture, but yet, have submitted Arizona to the UN for investigation of hypothetical human-rights abuses.
• It was you who when queried in India refused to acknowledge the true extent of radical global Jihadists, and instead profusely praised Islam in a country that is 82% Hindu and the victim of numerous Islamic terrorists assaults.
• It was you who funneled $900 Million in U.S. taxpayer dollars to Hamas.
• It was you who ordered the USPS to honor the MUSLIM holiday with a new commemorative stamp.
• It was you who directed our UK Embassy to conduct outreach to help "empower" the British Muslim community.
• It was you who embraced the fanatical Muslim Brotherhood in your quest to overthrow the Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak.
• It was you who funded mandatory Arabic language and culture studies in Grammar schools across our country.
• It is you who follows the Muslim custom of not wearing any form of jewelry during Ramadan.
• It is you who departs for Hawaii over the Christmas season so as to avoid past criticism for NOT participating in seasonal WH religious events.
• It was you who was uncharacteristically quick to join the chorus of the Muslim Brotherhood to depose Egypt's Hosni Mubarak, formerly America's strongest ally in North Africa; but, remain muted in your non-response to the Brotherhood led slaughter of Egyptian Christians.
• It was you who appointed your chief adviser, Valerie Jarrett, an Iranian , who is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood
I feel like I’m being waterboarded every time I go to the dentist. They tilt the chair so I’m upside-down and flood my mouth with water from the doctor’s hyrdo-pick so I feel like I have to swallow or drown. Granted I don’t have the water pouring thru a towel that smothers my whole face, but I just don’t see how a normal, intelligent person thinks that is too rough of treatment for someone who would gladly behead you or burn you alive. I do not for a nanosecond believe any of these self-righteous liberals would be against waterboarding and much, much worse if their lives were on the line. I mean, these same assholes want to disarm you but have armed bodyguards protecting them and their gated homes, and blame you for destroying the environment by driving your CRV yet tool around in Escalades on their way to jump onto their private jets. I never heard of anyone crying about us firebombing Tokyo. We just aren’t the same people as my parents’ generation and those before.

Superman V Batman? The movie with Israeli actress Gal Gadot as the Amazon Wonder Woman? No! It’s Moses V Pharaoh! The Haggadah with online Amazon as the sole distributor. Superman was created in 1938 by two Jews, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. To build a super hero they turned to Moses and Israel for inspiration. The secret truth about their creation is how very Jewish it is. Superman as a baby, like baby Moses, was saved from death by being lovingly placed in an ark by his mother and sent off to be found and raised by a foster mother. American Jews were routinely given a secret Jewish name and an “American” name. Siegel and Shuster gave their hero a secret Jewish name. They knew that many “Jewish” names ended in EL (Micha-el, Isra-el, Ezeki-el, Shmu-el, etc.) so the baby’s real name was Ka-El and his father was Jor-El. His American name was, of course, Clark Kent. Clark, like the Jews in Siegel and Shuster’s America, was the immigrant survivor of a lost, destroyed civilization. It would not be until ten years later, in 1948, that the incredible would happen. Siegel and Shuster’s “lost, destroyed civilization” would be reborn when the State of Israel would rise again in the ancient land of Israel. A great deal can be written about the Jewishness of Superman, the first super hero, but to read “the original” you’ve got to read and enjoy the Passover Haggadah. Get yours, while supplies last, at
I feel like I’m being waterboarded every time I go to the dentist. They tilt the chair so I’m upside-down and flood my mouth with water from the doctor’s hyrdo-pick so I feel like I have to swallow or drown. Granted I don’t have the water pouring thru a towel that smothers my whole face, but I just don’t see how a normal, intelligent person thinks that is too rough of treatment for someone who would gladly behead you or burn you alive. I do not for a nanosecond believe any of these self-righteous liberals would be against waterboarding and much, much worse if their lives were on the line. I mean, these same assholes want to disarm you but have armed bodyguards protecting them and their gated homes, and blame you for destroying the environment by driving your CRV yet tool around in Escalades on their way to jump onto their private jets. I never heard of anyone crying about us firebombing Tokyo. We just aren’t the same people as my parents’ generation and those before.
Superman and Moses
Superman V Batman? The movie with Israeli actress Gal Gadot as the Amazon Wonder Woman? No! It’s Moses V Pharaoh! The Haggadah with online Amazon as the sole distributor. Superman was created in 1938 by two Jews, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. To build a super hero they turned to Moses and Israel for inspiration. The secret truth about their creation is how very Jewish it is. Superman as a baby, like baby Moses, was saved from death by being lovingly placed in an ark by his mother and sent off to be found and raised by a foster mother. American Jews were routinely given a secret Jewish name and an “American” name. Siegel and Shuster gave their hero a secret Jewish name. They knew that many “Jewish” names ended in EL (Micha-el, Isra-el, Ezeki-el, Shmu-el, etc.) so the baby’s real name was Ka-El and his father was Jor-El. His American name was, of course, Clark Kent. Clark, like the Jews in Siegel and Shuster’s America, was the immigrant survivor of a lost, destroyed civilization. It would not be until ten years later, in 1948, that the incredible would happen. Siegel and Shuster’s “lost, destroyed civilization” would be reborn when the State of Israel would rise again in the ancient land of Israel. A great deal can be written about the Jewishness of Superman, the first super hero, but to read “the original” you’ve got to read and enjoy the Passover Haggadah. Get yours, while supplies last, at
In 5 Charts, How Obamacare Has Worked the Past 6 Years
President Barack Obama signs the Affordable Care Act into law on March 23, 2010. (Photo: Pete Marovich/ZUMA/Newscom)
Six years ago Wednesday, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law. Since then, Americans have seen their premiums increase, a dozen nonprofit insurers have closed their doors and the number of people on the Medicaid rolls has expanded.
Americans nationwide have both praised and cursed the law since the federal and state-run exchanges launched in October 2013.
Many credit the president with giving them access to coverage—the result of Obamacare’s provision prohibiting insurers from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions. Others, meanwhile, have reported high premiums and deductibles, with the cost of their coverage increasing annually.
And for some, the cost of premiums has increased enough to leave them choosing between paying for insurance or paying the fine and going without.
The Daily Signal is the multimedia news organization of The Heritage Foundation. We’ll respect your inbox and keep you informed.
Here are five graphs charting Obamacare’s six-year history.
1) The Cost of
Obamacare’s implementation in October 2013 came with the launch of, the federal health insurance exchange.
Just six people successfully signed up for health insurance on on Oct. 1, 2013, because of massive glitches and failures with the site. In the months that followed the disastrous launch, the Republican-led House of Representatives held numerous hearings to determine why the Obama administration decided to launch the website.
The Department of Health and Human Services fired CGI Federal, which was originally tasked with building, after the website’s launch and signed a new contract with Accenture to rebuild the exchange.
Though the Obama administration hasn’t formally said how much cost the taxpayers, Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell said last May that the website cost $834 million. Similarly, a report from the Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General put the cost of the exchange at $800 million.
An analysis by Bloomberg Government, though, put the total cost at $2.1 billion. Bloomberg Government took into account budgetary costs for the Internal Revenue Service and other government agencies, as well as contracts reworked to pay for the website.
2) Obamacare’s 2014 Enrollment Numbers
According to the Obama administration, 9.25 million consumers enrolled in coverage in 2014 on the federal and state-run exchanges. An analysis of enrollment figures conducted by Ed Haislmaier, a senior research fellow in health policy studies at The Heritage Foundation, and Drew Gonshorowski, a senior policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation, found that the majority of those enrollees qualified for Medicaid under Obamacare’s loosened eligibility requirements.
3) Obamacare’s Failed Co-Ops
The Affordable Care Act allowed for the creation of consumer-operated and oriented plans, or co-ops, that were intended to inject competition into areas where consumers had few choices. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services awarded $2.4 billion in start-up and solvency loans to the 23 co-ops that were eventually created.
Now, 12 of the 23 co-ops that opened their doors in 2013 have shuttered, and Republicans in Congress are questioning whether the taxpayers will see the $1.2 billion loaned to those failed insurers repaid.
4) Obamacare’s 2015 Enrollment Numbers
Earlier this month, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announcedthat nearly 8.8 million Americans had “effectuated” coverage at the end of 2015, meaning they were paying their health insurance premiums.
The agency praised this number as a sign of Obamacare’s success in expanding access to coverage.
However, health policy experts noted that there was a significant drop in the number of consumers who selected plans at the start of 2015—11.69 million—when compared to those who continued paying their premiums through the end of the year—8.78 million.
5) Insurer Participation in Each State Declined
Though Obama credited the Affordable Care Act with expanding access to health insurance and increasing competition among insurers, insurer participation in each state and the District of Columbia found that participation in the exchanges declined from 2015 to 2016.
When compared to 2015, 22 states and the District of Columbia have fewer insurers offering coverage on the exchanges in 2016. Just 10 states have more insurers offering coverage on Obamacare’s exchange.
Among the states that saw insurer participation decline from 2015 to 2016, the number of choices consumers have on the state-run or federal exchanges varies.
In Alaska, for example, just one insurance company is selling insurance to consumers in the state for 2016.
In Colorado, though, consumers can choose from eight different insurers selling coverage on the exchange this year. Both states saw fewer insurance companies selling coverage from 2015 to 2016.