What Do You Think?
Would the government of the United States purposely put its own citizens at risk?
I know these things from his own words: BO hates America. He believes this nation was founded in racism and prospered almost solely through exploiting indigenous peoples all over the world, especially Africa. He wants to turn the United States and the rest of the world into a socialist paradise. To accomplish this, America must be brought down to the level of a Third World shit hole. Only when we reap what we have sown will America see the light and join the rest of humanity in an open, equal society.
To achieve his goals, BO is doing his best to transfer wealth from individuals and the nation as a whole to those we have abused and caused to suffer. But, as stated above, the whole fabric of America must be fundamentally transformed. We need disasters. We need for America to be utterly overwhelmed. He has thoroughly undermined the military by cutting it in size and strength; cutting funding to retard technological advancement and the ability to function; withdrawing forces from regions where they are sorely needed and placing them in harms way by sending them into areas where they have no business on missions that actually harm the interests of the United States.
But, his crown jewel is the open borders. Through acts overt and of omission, BO has opened our homes to invasion. His policies ensure a steady flow of people who are foreign not only in the sense of their geographic origins but, in their thinking. Our ancestors (most of them) came from Europe and other regions because of freedom and the opportunities to prosper that is inherent to freedom. These people today are coming to get. They are used to socialist dictatorships and expect Uncle Sugar to be a kinder, gentler uberparent who gives them everything their heart desires without asking anything of them and definitely, without abusing them like their own corrupt governments do. When these people are granted amnesty, they will vote for the permanent enslavement of all.
But, the process is taking too long. This was all supposed to happen during the first term. Obama Care, higher taxes, open borders and the adoring support of the vast majority was supposed to sweep in CHANGE!! It’s been a rough road though; some potholes have been hit. And BO’s foreign policies were supposed to get the majority of the rest of the world in line but, that hasn’t gone as planned either. BO helped overthrow the secular governments of much of the Arab world but, the radicals haven’t gotten with the program. At least he’s been able to isolate Israel.
But, here comes a new disaster he can use: Ebola. We know that the Obamanation Administration has done everything it could to ensure that the disease was able to come here. But, I don’t think it is just an accident that there has been so much confusion and contradiction about “proper protocol” within the medical community. From all accounts (other than from the CDC itself), Nina Pham was extremely competent and followed the CDC guidelines given to the hospital. And, it is unconscionable to believe that Amber Vincent would actually travel across multiple states to visit family (placing them in danger), if she didn’t feel confident that the procedures they followed in dealing with the Liberian Liar protected her. And, when she heard that Pham was infected, she called the CDC to ensure it was okay for her to fly back and was given the okay.
Would the government of the United States actually put Americans at risk?? Every revolution has casualties. Local radio host Michael Berry has opined that the sh*t will really and truly hit the fan when the first case of Ebola is discovered in Mexico. The flood of illegals we have been experiencing will become a tidal wave. Think about that. What effect would it have on our economy and infrastructure? Even if BO went against his own policies and ordered the borders to be sealed, our weakened military wouldn’t be able to handle it. Then, you have to think back to the words of Senator Obama: “To meet our security needs, we need a civilian organization just as strong, just as well equipped and just as well funded as the military.” Instead of the SS, we’d have FEMA. Why else are civilian police agencies, with no history or experience in dealing with riots and crowd control, be buying automatic weapons and assault vehicles (MRAPs)? Why is the IRS and agencies like National Oceanic Agency buying automatic weapons and massive amounts of ammo (which has the side effect of denying it to civilians)? Yeah, this is all conjecture and right-wing-nut conspiracy theory today but, what about tomorrow? I guarantee no German in 1932 would have believed what their country would be like in 1936, much less 1945.