Hey Buddy
How are you and the family ? All's ok here in the mountains of America...still wish I was in Afghanistan though.....I sure loved what I was doing and the resulting effect it had on our war fighters. Nice to be here with my family, but the more I'm around these so called American's running around here with their hands out and mouths open..it makes my blood boil. There are far to many humans alive wandering this earth with not a clue as their responsibilities as a society and to that society, sad thing is they just don't care as long as someone else pays their bills. That's what happens to criminals families when they get locked up we pay for them to survive and for the ignorant one in jail to survive...same for illegals, they start costing American wage earners as soon as they walk accross the border. Seems to me we as a Nation should give the same respect we receive from other countries, lock them up, no food, no electricity, no water...I mean if they brought all these things with them in their backpacks, more power to them. But most bring drugs, bad attitudes, criminal behavior, so why do we, as a Nation, cater to these criminals ???
When most people in a free country are immigrants or come from immigrant elders, it's hard to rock the boat...speaking from my heart. So this is the door that is being utilized by corrupt politicians, and so called leaders of the free world to acheive, sustain, and abuse powers granted them by those that placed their trust with these so called trustworthy individuals. "Truth" being an abstraction, can only be harmful if , after exiting the mouth of a politician, is believed....(this should be the disclaimer shown before any politician speaks)...
True Americans are sacrificing their lives every hour for the sake of a better future for all, not just the American way of life, for all. Liberty was not given, it is earned, Honor is not a trait, it is a characteristic of ones self, Loyalty to ones country is not to be traded as currency, it is felt to the core of ones being....Faith is the only GOD given characteristic we all should recognize...in any color, language, or word.....sad thing this human tragedy we live, sad thing at that...GOD BL

“A liberal paradise would be a place where everyone has a job, everyone is fed for free, everyone has a home for free, and only the police have guns. A place like this actually exists. It’s called prison.” -- Sheriff Joe Arpaio “Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves.” – Norm Franz, author of Money & Wealth in the New Millennium
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Had you been reading The Wall Street Journal in autumn '71," Frank Byrd, director of research at Fielder Research & Management, reminded the Grant's conference-goers, "there would have been almost no clue that inflation was at hand... "But suddenly, within 18 months, a tremendous inflation emerged," Byrd went on. "In response, the Fed tightened aggressively--hiking [the] fed funds [rate] from 4% to 10% within a year and a half. But it was too late. Huge imbalances had been building behind a wall of price and capital controls. When the dam finally broke, the Fed's sand castles were no match for the crushing wave of inflation. CPI tripled from 4% to 12% within two years." Not only could it happen again, it is happening at this very moment.- Jim Grant, Grant's Interest Rate Observer
Takes money from investors with the promise that the money will be invested and made available to them later. Instead of investing the money Madoff spends it on nice homes in theHamptons and yachts.. When the time comes to pay the investors back Madoff simply uses some of the new funds from newer investors to pay back the older investors. When Madoff's scheme is discovered all hell breaks loose. New investors won't give him any more cash. Bernie Madoff is in jail.
Takes money from wage earners with the promise that the money will be invested in a "Trust Fund" and made available later. Instead of depositing money in a Trust Fund the politicians use it for general spending and vote buying. When benefits for older investors become due the politicians pay them with money taken from younger and newer wage earners to pay the geezers. When Social Security runs out of money they simply force the taxpayers to send them some more. Politicians remain in Washington.
Monday, October 25, 2010
"Shovel Ready"...Yeah, Right...Joe Wilson Was Right...He LIED!!!!
With the Ilegal One's "vision for space", you better learn to open it yourself...
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NPR and The View...Liberal tolerance at their best |
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Numbers That Matter
Carol Platt Liebau
As the election draws ever nearer, let's keep our eye on the ball. Polls are interesting, exciting and often predictive, but these are the numbers that matter most to regular Americans:
President Obama and the Democrats enacted $352 billion in net tax hikes.
The national unemployment rate Is 9.6%.
The real unemployment rate -- including those forced to work part-time because they can't find full-time work iIs 17.1%.
Since the stimulus was passed, the US has lost 2.6 million jobs.
January 1st will bring the biggest tax increase in history, including higher death taxes and higher taxes on personal income, marriage and family, and savers and investors. Capital gains will rise from 15% to 20%; taxes on dividends will rise from 15% to 39.6% next year and even higher thereafter.
Nancy Pelosi -- a multimillionaire in her own right -- and her family took 85 trips in military aircraft between March of '09 and June of '10, at a cost of more than $2 million taxpayer dollars. Over $100,000 of that total was spent on in-flight food and alcohol -- again, courtesy of the taxpayers.
These numbers matter. We're living them, so learn them and repeat them often in the next few weeks.
When bad ideas have nowhere to go, they gravitate to American universities and become courses. -- Oscar Wilde
As the election draws ever nearer, let's keep our eye on the ball. Polls are interesting, exciting and often predictive, but these are the numbers that matter most to regular Americans:
President Obama and the Democrats enacted $352 billion in net tax hikes.
The national unemployment rate Is 9.6%.
The real unemployment rate -- including those forced to work part-time because they can't find full-time work iIs 17.1%.
Since the stimulus was passed, the US has lost 2.6 million jobs.
January 1st will bring the biggest tax increase in history, including higher death taxes and higher taxes on personal income, marriage and family, and savers and investors. Capital gains will rise from 15% to 20%; taxes on dividends will rise from 15% to 39.6% next year and even higher thereafter.
Nancy Pelosi -- a multimillionaire in her own right -- and her family took 85 trips in military aircraft between March of '09 and June of '10, at a cost of more than $2 million taxpayer dollars. Over $100,000 of that total was spent on in-flight food and alcohol -- again, courtesy of the taxpayers.
These numbers matter. We're living them, so learn them and repeat them often in the next few weeks.
When bad ideas have nowhere to go, they gravitate to American universities and become courses. -- Oscar Wilde
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
A Lesson in Liberal Finance
The current mindset dominating most businesses is one of safety and frugality. This stems from uncertainties about the impact of new healthcare programs and taxes, as well as low confidence in the ability of the U.S. Administration and Congress to create a better environment for sustainable economic growth.--ChangeWave Investing

A Lesson in Liberal Finance
D.L. Hammack
Last week I had the opportunity to speak with a small businessman who devised a simple lesson in the liberal thought process as it relates to redistribution of wealth.
This entrepreneur has a very small company and hires seasonal help as his work load increases. During the summer, he hired an energetic 21-year old. This lad was a good worker and always showed up on time. One morning the worker had to meet his employer at the job site, so he drove his own car. There, on the back bumper was an Obama/Biden bumper sticker from the 2008 election.
Later that afternoon, the conversation turned to politics and the boss asked his temporary employee why he supported Obama.
"I just think that there are too many people with too much money" he said. He went on to detail how the Obama mantra of redistribution was good for poor people. The boss then asked him "Who gets to decide when you've made enough money and where that money should go?" The employee responded with a shrug and said "the government." After two hours of back and forth, the boss gave up trying to educate the employee and opted for another form of teaching.
The Friday of that same week, the boss handed his employee a paycheck. Anxious to see and spend his first paycheck, the employee opened the envelope. His smile quickly turned to a saddened frown. He quietly walked over to the boss. "Sir, I thought that you said I would be making $10 an hour, right?"
"Yup" came the reply. "You're getting $10 per hour."
"But I worked 30 hours this week and my paycheck isn't anywhere near $300"
"Yup, you did work 30 hours. Your gross would've been $300, but I figured that you live at home with your parents, so you don't need rent money. Your mom has a garden, so you don't need food money. When you're working, we drive in the work van, so you don't need any gas money. You got me to thinking this week about the Obama plan to redistribute wealth. I thought I would put it to work here in my little business. I took your advice and took some of those earnings that you don't need. I'm going to find a family whose dad has decided that he doesn't want to work and he needs money for cigarettes. Basically, I'll find someone who needs it more than you do."
The employee stood there shell-shocked for a full minute. The boss gently grabbed the paycheck from the employee and tore it up. "Here's your real check" he said as he extended his hand with another envelope. "You might want to rethink this whole idea of taking money from working people and giving it to others. Whether it's taken out in taxes or taken directly from you, the bottom line is that it is taken from you. Whether it's taken by the government or taken by force at the end of a gun barrel...should they not both be considered theft?"
Why is it that they don't teach this in school?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'" - George Orwell, 1984, Book 1, Chapter 3 (And the Regime 2009-????)

For all those who continue to doubt the statistically questionable methods of our Labor Department, as well as for all others who mock those who doubt the veracity out of anything coming out of the BLS, the following chart should provide much needed closure. The top section of the chart below demonstrates weekly prior revisions in initial claims for all of 2010. Readers may be surprised to discover that beginning in April, of 2010, continuing through today, there have been 22 out of 23 consecutive upward prior weekly revisions! In other words, the BLS has a definitive mandate to underrepresent the "current" weekly data and to allow it to catch up with reality once it has become "prior", and thus no longer market moving, when in reality should the BLS present true data it would have likely missed estimates on more than half the occasions it has "beaten" and caused ridiculous market spikes like the one experienced earlier. Furthermore, combining all individual weekly data, demonstrates that the BLS has underrepresented initial claims by roughly 80,000 year to date. The chart pretty much leaves no room for doubt as to the BLS "trans-statistical" approach to quantifying data. As for the lower chart, it shows the same thing but with continuing claims, which have been revised upward pretty much consecutively for the entire year.
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